The Three Brother's

Yvo Rowan

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ebony Wand 13" Essence of Phoenix Talon
Yvo was having a pretty enjoyable afternoon. The funniest part about it had to be that he was pretty much getting his amusement from nothing more than a stupid book that he 'borrowed' from the Library. He should have been cleaning and making sure that his Apartment actually looked decent for when his brothers arrived within the next hour or so. For some reason Yvo felt the need the other day to pretend he was feeling nice and try to catch up with his family. Living alone got really boring so he found himself writing letters to a lot of people just to give him something to do other than mope around while continuing to try and apply into the Ministry. Now that it was a few weeks later and the hour was approaching when he would have both Colton and Adrian in his house, Yvo was suddenly starting to think that this wasn't such a good idea to go through with. Yvo and Colton had never really interacted with one another yet but he knew very well that Colton and Adrian knew each other. He had never really heard of an incident where they had gotten along and he was starting to question whether this idea was even remotely good or not.

Yvo lifted himself from his couch and set the book down to glance out the window. Why wait until now to have the family catch up with one another? The three boys had never really been fond enough of one another to actually invite one another over so Yvo wondered why he thought this would be an okay idea. Sure they did all want to make Ariah happy because she wanted them all to get along, but usually they only did that when she was around. 'This is a bad idea, I just know it.' If anything Yvo could at least hope and he and Colton would react okay with one another. They had met one another a few times but would that be enough for them to even be close to comfortable with one another. At any rate they would be here any moment so there was no use panicking now. Yvo turned away from the window and waited for them to either floo or Apparate, maybe even use the door but what kind of a wizard used a door these days?
Adrian made sure that he did not have anything planned in Florida, but it was hard for him to live a double life, one of being a muggle which he was hiding from the entire family, and another being a pure-blood wizard that hated muggles and mudbloods alike. Adrian received a letter in his Russia home from Yvo that he wanted a brotherly gathering, and that sounded innocent enough. Adrian then remembered another subject that might be coming in to play as well. Colton. Adrian was the oldest of the brothers, and half-brother, and he was determined to make sure that they all remembered that. Adrian made sure that his maroon robes fit him well, his mint green eyes shining with treachery, and finally, his blonde hair combed and smoothed. He hoped that he remembered where Yvo lived. None of the brothers were really close, but this would determine something. All cared for Ariah, and them getting along would definitely help her out greatly, but it would not assist in Adrian completely. He did not have an issue with Yvo, but it was with Colton. Who could really blame him? That snake beat him in about everything he did. It about killed Adrian’s ego in school.

After apparating from his house after locking it, he entered into Yvo’s apartment, and he had this confident smirk on his face. Adrian had not had any action in a while, not in a good while, he was a little on edge. He needed to have some sort of sexual intercourse at some point in time. Adrian glanced around the apartment and he saw Yvo by the window, and he gave his younger brother a toothy grin with his pearly whites, “Hey there, little brother! Hope you are ready for a good day today.” But then again by the time he finished that sentence, his greatest rival entered via front door, and Adrian raised an eyebrow. His mint green eyes narrowed, and he folded his arms across his chest, and let out a giant, noticeable sigh. He really did not like it that Colton was here with the boys. But what could he do? Adrian may be the oldest, by a few months, but mentality, Colton was so much older. Adrian said nothing, as he went to sit on the couch, throwing his arms around the back of it, and not saying a word after that. He sure as hell was not going to greet Colton.
Colton was not expecting an owl for a letter delivered to him while he was at work, but he was about to leave anyway. He and Gabrielle did not have any plans today, but just in case, he told her while at work that he would not be going home until late, and he was going to go see his half-brother, Yvo, someone that he did not really talk about much or even mention. Colton was surprised too, but once he talked to her about how Ariah probably wanted her brothers to get along, he was well on his way to his house to shower and become germfree after he spent his say in Saint Mungo’s. After showering, and putting on his black robes, Colton had to remember where Yvo even lived. He was older than Yvo, that much he remembered. Did he not graduate not too long ago? Colton was a little frustrated that he could not remember much about one of his little brothers, but then again, it was not his fault that neither parents really wanted him around his siblings. Colton now had the chance, though, to make up for lost time, and hopefully that was what he would be doing today.

