The Unsorted Section

Elliot Briar

| '54 Grad | Ollivander's Asst. |
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Demi (Alice)
10 1/2 Inch Alder Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
6/2036 (27)
I've always been mildly curious why the Unsorted Section is hidden from non-unsorted accounts. Not for the first time today I was surprised/sad to see some newer accounts had been RPing in there and I hadn't noticed it cause I was on other accounts. Not to mention you lose access to it for things like bios or just to read back once your character is sorted.

Would be possible to perhaps unhide that forum from other user subgroups? Even if we can't post in it. I don't know if there's a reason it's hidden (spam maybe? Or possibly posting permissions?), but I know I at least would use it more if I could see it on other accounts.
Hey Kris,

We are hesitant to expand viewing permissions for the Unsorted area. Primarily the unsorted forum has been an area for new people or new characters to RP freely without having to give a second thought to locations, and to be outwith the general forum which might be overwhelming.

New people are able to get to grips with what RPing is, as well as having some of that initial first RP pressure taken off, since a lot of people won't see it and the anxiety of people reading your first RP would lessen. It's also why the area links to guideance and has advice and an archival process, so people can learn about RPing. It should also be noted that the area is not particularly active, people do not use as they once did, so there's less reason there to have it be visible. We don't believe it being more visible would encourage older members to RP in it.

We'll spend some time internally weighing up the pros and cons of allowing people to see such an area on non-unsorted accounts, but would just suggest for now that it's a place that you can look at with an unsorted future school character and even just with that character subscribe to the forum so you get notified if something new appears.

Thanks for considering it, Emzies. I understand the idea of keeping it hidden regarding the pressure of the rest of the site (a personal issue for me when I started too!), I just think it's a shame you can lose access to those threads once your character is sorted or fear new people getting put off cause they post there and no one else joins the thread cause a lot of site users don't know it's there.

Appreciate you getting back to me though, definitely somethings I didn't consider there.

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