Closed The Truth

Asher Renner

Ashes Singer- Tattooed- Family Man
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
(Archie Baby)
Flexible Eight inch Ash wood with unicorn hair core
1/21/2026 (37)
It had been an interesting few years. The band was taking off, and despite what Asher had always said, what he had believed, he knew in his heart that he was helplessly, unbelievably in love with Archie Renner. Archie was just- he was perfect. He was so soft, and kind. He wasn't the sharpest crayon in the box, but Asher just thought it added to Archie's charms.

Still, Ash had kept his feelings to himself. He knew Archie deserved more than a worthless rocker that spent his life out on the road. Archie deserved stability and a better man than Ash was. Asher was supposed to meet up with Archie tomorrow. But honestly Asher didn't want to wait. He missed Archie. A lot more than he had a right to, honestly. But he was sure Archie at the very least would be happy to see him. The man was just a sweetheart like that.

Just the thought of Archie's smile made his heart flutter. Archie had a smile that could just light up the room, like the sun coming out from behind the clouds. Archie was Ashers sun, in every way, and it just made the tattoo on his arm mean so much more. Leo's readings were never wrong, after all, and the Sun had been Ashers future. Even though he thought he would never tell Archie the truth, tell him how he felt, Asher knew his heart would forever belong to Archie Renner.

With his bag over his shoulder, Asher apparated to Archies porch. He'd made sure to tell Leo where he was going so the man didn't worry. Stifling a yawn, Ash raised a hand and knocked on the door, running a hand through his hair. He was unable to help the warm smile that crossed his face at even just the thought of Archie. Ash fidgeted with his jacket, straightening his clothes and running a hand over his hair, trying to look at least a little bit presentable.
It was a regular night in for Archie, one that was quiet and relaxed in the way he preferred his nights to be over the last few years. His days of partying until the early hours of the morning were far from long gone, but Archie admittedly preferred a quiet night in more often as he got older, finding he liked when he was asleep at a reasonable hour and able to wake up in the morning without any hindrances. He realised he could greet the morning sun with more enthusiasm that way, realised he could start the day off right and without regrets or a weight on his shoulders from the night before. That night was one Archie knew he wouldn't and couldn't regret if he tried, feeling warm and soft from being freshly showered and in clean pajamas as he walked to the bathroom to begin his skincare routine. Just another step in the process to falling asleep peacefully. Just another way to help his mind unwind from working that day.

Archie was in a relaxed reverie as he cleansed his face, humming a quiet tune to himself while he later splashed his face with water and began to dab his skin dry with his towel. He was in the zone, proud of himself for continuing to keep up his routine, staring at his reflection and reaching for his eye cream. It was only then the sound of a knock on the door startled him from his haze, the interruption causing him to frown in confusion. A few moments later Archie quickly walked to answer the knock, finding he was equally as confused, if not more so when he opened the door and his eyes fell on Asher. For a moment he tried to connect the dots and piece together a thought as to why Asher had shown up early, however it didn't take long before Archie's look of momentary confusion turned into a wide smile as he stepped forward to pull Asher into a tight hug. It had been a few weeks and Archie would be silly if he wasn't happy to see someone he cared so much about.

"You're 'sposed to be here tomorrow." Archie murmured into Asher's hair, pressing a gentle kiss to the side of Asher's head before pulling away, although moving to hold one of Asher's hands in an effort to stay close to him. He closed the door behind Asher and led Asher to the sofa, quickly sitting so he could face Asher and hear all about his travels. "Why are you home early?" Archie asked curiously, moving to run a hand through his still damp hair, unable to keep himself from smiling at the fact Asher was back early, that Asher had surprised him, regardless of what the reason might be.​
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Asher relaxed immediately when Archie opened the door, falling into the mans arms easily, sighing happily and nestling in close. "I know," He murmured, holding Archie close while he could. When the man took his hand, Ash smiled easily, lacing their fingers together and letting Archie lead him into the house. Ash fell onto the couch, yawning and stretching out, laying his arm over the back of it. "I missed you," He replied easily, giving Archie a tired smile. "I'm sorry for stopping in unannounced." He ran a hand through his hair, fighting to keep his eyes open now that he was in the warmth and comfort of Archie's presence. "Is it cool if I crash here tonight?" He asked, smiling softly.
Archie absent mindedly reached a hand to trace his fingers over one of Asher's arm tattoos, heart fluttering in his chest as Asher spoke. Asher missed him, Asher wanted to see him. He couldn't help but feel his face heat up in a flush at the idea of it, of the fact that after a few weeks of touring Archie was the one Asher wanted to return home to. That Archie in one way or the other, after all the time they had spent as something a little more than friend, was home to Asher. Archie was happy to hear this, even happier to know that the feeling was mutual as he smiled to himself. He would be stupid to say so but his thoughts were his own, his happiness was his own and he couldn't stop himself from melting over how special he felt in that moment.

