Closed The Truth Hurts

Cooper Gates

Kind- Sweet- Puff- Chef- Stubborn
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
8 inch slightly bendy straight oak with essence of belladonna core
5/12/2033 (28)
Cooper had just enough time to make a single phone call. Rubbing the back of his neck, he dialed the unfamiliar number and waited for the woman to answer his call. Once she said hello, he hurried to speak. "Danielle? I'm Damien's little brother Cooper. Please don't hang up," he spoke quickly, ducking his head like the woman could see him. "He's going to kill me for this. He feels really guilty about involving you with all of the Teagan mess. He didn't want to tell you, but our mom is sick. Like, really sick. Our older brother doesn't know either, but Damien's had to drop out of school to take care of her." He stopped long enough to take a breath. "I-i know this is hardly the introduction Damien had in mind. B-but I'm at school and I'm really worried about him. Could you... could you please go check on him? Mum lives in Britain." He quickly gave Dani the address. He didn't know how this would turn out, but it had to be done.
Danielle's eyes were fixed on the letter on her hand. This was just one of the millions of letters she got from her mother ever since she finished Hogwarts. Despite knowing the contents, still the woman opened it and scanned the message. She deeply sighed before shaking her head. Again, she would not agree. When would her mother understand that she would also succeed in what she was doing now.

Tears stung her eyes and just as she was about to wipe them, her phone rang, an unregistered number on the screen. Sniffling, she picked it up,
"Hello." The greeting just barely came out of her mouth when strings of sentences were heard. All she could make out were Cooper Gates and something about their mom falling ill but what struck her most was her boyfriend dropping out of school and the fact that it was because of this that he was distant toward her. "S-sure, Cooper.", she sighed. "Thanks for telling me.Don't worry,I won't tell that it's you.Bye.",she looked down on her clothes and decided not to change at all and just grabbed her sweatshirt. She pocketed the letter before letting herself out of the door. It seemed that it was not only her who was struggling with something.
Damien was exhausted. He'd barely been sleeping. Seeing his mother look so small and frail was hard. Not telling Jason didn't help. His brother was a doctor, for crying out loud. Jason would know what to do better than Damien. But his mother was insistent. After tucking her back in bed after a rough night, Damien shuffled down to the living room. He'd grown up in this house. He'd never thought he would hate being here. He fell on the couch, feeling drawn and looking haggard.

A knock on the door startled him. Scrubbing his hand over his face, he made his way to the door and opened it. "How can I-?" He started to ask, but as his hand passed down his face, his tired eyes took in the last person he expected to see here. "Danielle?" He breathed. It took him a moment to realize she was really there. Not caring he was in an old t-shirt and his hair was a mess, Damien stepped out the door and hugged the woman. He laid his head on her shoulder, too tired to remember he hadn't wanted her to be bothered again. "Dani," he breathed. "Sorry," he muttured into her ear, making no effort to let go or move away.
Danielle's heart was pounding as she waited for the door to open. Pounding because of worry for her boyfriend. She was beyond herself worrying for Damien from what Cooper told her over the phone. She was rubbing her arms as she shifted her weight from one foot to another when the door opened and the man she wanted to see came on the other side. The woman was teary-eyed as she looked at Damien. "Darling -", she started but cut short when without any word, he stepped out and engulfed her in a hug. She wrapped her arms around his torso. She stroke his head leaning on her shoulder. Hearing him apologize nearly broke her. She gently pulled away, met his gaze while cupping his face with her hands. "I'm here now.", she smiled at him.
She guided him inside and let him settle on the couch. Quickly glancing around, she saw where the kitchen was. She went to get a glass of water and offered it to Damien before she sat beside him. She kept her silence, waiting for him to open up to her. She, herself, had her own struggles and was ready to share them to the man next to her.
Damien had just shut his eyes with the intention of snuggling as close to his girl as he could when she pulled back. He gave her a tired smile as she cupped his face. He wanted to lean in to kiss her for her sweet sentiment but she was already pulling him inside. Dang Dani slow down, he griped tiredly to himself. He let her get him seated on the couch. He lay an arm over the back of the sofa and leaned his head back. He looked up again when the girl brought him a drink. Water? When had he drunk last? He couldn't remember, but when his sip turned into downing the entire glass, he assumed a while.