He ensured that his house was kept clean and everything was in order just before he apparated to the hall that his brother’s apartment resided. He walked down the hall, which was empty and silent as the grave. Colton glanced at the number, and he knew that this was where Yvo lived. Inhaling, he realized that he was a little nervous about meeting with his brother again, for some reason. He opened the front door, and his dark brown eyes landed on Yvo first, and then Adrian. Colton entered the room, and he closed the door behind him. Colton never liked to start anything, and he was not about to change that now, even though Adrian was on his bad side after violating Gabrielle. Colton glanced over at Yvo before rolling his eyes at the sigh that Adrian let out, obviously annoyed by his own presence. He did not know what it was that Adrian had against him, but it was really getting old. Colton did not show any annoyance or coldness other than what was normal to him as he gazed over to Yvo. Colton folded his arms across his chest and he said in his soft tone, “Hope you two have been well.” He figured that Adrian might have, but he did not know what Yvo was up to lately.
Adrian arrived first, which Yvo wasn't sure if he was expecting or not because he had never really dealt with Colton and Adrian together alone before, so he had no idea if it was common for Adrian to be on time. Yvo shrugged his shoulders and meekly rubbed the back of his head when Adrian told him it was going to be a good day. He knew better than to get his hopes up. His day depended on how well Colton and Adrian decided to behave themselves. And then peace didn't last long because Colton arrived and Adrian decided to act up. He did it subtly but it was still enough to make Yvo roll his eyes and scratch his arm trying to figure out what to do. They hadn't even been in the same room for more than a few seconds and the tension rose, what in the world caused these two to hate one another? "Really Adrian? You can't even last ten minute's in the same room without making a scene?" Yvo shook his head and headed into the kitchen for a moment. Yvo returned a moment or so later with drinks that were juice and muggle soda because he rarely ever drank anything alcoholic. He set them down on the table and sat himself down on the couch next to Adrian. His mass of wavy blonde hair fell into his face before he brushed it away and wearily glanced between his two brother's. It seemed that Colton was much better at controlling his temper than Adrian was. Actually he was probably better than all of them, then again Yvo had never really been mad before. He was much too carefree for anything to really bother him too much. He never had any enemies either. There were people that got on his nerves at times, but he didn't see the point in getting upset about it. If it was one thing he learned from his father it was that getting upset and acting upon anger wasn't going to do anything but allow you to make stupid decisions. 'Wow I never realized how much Colton was like father until now.' Both of them were very calm and good at not showing their emotions even if they were bothered by something or someone. Oh and they both had the brown hair. Colton was the only one of them to not have blonde hair, he stood out but to Yvo it didn't matter.

Colton stated that he hoped they have been well and Yvo chuckled. Well wasn't the word for it but he appreciated the small talk to relieve the tension. "I wish I could honestly say I was, but...well you know how things have been lately. Insane." Yvo had been trying to get a job with the ministry but they've been doing background checks and such like crazy and Yvo was a bit worried they would find something to not let him in on. Then there was things outside of the job that were bothering him. Like the Death Eaters attacks, how things seemed to change with a new minister. "So, since I haven't seen either of you in a long time, what have you been up to lately? Ariah's been asking as well." Yvo knew Ariah worried about all of them. He didn't know if Colton or Adrian ever wrote to her but he could guess that they didn't write as much as she wanted them to because she was always asking about them.
Adrian rolled his eyes when Yvo pointed out some of his temper actions that he had currently displayed out recently as soon as Colton stepped into the room. It was not something he could help, really. He just did not like his younger half-brother being…better than him in everything and anything. It was intimidating and annoying actually. Adrian snorted for his response to Yvo, and probably to Colton as well. He did not want to speak right now to him anyway. He did not need to. He was so much better than that, though he was the only one in the room probably living a double life, which one was secret from the other. Then Yvo went and brought out a few drinks, and without thinking, Adrian reached for the muggle soda, Pepsi, though he really preferred Sprite. Adrian shrugged, after popping it open, and drinking it a bit, “Well, sometimes I just need to make a scene to make myself known.” He sounded almost cocky there, and he smirked a bit. “You could have gotten Sprite too, just so you know.” His accent was a little off, as if he had been in Florida for a bit too long, and the dialect was sinking into his voice.