Still smiling, almost lost in thought but trying to remind himself to remain in the present, Archie nodded in response to Asher's words when he asked if he could stay over. As if Archie would say anything other than yes. "'course. I was just getting ready for bed, though." He added, eyes momentarily moving to the bag Asher had brought with him as he remembered his routine had been interrupted. He still needed to apply his eye cream in the very least, and brush his teeth before getting into bed. As an idea crossed his mind his gaze returned to Asher. "Do you wanna change into your Pjs too and we can talk about your tour?" He asked gently, thinking that cuddling with Asher and listening to him talk about his travels would be an ideal way for him to fall asleep, realizing that the time Asher would take to change would give him a chance to at least complete the next step in his routine. That way Archie could lose himself in the comfort of being in Asher's arms, being lulled to sleep by Asher's voice and stories of his travels.​
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Asher bit back a yawn, smiling warmly as Archie agreed to let him stay. "Sure, baby boy, I need to wash up anyway, if that's okay," He offered, stretching. It felt good, starting to unwind a bit after a long tour on the road. "I wanted to ask you about that skin care stuff anyway, I've almost run out of... uh, whatever it was you bought me last time." He admitted sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck and smiling shyly. "I miss some nights, on the road, but I've been pretty good at keeping up with the stuff you showed me, even if I don't get it," he laughed lightly. Asher looked to Archie and smiled warmly, leaning in and reaching up to brush his fingers over the mans jaw. "God, I keep forgetting how beautiful you are," He murmured, almost to himself.
It was comforting to Archie, how easily he and Asher fell back into things whenever he returned home from tour. How easily they fell back into each other and their dynamic despite of the weeks that had passed, all soft glances and words that Archie hoped and wished meant more than what they did on the surface, as if they had seen each other yesterday. Not that he had half a mind to consider what it might mean in the grand scheme of things or clue himself into Asher's tells, the way he brushed off certain words and lingered on others. Archie knew it might hurt him to think too heavily into Asher's words and actions, and he wanted to be happy, wanted their time to be light hearted. He smiled to himself at the thought, reminding himself to remain happy as he half listened to Asher talk about skin care and needing to wash up, his eyes again moving to where his fingers were tracing one of Asher's tattoos.

He was only brought back to reality when Asher touched his face, looking back to Asher and continuing to smile at the compliment. "Thanks." He said softly, taking the next moment to unintentionally mirror Asher's sentiment by reaching his hand to touch the side of Asher's face, brushing his thumb gently along Asher's cheek. "It makes your skin soft, I can tell a difference." He commented idly, responding to Asher's earlier comment he didn't understand the point to all the skincare. Just as quickly as he touched Asher's face however, Archie pulled his hand away. Another reminder to himself to keep things light hearted as he shook his head gently before standing up. "Anyway, if you wanna clean up you should change in my room. I'll go brush my teeth and stuff." Archie mused, stretching his arms over his head and yawning.​
Ashers eyes fluttered shut in that moment when Archie touched his face, but before he could lean into it the man had pulled away. He looked to Archie, half dazed, nodding at the instructions he was given. He got up as the other man did, trying to steal a kiss before heading to Archie's room. He dropped his bag at the foot of the bed, letting out a soft sigh of relief.

Being here just felt... right to him, like coming home. He'd meant to put on his pajamas, but he'd no more than stripped to his shorts before another wave hit him. Giving up on the idea, he fell onto the bed, using the rest of his strength to get under the covers properly. He meant to wait for Archie, to talk- he had missed the blond terribly and wanted to be close to him- but his eyes drifted shut and within moments the familiar scent of Archie and the comfort of the bed lulled him off to sleep within moments.
It was another stretch and another half-yawn, followed by a soft smile to Asher before Archie wordlessly returned to the bathroom. He knew he wouldn't be long, knew his routine was mostly complete and that he would soon be able to cuddle with Asher and hear all about his travels before falling comfortably asleep. As he stared at his reflection, picking up his moisturizer and gently tapping the cooling night cream to his under eyes he couldn't help but smile at the thought, couldn't help but feel special that Asher had chosen to surprise him and spend time with him early. That he was the person Asher wanted to spend time with over anyone else. Archie usually wouldn't let himself dream of being anything more to Asher than what he was, and what he had been in the few years they had been friends. But that night it was clear to him that he was the person Asher wanted to see after weeks away, the person Asher turned to and wanted to see when he was exhausted from traveling, and even if it might lead to hurt feelings later Archie allowed himself a moment to revel in feeling special.