Once the glass was empty, he stood. He motioned for Dani to follow before going into the kitchen. He set his empty glass by the sink and pulled a few pops from the fridge. He set them on the bar and set about making some lunch. He couldn't remember the last time he'd eaten either. "How hungry are you?" He called to Dani, suppressing a yawn. He couldn't decide what to make yet so he rummaged through the fridge for ideas. "What all did Coop say?" He asked a moment later. There was only so many ways Dani could possibly know to be here and it hadn't been his doing.
Danielle observed Damien as his sipping turned to finishing the entire glass of water in just a wink of an eye. He looked terrible, handsome yes, but looked worn out. He seriously needed sleep and a shower. As soon as he finished his water, he stood up and headed to the kitchen after beckoning her to follow him. She set herself at the counter and let her eyes follow Damien while he was rummaging through the fridge. Clearly, he was drained and this made him disoriented. Soon enough, her boyfriend asked her about his brother, Cooper. She let out a deep sigh before waving her wand toward the fridge. She gently, yet quickly, shut it. Next, she flicked it to remove the pops Damien had just taken out from the fridge. "I already ordered take out for us and some soup and veggies for your mom. Coffee for you as well.", she stated before rounding the counter, settled on top and wrapped her arms around his neck. "You need sleep, darling.", she whispered, fingers playing with his hair until his recently acquired beard. "And a shave.", she added with a soft chuckle. "Cooper just told me about almost everything that you could have told me but did not.", she started with a pointed look at him. Although deep down, Danielle also needed to tell him about everything that she could have told him but did not.
Damien was a little startled as everything he'd been attempting to set up disappeared. He turned to his girlfriend, blinking as she said she'd already ordered food. He couldn't remember the last time he'd eaten either, though he knew his mom was already asleep and would be the rest the afternoon. He gave Dani a tired smile as she rounded the counter. "Anyone ever tell you you're an angel?" He bit back a yawn. She hopped up on the counter and he stepped closer, smiling as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He chuckled as she said he needed sleep, distracted a bit by how nice it felt for her to play with his hair. "Yeah," He replied softly.

Dani stated the obvious then, and he sighed. "I know," He told her, "And I'm sorry. It just... it all hit so fast I didn't know what to do." He admitted. He gave her a sheepish grin. "And after everything with Teagan, well... I didn't want to worry you any more. I'd be a poor boyfriend if all I did was upset you," He leaned forward and laid his head on her shoulder. "I'd kill Cooper for getting you involved, but honestly..." He turned his head and started kissing her neck, leaving a soft trail up to her ear. He placed his hands on her waist. "I'm glad you're here, Dani," He murmured in her ear before he began leaving another soft trail of kisses along her jaw.
Danielle just smiled at Damien's comment. She sighed contentedly when her boyfriend stepped closer and chuckled while she was playing with his hair. The woman frowned when he went on about not wanting her to worry about him. That he would be a poor boyfriend and all for upsetting her. She shook her head in disagreement and was about to speak out when he turned his head and began kissing her neck. She softly giggled when his mouth led to her ear. With his hands on her waist and breath on her ear, she shivered, her hands moving down to his shoulders. "I'm glad to be here for you too.", she replied in a whisper as his kisses already went to her jaw. "Damien...", she whispered before meeting his lips in a kiss. She missed this. His closeness. His sweetness. Yet, she was reminded of why she came here. Not only because of Damien but also because she wanted to be honest to him as well. That she was not the perfect girlfriend Damien thought.

She softly pulled away from the sweet kiss they were sharing, letting their foreheads touch instead to keep her close to him.
"Maybe I'm not the angel you think, darling.", she started before she took the letters from the pocket of her hoodie. All the letters were similar in content apart from the last one which really irritated her. Her mother asked about her personal life, even accusing "her lover", her mother's words, to be brainwashing her from what Danielle was really supposed to do. "Please forgive me for what you are about to read there.", she added, not meeting his gaze and started playing with the hem of her hoodie.
Damien's heart thudded painfully in his chest when Dani's lips met his. He could never get over what it felt like to kiss her. He moved a hand from her waist, laying it against the back of her neck lightly. Unfortunately, however, she chose that moment to break away. At least she stayed close, leaning her forehead against his. He opened his eyes, completely ready to disagree when she produced a pack of letters from her pocket. He raised a brow. Well, he had some reading to do. He set his chin on her shoulder, keeping her close as he unfolded the letters on the counter behind her back. He went through the dates until he found the oldest one and began reading through them.

Hmm... Dani's mother was upset with her career choices. Wanted her to quit quidditch. Thought she was too sheltered to be able to handle the real world. And in the latest one, brought her disapproval of Dani's new 'lover' and his influence on her. He had been reading silently through the letters, humming here and there as he read something that caught his ire. He set the letters down and pulled a blank notebook and pen over to him. Still settled against Dani, he quickly set into a letter of his own. He started out formally, intentionally leaving out any indication that he'd read the stack Dani had given him.

