The Two Eyes Set Up Together

Hamza Khalid

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Hamza [Main]
Holly/Ebony Wand 12 1/2" with an Essence of Griffin Feather core

Hamza was pretty eager to get back into the groove of things again. After being away
on a huge family vacation this past break, Hamza had gotten himself off track from the
usual routines he use to have on a daily basis. Physically he was fit and ready to do
anything, but mentally, he was trying to prepare himself for the better and the worse,
because he knew both were bound to happen to him eventually. His sister Iman was
happy to be back at school, but he believed that he missed Hogwarts more than his
younger sister Iman. Today, Hamza was wanting to visit his old favorite spot, the spot
which has brought his lots of joy, and some sadness, but overall, this was his favorite
spot, the Lake front. Just sitting in front of the lake, enjoy the cool breeze that slowly
hits your face, taking out the bit of stress one punch at a time, and feeling so relaxed
that Hamza made this his favorite spot after breaking up with his ex girlfriend Maria.
He did not even want to begin thinking about his past. He was already stressed enough
as it was because of his many expectations his parents always put on him for being
the only son in the family, it was just a big load to carry with him all the time, every
where he went. Hamza did not even get to enjoy the vacation as much as he had liked
to because he was too busy listening to his parent's orders to take care of his sisters
while they were having fin with their own friends. This really ticked off Hamza because
it was supposed to be a vacation well worthy of enjoying. Due to all of the hard effort
that Hamza had put into his second year at Hogwarts, he had made his parents very
proud, but it seemed that his so called 'responsibilities' got in the way of everything
once again. Hamza just wanted to let everything go, take it easy, kick back and relax
for the time he had at Hogwarts. Before long, Hamza will be graduating from Hogwarts,
but that's too far into the future, he just wanted to enjoy the cool breeze and the freedom.

The day was cool enough as Sureya left the library and pulling her robe about her decided a
breath of fresh air was called for. Walking through the corridors and down the stairs she made her
way out the large front doors, by passing students that milled about. Deirdre happened to be
one of them and had sneered as the young veela had appeared, instantly
going into detail about the rating level of magical creatures. Sureya ducked her head instantly
and knew she would never forgive the Care of Magical Creatures professor for bringing her 'kind'
into the class room as a topic. She was now categorised by her class mates as a magical
creature and others spent their time discussing what type of rating she must have. The boys
though ready to fawn over her still managed to get themselves involved in the loathesome
discussions, dreamily adding how she was a perfect ten out of ten.

Comments like these only incensed the girls they were with further and Sureya felt herself bristle
with the more damning comments that were laid at her head. Ignoring Deirdre and her entourage,
Sureya headed to the great lawn and hoped there was no one there that she knew though this
was not to be the case. The sun was out to day and though the temperature itself was relatively
cool, the sight of the golden sun high in the sky led everyone out of doors to enjoy it. Her feet
hastily took her past groups of boys who smiled wonderingly at her, calling out to her to see if
she needed assistance with anything. She hurried on, her feet directing her to the lakefront.
Briefly she wondered if dousing herself head to toe in water would help her but she highly doubted
it. It was then she saw Hamza and biting her lower lip wondered if he would mind her company for
even a short while. He had never let on that he was transfixed by her veelaness the way others were
and sitting in that sort of company was definitely welcome about now. Inching closer she smiled at him,
arms gathered about her small waist.
"Hello Hamza ... care for some company?"