The blonde boy glanced over at the other blonde and he turned his mint green eyes to Colton and he asked in a real snarky tone, “So, knocked up your little girlfriend yet? Or are you not man enough to get a girl pregnant?” Adrian was determined to get under his skin. He did not even know that Gabrielle was rather infertile, but he did know that Colton was not particularly fond of babies growing up and children. Only giving birth to them and such, which Adrian thought was a woman’s job in the long run. Adrian turned his attention to Yvo and he nodded, “I understand. But you should do what I do. Nothing but party and have a good time.” Adrian did finance a bit in the muggle world, in the surfing business, but he would never let on that part about his life to his pure-blood brothers. “Tell Ariah that her big brother has been going around the world, and just having a blast. That is pretty much it. I don’t have time to really get down and write to anyone.” Adrian shrugged lightly and he wondered if he ever would get the time to do anything but his muggle life.
Colton just shook his head at Adrian’s behavior and thought that it was as horrible as a ten-year-old. The healer went and sat on an armchair, and he folded his arms across his chest, and seemed a little tired. He was, since he had just gotten off of work after all. Colton did not understand why Adrian seemed to have a grudge against him, since he always seemed to have the level-head and he did nothing to Adrian, not on purpose at least. Colton was a calm boy, and he was a pacifist. He wanted no trouble and he wanted a peaceful day. Though the healer raised an eyebrow when Adrian started to talk about something called a Sprite. He got a juice himself, since Colton did not know anything about muggle drinks. He said thanks to his younger brother before he himself took a sip. His dark eyes narrowed at Adrian when he criticized the drinks. Instead of scolding him and causing more issues, Colton inquired, “What is a Sprite, Adrian?” Colton wondered if that was a new drink that came out, or something he was unfamiliar with. Colton was already suspicious of Adrian’s adventures, but that was starting to make the wheels in his head turn.

With a sigh, Colton answered Adrian’s question in a soft tone, “No, she is not pregnant, and we have been taking precautions to ensure that no accidents occur that we are not ready for. I am confident that neither of my graduated brothers have bothered to have children yet anyhow.” Colton was definitely not ready to be a father, and he did not want to be for a while yet. Then again, when he was ready, there was the infertile issue to deal with too. Gabrielle was unable to have children for the most part. Colton brushed his brunette locks to the side, and he took another drink of his juice. Something he was actually familiar with. Colton inquired, “Have you gotten a job yet, Yvo?” He ignored the fact that it was obvious that Adrian was the irresponsible one of the brothers. He hoped that Yvo could get a good, stable job because he had potential. And he did not seem to waste it like some people would. Colton glanced down at the floor when he realized that Ariah had been asking about them. True, he seemed a little busy now to write, but since she was living with him, she should be fine for the time being. Colton murmured, “I need to actually write to her on my breaks more often, but she does need to focus on her OWLs this year.”
Yvo shook his head softly at Adrian. Why would anyone want to make a scene every time they wanted to get themselves noticed? It was a horrible way to get noticed but this also was Adrian who was like the master at doing things to get attention the wrong way. The way he picked up girls was truly a sight to see and laugh at. And as stupid as it was he managed to attract a lot of girls that way. He was never going to get someone to truly love him that way though, that was for sure. "I hate Sprite, I'd never buy that stuff. Colton, Sprite is a muggle soda that has a mixture of a lemon-lime taste. It's gross. But he does have a do you know what it is Adrian?" Yvo shrugged his shoulders and took a hefty sip of his own drink. He had sort of forgotten that Colton was exactly raised up with the muggle ideals. Yvo wouldn't have been either if he hadn't moved away from his mother. It was just recently that he started to learn about their ways. How did Adrian seem to know what it was. Yvo didn't hide that he was interested in some of their ways. Of course Yvo didn't particularly like muggles but they came up with the most peculiar objects. Yvo was halfway through a sip of his drink when he heard Adrian ask in a snarky tone about Colton getting his girlfriend knocked up. Yvo raised an eyebrow and lowered his drink down onto the table. He tuned in to the banter between his two brothers. He didn't know that Colton had a girlfriend or that they had stuff going on between them. A confused look rose onto Yvo's face as he sat up and raised his arm so that he could get their attention and speak. He felt like he was missing out on something that Adrian and Colton already knew about.