To the darling Mrs. Corelli,
I beg your forgiveness that I have yet to acquaint myself with your exquisite parsonage. As a world-renowned leader in fashion, you must understand my hesitance to bring my humble presence to your attention.

Damien spent the rest of that page and a good portion of the next detailing his favorite pieces from each of her fashion shows, going to great lengths to highlight her best works, the most noted, and the hidden gems that had been underappreciated. He then spent another page detailing the talks he and Dani had about the fashion industry outside of her mother's career and then spent yet another page carefully going on about how he adored Danielle and all of her best qualities, and all of the cute habits he'd noticed she carried. He went on for a time on how she was such a positive influence with her quidditch career, and how he respected her. By the time he had finished, he had written six pages. He smirked a bit as he wrapped his letter up.

In conclusion, I would be incredibly honored if you would take time from your busy schedule to meet with me. I find I have fallen hopelessly in love with your daughter, and I would like the chance to earn your blessing, and your approval. I hold you in the highest of regards.
Cordially, Damien Gates.

Smiling, he rolled the pages together and tied them with a tasteful ribbon that had been left on the counter. With a low whistle, he summoned his owl, and the letter was off. He pulled back and kissed Dani tenderly on the forehead. "Silly woman, you have nothing to apologize for. Now," He draped his arms lazily over her shoulders. "Do you want to talk about it?"
Danielle's heart beating was likely to be heard now due to the nerves she was feeling. She watched him took the letters she gave him and found herself in his embrace again. He sounded comfortable on her shoulders and she found it relaxing as well. Turning her head sideways toward his ear, she closed her eyes and seemed to drift off to sleep. She could slightly feel gentle movements from Damien as he was perusing the letters. He was actually taking his time which slightly worried Danielle but did not dare to break his focus. With eyes still closed, she let her other senses heightened and even resorted to smelling her boyfriend. Damien may seem tired but he still smelled good.
The couple had been in the same situation for quite some time although Danielle could feel what seemed to be writing movements from Damien. She was contented where she was though and the next thing she heard was a whistle from Damien and a flutter of wings. Before she could turn to see what it was, Damien already placed a tender kiss on her forehead and asked her about it. She sighed as she tried to muster a smile. She wanted to shake it off and not talk about it but she owed it to Damien. "I guess we can talk about it.", she finally said with a sheepish smile. She hopped off the counter, standing intimately close to her boyfriend. "Seems like we both have something to say.", she joked. There was a knock to the door which made the woman remember about the food that she had delivered. She quickly moved away from Damien to receive them and shortly came back to the kitchen with everything she ordered - soup and veggies for Mrs. Gates, two coffee, one black, and one caramel, omelet and toast, some salad and spaghetti. Damien's favorite was spaghetti. The rest was just something they could share. She even requested for some marble cake and chips that they could snack on later.
Danielle waved the soup and veggies to the counter for Mrs. Gates later while whisking the rest to the living room on the low table. She added some pillows on the floor for them to sit on. "Shall I tempt you for an impromptu date, Mr. Gates?", she asked with a wink at her boyfriend. They could both use some diversion from all the drama.
Damien smiled as Dani stood in his arms. He was about to suggest something other than talking, but there was a knock on the door. Dani hurried away and he sighed. I'm just not having any luck tonight, he griped to himself. She returned quickly, and he couldn't help but drift closer as the smell of food enticed him. He followed after her as she moved to the living room. Upon hearing her request, he couldn't help but chuckle. "So long as you don't mind dating a bum that needs a shower." He took a seat on one of the offered pillows. He made a concious effort to mind his manners and not just dig into the nearest delicious smelling box. He tried to smile at his girlfriend, eying the food like a kid on Christmas. "So what's on the menu tonight, darling?"
Danielle laughed as she took her place beside Damien on the pillows. Shaking her head, she replied, "I still love you, shower or no shower." She efficiently placed portions on their plates, Damien's greater than hers. Especially on the spaghetti, she could already see the twinkle on her boyfriend's eyes as he eyed the spread on the table. When Damien asked of the menu, she took her place near him before answering, "As you can see, darling, your favorite is here among other dishes that we often enjoy together. Dig in, my love.", she said, offering his coffee mug before placing a kiss on his cheek.
Tyra was so bored. She couldn't work at the Inn and she couldn't spend time with her husband. Kira was at school, Reagan wasn't around, the woman had nothing to do. That was when the idea struck her- she had to go visit her mother-in-law. That always cheered her up. With a bit of help from her husband before he left for work, Tyra found herself on her mother-in-law's street. Hobbling up the steps, she knocked on the door. She placed a hand on her lower back and the other on her bulging belly. Being pregnant with triplets wasn't easy. She shivered and pulled her jacket tighter. Was it just her or was it colder here?
Damien just couldn't get over how sweet Dani was being tonight. He gave her a crooked smile, placing his coffee on the table before showering her with kisses. "I love you, Dani," he murmured into her ear, pushing her over on the cushions. He covered her neck in kisses, holding her as close as he could. "I love you so much," He murmured again before covering her lips with his. He had just deepened the kiss, leaning more against her, when a knock on the door startled him. He jumped a mile high, falling back halfway across the room. "Holy mother of- who is that?" He muttered, pushing himself to his feet before hurrying to the door.