There wasn't a time when Hamza wished that he was not part of the Khalid
family. There were just too many responsibilities on his shoulder. For a 13
year old kid, he sure had a lot of load to carry. His older sister was given
a lot more freedom than he was. She attended Durmstrang, and Hamza
had asked his parents if he could transfer to Durmstrang and attend school
there, but his parents right away denied and said for him to stay at Hogwarts
until he graduates. He just wished that sometimes, he would like his parents
to tell him what they are planning for him. It was his life, his future, so he
had some rights to his life, instead of it being controlled by someone else.
Taking a deep breath and letting out a big sigh, Hamza just wanted to clear
his mind, and put his mind to better use on something else that would benefit
him. For now, he just had his classes to take care of, and if he did not, his
mother was the charms professor here at Hogwarts, she could find out his
grades rather easily, and if he was not doing good, well, let's just say there
would be severe consequences for Hamza. He just wished that he had
someone to talk to right now that he could take his mind off of. His little sister
whereabouts were unknown to him, she was enjoying her second year at
Hogwarts with her own group of friends, Xavier was no where to be found,
who was his close friend, and then there was Sureya, one of the very few
girl's that Hamza actually liked to hang out with, unlike his ex girlfriend Maria
to that ridiculous girl named Eleona, who had no idea where to go in her life.

Adjusting his back and positioning himself straight down on the group, Hamza
was starting to sense that there was someone approaching him. This certain
someone had an aroma that he had sensed before, so certainly was someone
whom he had met before. With his eyes closed, he could feel the individual
stepping closer and closer by the inch towards him. Before long, he could feel
that the individual was standing right next to him. This was all going through
his mind right now. He felt as if he was dreaming, and was starting to show
a smile when he thought of Sureya being that girl. Day dreaming was not
something Hamza did often, but sometimes, it was good for him to have a good
time for once. A few moments later, he heard a soft voice coming from somene
standing next to him. He was debating as if he actually heard that voice, or
if he was still dreaming. He took a few moments to analyze, and it sounded
like the voice of Sureya, so he thought it must be a dream until a small leaf
blew onto his face and he opened his eyes to take the leaf off when he saw
Sureya standing right there in front of him. He was in a state of shock that
what he was seeing in the so-called 'dream' was actually happening in real
with him. He instantly got up, taking the leaf off of his face, and gave a smile
to Sureya, who was standing there in front of him and had asked if she could
join him. "Long time no see Sureya. Of course you can." Said Hamza
with a smile. It had been a while since he last saw Sureya. Last he heard
from someone, her and a boy named Jai from Slytherin were starting to hang
out a lot, so Hamza went onto his own path to leave the two alone. Hamza
considered Sureya a really close friend of his for some reason, even though
the two only hung out for not too long. He knew that there was something
different about Sureya, something that 'wanted' to charm him towards her,
but was not being successful. It was as if Sureya was a Veela, which he
knew for a fact she was, but that didn't bother Hamza since he knew he
could not get trapped in her veela charm so easily and if he was to get
trapped in her charm, he would have been trapped the first time her met her.

Sureya smiled at him, placing her hands behind her she carefully sat down
making sure her skirt stayed in place, as she crossed her legs to the side.
Her gaze roved outward to the lake as she wondered a moment what to
say to him. He was always kind and gentle to her and she knew in part that
it was one of the reasons that made him a Hufflepuff but he was also loyal,
strong and intelligent. It felt like an eternity since that silly Halloween feast
when she had bid on him and then not been able to attend the Yule Ball.
She had hoped to make it up to him somehow but her innate curiousity with
life seemed to have been rapidly culled by those who persecuted her for
being half-veela. She had retreated into herself, excluding everyone even
the rather tight friendship she had once had with Jai seemed to have been
shaken as a result. Once they had been as tight knit as any two people
from opposing houses could be but now she barely spoke to him. That was
not to say she didn't gaze often at him from across the classroom or Great
Hall, she did and often sighed inwardly whenever she saw Jai but dealing
with the level of bullying she was, Sureya could no more bring herself to
make her way to him to talk again. He certainly never went out of his way
to speak with her much either and she was acutely aware of how it didn't
bother her as much any more.

She did now however feel the pangs of loneliness that she had brought upon
herself from her own exile from her peers. Did it really matter that a few had
chosen to be absolutely awful to her? Should she really let them win by
segregating herself from those she thought highly of? Sureya knew she had
let it happen for long enough but was now so tired from feeling like a ship
lost at sea. She wanted, needed the company of at least one good friend
and somehow fate had led her here to Hamza. Turning her face to look at him
she smiled again.

