Open The Unknown

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Gregory Friend

an unlucky friend shaped person
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
too young to care
Straight 12 Inch Unyielding Larch Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
01/2046 (16)
Gregory hadn't been sure about roses, but he had ended up getting a couple. People whom he hadn't thought would bother had sent him roses. Gregory tended to be quite negative about things, but it had been nice. Perhaps he wasn't as alone as he always felt, or as alone as he always made himself be. There was that little shred of hope. Perhaps the friendship with Snow was completely over and he still had to worry about Cassius, but maybe things weren't as bad. he'd come to the dance, and was still lingering away but trying to not want to immediately leave.
Zerrin remembered the last ball too easily, and had determined that he'd bother Fraser after the dances and spend his time trying to bother Gregory if he could catch him alone. Turns out, that plan was a solid one. He smiled and hurried over to his friend, hopping up next to him energetically. "Hey!" He greeted with a bright smile. "Happy Valentines!"
Gregory knew that the last dance, and the last conversation he'd had with Zerrin hadn't really gone well, and the unfair part of his mind just told him that this was Zerrin just pretending to be a better friend, given what their last discussion had been. "Hey," he said, trying to smile, but failing. "Happy valen.." the word wasn't finished, he trailed off, and waved his hand vaguely as if that was the end of the word. "Good day?"
Zerrin fell in with Gregory, smiling easily. "It is now, yeah." He agreed. "Wanna go grab some snacks? Or do you wanna dance? We could do both, though maybe not snacks while we're dancing. I'd spill for sure if I tried to," He laughed, trying to bump his elbow lightly against Gregorys.
Gregory shook his head, he absolutely didn't want to dance. He wasn't sure he wanted to approach the snacks either. Especially when he noticed who else was at the snacks. "Oh no, I kinda just wanna stay here, out the way," he said. "it's too loud over there," he lied.
Zerrin nodded easily, looking around. "Oh, alright, well there's a table here in the corner, want to sit down then?" He asked. "We can just sit and hang out instead?"
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