"I didn't know you had a girlfriend, and your having sex? Colton wow, I've never seen you...out of that shell of yours. You must really like her if your willing to come out of your shell. Do we know her? As for us, well I just got out of school and I've sort of been looking while Adrian over here only cares about one thing." Yvo told Colton. In a way he was proud that Colton had stepped out of his shell and decided to become semi involved with people. And on top of that it was a girl, Yvo wondered if he really did truly like her if he was going to open up for her. Yvo only knew one girl really that wasn't in his class and he and Patricia were nearly close enough to suggest that anything was going on, she was cute though. The conversation continued and Yvo shook his head. "No job yet, the Ministry is getting strict with who they let in. And I'd rather have a stable job them roam around and do whatever it do when you poof off Adrian." Yvo rolled his eyes gently as he thought about the jobs he could get but ended up having trouble with because they liked to go through his history and stuff. "Either way both of you should write to her, I'm sure neither of you had any idea that our little sister has a boyfriend."
Adrian was caught for right now, but he could cover it up. Somehow. Adrian made sure that he did not look guilty, but leave it to the smartypants to really catch him. Adrian glared over at Colton and he was about to give him a rude gesture before he thought twice. He would question it too. He did not know if it was just an American thing or not. Adrian thought of a lie and he thought of it rather quick, "A girl I met up was fond of muggle drinks and hooked me into them. That is how I know about them. You guys satisfied?" His tone was wavering slightly, but he cleared his throat and he laughed, "I seem to have something stuck there." Adrian took another drink out of his glass and he smiled rather cockily over at his brothers. One of them wasn't really his brother as much as he was a mistake, but Adrian was not going to bring that up unless he was losing an argument with him. Adrian needed something to really help him win against that former Head Boy. Adrian knew that he was not raised around the muggle things, which made him just more attracted to it to begin with. And now, he was living his double life and no one knew about it, and if he could change things, he would never let anyone know about his muggle life.

With a laugh, he said, "Yeah, and I bet he is having sex wrong! You ain't good until you have been with at least more than one girl. Everyone knows that." Adrian smirked a bit, and he was really putting on the expression that he went out and did all those things, to gain some sort of respect from his wizard friends and to seem like the expert on how to draw in girls. Well, he could bring them in, that was for sure. "I have to give Colton some respect though, his girlfriend is pretty hot, has a fine body, and her legs are awesome." Adrian raised his eyebrows over at Colton, knowing that it was going to irritate him to death. Adrian was good at doing that. Adrian shrugged lightly and he said, "So? Nothing wrong with just roaming around and having fun." Adrian really did not think that it was that big of a deal. So what, he did not have a job - here in the wizarding world that is. While he was drinking from his glass, Yvo poured out news that made him choke. Ariah had a boyfriend? He had long since forgotten about the arranged marriage. "Who is it?" choked Adrian.
The Healer glanced over at Yvo when he made his explanation of what that soda is. It did not sound like anything that he would drink, and Colton was raised with sole exclusion from the muggle world. He knew nothing about the muggle world, and he had no interest in finding out anything that he was not meant to really. Colton nodded and he murmured, "Sounded like it, and Adrian, that sounds believable." However, Colton's suspicions were already high, and he wondered if Adrian had made any visits to the muggle world without telling anyone. Colton would not be voicing his opinion right now anyway. Adrian perhaps pretended like he knew something, just to get attention or something, and that sounded plausible as well. Colton was still a little concerned, and he was going to find out just what Adrian has been doing for the past few months since graduation. Colton took a drink of his own drink before he turned his eyes to Yvo and he lowered his drink down to the table. Colton was just a little out of it right now, with everything swarming in his mind. The whole thoughts of muggles, they did not bother him at all, but neither did Death Eaters. Everyone had their own beliefs and that was that. Colton did not care either way. Colton had forgotten to let Yvo know that he had a girlfriend, but he really did not think it was that big of a deal.