"I've kept myself busy with school things" she told him truthfully, all she ever
did of late was extensive homework assignments, studying and research. There
was little else for her to do. Her fingers brushed against the grass beneath her
and soon her gaze moved to look at the green blades grazing against her palm.
"How have you been?" she wanted to tell him that she was sorry she had not
sought him out sooner but the words caught in her as if revealing too much
would pain her somehow.

Hamza was pretty alarmed when he saw Sureya standing right next to him. He thought he had
been dreaming all this time, but no, she was very real, so real that he could sense her around
him. What was this aroma that he always sensed whenever Sureya was around him? He always
gave this kind of feeling a lot of though because it really puzzled him. He never really felt this
way before with any girl, only when he was around Sureya. This sort of aroma was not a bad
one, but a good one. It was as if Sureya was the embodiment of Happiness that she carried
around with her, and whomever she talked to was the receiving end of this happiness. Whenever
Sureya was are Hamza, it made him feel really good to be alive, gave him really positive thoughts
not only about himself, but about his future, his family, and pretty much anyone and everyone
that he knew. He could not explain how this happened, but it just did. He felt this way when
he had first met Sureya as well, but never gave it much thought until she suddenly disappeared.
He wasn't the one to complain about this, he loved it. He was amazed at the fact that Sureya
has this kind of ability, or at least he thought she does. Sureya was becoming more of a special
person in Hamza's life now. A special someone that he could look out for, take care of, and be
there whenever she would need him. He knew that Sureya was a Veela, but for some reason,
he never really got himself trapped into that kind of situation where he would be dying over her
and wanting her so bad that he would go all out to get her. No, Hamza was not in that situation
and he was glad of it too because he can build up friendship with her that would last a long time.

Gazing towards the sky, he noticed the color slightly change into a more comforting color, a light
blue, really dreamy type of weather. He knew this happened because of the two meeting each
other again. He did not know why this happens, but it just did. Listening to Sureya say that she
has been busy with school things, he could easily relate to that. With Hamza's parents constantly
pushing him to work harder, and to get more perfect grades, he spend most of his time in his books
as well, and less time with his friends. It didn't really help him that his mother was a professor at
this school, she would always have an eye on him, and he knew that. Not too long ago, Hamza
got into a small argument with a classmate of his and his mother was the one who came to break
the fight up. He knew that his mother always had an eye on him, which pleased and scared him
at the same time. Pleased with the fact that he can get out of trouble easier, and scared the
fact that he could not do anything as he pleased, and would always be tied down being limited.
"I see." Said Hamza as he took a small sigh. He looked at Sureya, giving her a warm smile,
trying to make her feel good and relaxed. Hamza always wanted his friends to be comfortable and
relaxed around him. It would make him feel odd if they were not. "Well, I'm in the same
situation. There hasn't been a lot of social life for me lately, just homework, and one
assignment after another. Life is getting more and more boring as we move up in the world
Said Hamza as he adjusted his back. "What else have you been doing?" Asked Hamza.

Sureya smiled at him and shook her head lightly.
"I wouldn't say it was boring, I enjoy pouring over books" she told him honestly,
"I discover a new topic and go to find out a bit more about it, only to discover so
much more than I could ever have imagined. I'd be happy to stay with my head
in a book all day long if I could. Sometimes its easier being with books than with

She shrugged recalling the last image she had of Jai. Why couldn't people
be as easy to read as books were? A sound over head alerted her to the passage
of a flock of birds and with her hand up to shield her eyes she stared at them flying

"Did you attend the Halloween Feast this year?" she asked turning her gaze from
the birds back to Hamza again, she herself had not bothered to go. Had stayed in
her dorm and watched the parade of intricate and hilarious costumes pass her by.
One or two had been bordering on the scary side of things but over all she couldn't
admit to seeing anything that would have terrified any one from Hufflepuff House.
"Did the Brotherhood have another set up?" she smiled at him, dredging up the last
Halloween she had attended.

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