He pulled it open quickly, freezing in place. "Tyra!" He took her arm and pulled her inside carefully. "What are you even- how did you- WHY would you-" He shook his head as he brought his pregnant sister-in-law inside and set her on the couch. "I have food! You need food for my nephews." He told her, hurrying to quickly make her a plate.
Danielle's breath caught the moment Damien set his coffee down on the table and pulled her in for a kiss. Hearing him speak the words made time seemed to stand still. "I love you too.", she replied in a whisper. The next thing she knew, she was already on her back on the cushions with her arms wrapped around Damien's neck. Her spine tingled with all the kisses she received from the man who has made her heart raced. She seemed to melt under his gaze before meeting his lips in a kiss. She ran her fingers through his hair as she shivered and slightly giggled at the feel of the recently grown beard on his chin. Just as she was about to tug on his shirt, Damien jumped back away from him. The look on his face almost sent her laughing but Danielle was too busy catching her breath. She barely heard the knock on the door but when Damien made a move towards it, Danielle sat up and ran a hand through her hair. She would not want to be caught in a mess by whoever was on the other side of the door.
Danielle heard Damien's voice seemed to be in a surprise and the next thing was Damien was carefully ushering a pregnant woman to the living room. The woman was set on the couch across her and Danielle quickly assisted Damien in fixing a plate with everything they had prepared. She quickly dashed to the kitchen to get a glass of orange juice as what they had was coffee and knowing pregnant women could not have coffee. She set it down on the table in front of the woman with a smile before Danielle took her place beside Damien again. Her lips still tingled from the kiss and she was sure that her cheeks colored again at the thought of what transpired earlier.
Tyra giggled as a rather scruffy looking Damien appeared. His reaction was just the sweetest, with a hand on the small of her back and the other on her belly, she let him escort her inside. "Ooh, that smells heavenly. I have wonderful timing," She teased lightly. She could tell she had interrupted something, but that just made it more fun. Someone needed to tease the boy. She took the orange juice with a light groan and took a few sips. "Mmm, delicious. Thank you, darling," She winked at Danielle, her eyes sparkling. She turned to Damien. "Now, it is always a delight to see you, lovie," She raised a brow. "But I came to visit with your mother. Where is she? And shouldn't you be in school?" She questioned the boy.
Damien let out a sigh, settling in next to Dani again and laying his arm around her shoulders. "Yes, thank you darling," He echoed Tyra's statement, pressing a chaste kiss to her temple. He turned to his sister-in-law. He'd been prepared for this. "So sorry, Tyra. She's gone out to visit her sister." He lied smoothly. "And didn't anyone tell you and Jason? I graduated early. It's a new program they're offering at the school. I was one of the first to accept the opportunity." He gave her his most innocent smile. He hoped Dani would play along.
Dani smiled in response to Tyra's gratitude and she almost lost her composure at Damien's response to the woman's query. Hearing him lie smoothly when they had just discussed being honest with everything. Almost everything. She would let this slide but she would definitely take this up with her boyfriend. She leaned into Damien's shoulder whilst his arm was around her frame. She focused on the pregnant woman. "How far are you along now, Tyra?", she asked the older woman about her pregnancy, an attempt on changing the topic.
Tyra reached out with a bit of difficulty and took Damien's plate from the table. He could share. She was feeding four, after all. She took a bite as he explained. She pouted a little before taking a sip of her orange juice. "Well, do give your mother my regards then," She smiled, turning to Danielle. "Six months. Careful with this one, darling, triplets run in his family." She winked, before wincing as two of her children kicked her. "Ooh," She sighed. "These two are rather energetic, aren't they?" She chuckled lightly.
Damien let out a sigh of relief, nuzzling into Dani's neck. "I'll explain later, my love," He whispered softly. Tyra spoke again, and he nearly jumped to the other end of the couch. "W-w-what are y-you," He stuttered, blushing wildly. "Don't say things like that!" He chastised Tyra, laughing. He was glad to have the women in the house with him. It made things better. At least... for now.

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