By the time Archie walked into his bedroom to the sight of Asher asleep under the covers, he was too happy to be disappointed over it. He knew Asher was likely exhausted and knew that he could hear all about Asher's travels the next day if not the next morning, and he was happy Asher was there at all, too happy to ruin the present as it unfolded. Archie smiled to himself and got comfortable in bed, eventually lulled to sleep with the reassurance of Asher next to him.

When Archie woke up and got out of bed, he tried his best to keep quiet to not disturb Asher from waking up. He tip-toed to the kitchen, yawning quietly as he rolled up the sleeves of his pajamas and poured himself a glass of orange juice from the fridge. He played a catchy tune in his mind as he retrieved a carton of eggs from the pantry and began cracking them into a pan on the stove, remembering as he flipped each egg to add bread to the toaster. Soon enough Archie was sitting at the kitchen table and nodding gently to himself as he ate his breakfast, brimming with energy from the start of a new day. He smiled when Asher finally entered the room, nodding sideways to the kitchen as he spoke. "Morning. Breakfast is on the stove." Archie explained, assuming Asher would be comfortable enough to plate his own food and join him.

The slight godmod has been approved by Jess.
Asher had always been a deep sleeper, especially after a long week of gigs. He woke slowly the next morning, rolling and reaching an outstretched hand over the bed. He patted around a moment before peeking open one eye to see the bed empty. He groaned and buried his head in the pillow a moment, before sighing. Well, this was definitely Archie's bed. But where was Archie?

Asher lay there a moment before yawning and sitting up. Judging by the smell, there was food somewhere, and where there was food there was probably an Archie to go with it. Asher stretched, before tossing off the covers, slipping on his bottoms, and wandering out towards the kitchen. He couldn't help but smile sleepily at Archie, knowing he must look like a mess but still too tired to really mind it. "Good morning, sunshine," Ash murmured, looking to where Archie indicated there was food.

He nodded, but stopped on his way by to lean down and kiss Archie's temple before disappearing into the kitchen to fix a plate. He walked back in shortly after, dropping down into a seat next to Archie. Starving, Asher tucked into his breakfast immediately. With his mouth full he could only smile at Archie, but he did offer out his hand wordlessly, wanting at least a little bit of contact with Archie.
A smile appeared on Archie's face between forkfuls of egg and bites of toast, the happiness too apparent and welcomed for Archie to realise and hide it. He had spent so long feeling worried over scaring Asher away, that much like the previous night he wanted to allow himself the happiness, wanted to let it show even if it might result in hurt feelings on another day. He wanted to leave it for the other day where it belonged and focus on the moment, in the way that it was his nature. He was in equal measures too happy to let his worries bother him and too tired of worrying to ruin the moment. The wordless hand Asher offered to him only added to the comfort Archie was feeling, and he in a similar amount of wordlessness moved to intertwine his free hand with Asher's, running his fingers between Asher's while his other hand poked at the eggs on his plate with his fork.

It was a moment of hand holding and chewing breakfast before Archie spoke, breaking the silence that had fallen. "So, how was tour? Did you see anything cool while you were away?" Archie asked, uncaring that he was talking with his mouth full. He was sure Asher knew him well enough to be similarly uncaring about his manners. "I just worked and stuff while you were gone." He added a moment later, half-expecting Asher would ask how he had been in his absence and answering before he was asked, hoping this would give Asher more of an opportunity to talk to him. Asher might have viewed himself as uninteresting but Archie thought the opposite and was entirely and completely infatuated with the life Asher lead and of course Asher himself, and he wanted to hear all about Asher's travels to the smallest detail.​
Asher smiled warmly. Archie was just so bright... Ash was reassured yet again that Archie was the human embodiment of sunshine. He brought up their entwined hands, placing a gentle kiss to Archie's knuckles before settling in for breakfast. He let himself go on about the tour as they ate, trying not to summarize too much but also not wanting to overwhelm Archie with information. After a few stories of Delaney's antics, some adoring mentions of Leo and Vera, and a basic rundown of how the concerts had been, Asher had finished his plate. When Archie's was finished as well, Asher gently withdrew his hand and stood, collecting their dishes and moving to set them in the sink.

His heart was thundering in his chest now. Asher was fully awake now, and comfortable in Archie's presence. Maybe too comfortable. A lot of things were swirling in his mind- readings Leo had done, words of advice he'd gotten who knew how long ago from Orwell. Asher sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. He turned slightly, his eyes searching for the other man. "Archie?" He asked, his voice soft, vulnerable. "I, um... can we talk?" Asher swallowed hard, sure his heart was in his throat.
The morning was simple, spent hand holding between bites of egg and toast all while listening to stories of traveling abroad and Archie couldn't have felt more content and warmed by it all. He couldn't imagine the morning any other way, couldn't imagine a reality that didn't feel so dreamy and perfect even if he tried. His heart fluttered in his chest and his smile widened as Asher recalled each of his shows and stories of shenanigans with his band mates. Archie giggled at Asher's recount of Delaney's antics, not realizing through all the stories and smiles he had finished his plate of food, at least not until Asher picked up their plates to place them into the sink.

Archie turned in his chair, resting his chin on the back of it and pulling his foot up onto it, hugging his knee as he watched Asher with an ever present smile on his face. He hadn't noticed Asher's tension, was to caught up in his contently full tummy and the warmth of Asher's attention to think about it. Too enamored and infatuated and caught up in the dreaminess of the moment to clue into the tension Asher presented, of Asher rubbing his neck nervously before asking if he - if they could talk. It was only a moment later that Archie realised the heaviness in Asher's words, the implication of what it meant to talk, the switch in conversation to something more serious. He continued watching Asher intently, smile fading as it dawned on him the morning was taking a different turn. "Um, sure." He responded. Archie couldn't tell what had brought on the talk, wondered if he had been too forthcoming in his happiness over Asher surprising him, too openly affectionate when Asher had made it clear he wanted something casual. He wondered if he had done something wrong. "What about?" He asked, feeling almost embarrassed by his cluelessness, and hanging on for whatever Asher's answer would be.​
Asher ran a hand through his hair. God, why was this so hard? He took a deep breath, turning around completely. He didn't answer immediately, instead walking back. He took hold of Archie's hands, pulling him up gently and leading him over to the sofa. Once they'd sat down, Asher released Archie's hands. He ran his own through his hair again, before folding his hands in his lap, his arms leaning on his knees.

Asher's foot bounced with a bit of anxiety, chewing on his lip. "Arch... have I ever told you why I don't date?" He asked gently. "I... when I was sixteen, I got into a pretty... toxic, relationship. Matt cut me off from everyone, until I had no one left but him, and my best friend Isaac. But I... was young, and stupid, and in love." Ash continued on before Archie could stop him.

Ash felt... unbelievably vulnerable. He hadn't felt this- open, or on display, since he had told this story to Leo all those years ago. He hadn't even told his father what had really happened, not wanting to bring it up, or wanting to worry the old man. He sighed, tangling a hand in his hair. "I didn't fit in at school really well... I built my life around them, my future, I thought they were everything." He folded his hands in his lap again, trying not to let his anxiety get too out of hand.

Asher swallowed hard, letting out a shaky breath. "I was expelled in sixth year. I used all the money I'd saved working summers and bought an apartment for Matt and me- he was a year older, and he'd already graduated. Living with him... it was hard. Looking back, it's obvious, but I was so close to it at the time I could never see it. He was jealous, and possessive, in all the worst ways. Everything was always my fault. I suspected he was cheating, but anytime I would confront him, he would turn it back on me, and somehow I was always the one to beg for forgiveness."

Asher shook his head, his hair falling to hide his face and his leg bouncing a bit faster. "When I was seventeen... I caught him. We'd gotten into a fight, I'd gone to my dads. When I came home... I caught him in bed with Isaac. Seeing that, seeing them... I don't know, I just broke. They were screaming at me for interrupting, telling me all sorts of nasty things and calling me everything they could think of. I didn't say anything to them... I just grabbed my guitar and left. No goodbye, no bag, nothing, I just hit the road."
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