With a heavy sigh, he said, "Yeah, both. I really do like her. I'd do anything for her, so yeah, she has stopped me from working myself to death. I owe her a lot. Her name is...Gabrielle Snow. So, Yvo, I doubt you know her, but Adrian does, after he came onto her and she rejected him." Colton glared at Adrian for bringing up Gabrielle and felt as though he was insulting her. However, Colton remained silent. He had to just cast his irritation to the side and he let out a soft sigh once more. Colton thought that Yvo would be able to make something of himself, once he put his mind to it. He thought that Yvo would be able to find a job easily, because that was what he would do. He was a smart person. Colton raised his eyebrows at what Yvo had said, and he was shocked and appalled when he heard that Ariah had a boyfriend. She was a little young, wasn't she? Despite of the fact that she was about to be a sixth year, Colton still thought that it was a little young for her. Colton shook his head and waited for Yvo to answer to the question that Adrian choked out.
Yvo shook his head at Adrian, he was laying and Yvo could tell. He had grown up with the guy so he knew how to tell when he was laying and when he was telling the truth. "Adrian, ten galleons says that was a total lie." Yvo shrugged his shoulders and went back to drinking some of the drink he had. He had to admit he didn't like pointing out when his brother was pulling on someone's leg, but he also didn't want Colton being mislead. On top of that there wasn't much logic behind what he said because if he supposedly hated muggles like he did, then he wouldn't have even bothered to try one of their drinks. The girl portion added up a little, so who knows what that idiot would do to get female attention. Once again Adrian started to be rude to Colton and Yvo nudged Adrian with his foot before narrowing his eyes at him for a moment, pretty much telling him to chill out because he was starting to get on people's nerves. Then Yvo figured that they were not going to chill out anytime soon. There was obviously bad blood between these two that wasn't going to be fixed anytime soon. Taking another drink he rolled his eyes and tried to think of something in his half-brother's defense. Adrian was good at picking on people until they lost their mind and fought with him. "If I'm not correct, didn't Colton have a thing with some other girl, erm....Kalina wasn't it? Anyways, stop picking on him Adrian. Or do I have to bring up your lack of of a love life?" Yvo raised an eyebrow at his brother before he turned away and looked back at Colton, he tried to help him out but it was proving to be a bit harder than he thought. There was a lot of conflict and Adrian seemed to know Colton so much better than he did. Hopefully Adrian's lack of a love life would embarrass him enough to get him to shut up and leave Colton alone. There was no need to make more conflict though so he could only hope that it didn't piss him off to much either.

"Gabrielle Snow? Eh I know her, went to school with her a few years. She's really pretty. I'm really glad that you found someone though Colton, you even look happier than you used to look. And-ugh Adrian cut it out! You shouldn't be talking about his girlfriend like that, it's rude to him and it's rude to talk about a girl like that." Yvo shook his head and wondered how Adrian ever caught a female's attention with the way he ended up treating them. Yvo knew girls liked getting respect from males and it seemed that Adrian didn't know respect for them at all. Then again some girls were shallow as hell and seemed to only go for the looks. So either way there was an upside to him and a downside to him. It seemed that both brother's were shocked when they hard about Ariah though. Not that Yvo blamed him. "His name is Leviathan or something like that. She says she really likes him and stuff, since she is also sixteen there's not much I can say to her about it either." Yvo also remembered something vaguely about an arranged marriage. Was that still in affect though? Yvo wasn't sure whether or not to bring that up until he asked his mother about the whole marriage thing.
"You'd lose then, because I found Sprite when I was about seventeen, the girl was a half-blood, and she loved muggle drinks. Owl her up, cause I introduced her to vodka," Adrian smirked and that part actually was true. Not about the Sprite, but introducing the girl to vodka, and it ended up having one hell of a night, but nothing sexual happened that night, but he wanted them to believe that something happened. He felt a nudge from Yvo and that was signal for him to stop and chill. He always hated physical touching or even nudging to get him to stop. It always worked, in any sort of form. Slapping and hitting normally calmed him right down. That boy was just odd, and everyone knew it. Adrian glanced down and he muttered something wrong in Russian and he muttered, "Lack of love life my ass. At least I have gotten laid before." Adrian smirked a bit at Yvo but he had stopped directing his spitting venom over at Colton. Adrian did not expect Yvo to know Gabrielle, and he rolled his mint green eyes when Yvo got onto him for speaking about a girl like that. He thought that it would have been a compliment for Colton but no, Mr. Morals had to get in the way and throw the guilt card at him, which worked to some extent but he did not show it. He wiped the drizzled drink off of his smooth chin to make sure that his choking on his drink did not end up everywhere or on anything other than himself. Adrian raised an eyebrow and he said, "Who names a kid Leviathan? What is that, like a demonic name or something? But yeah, if she is sixteen, fine, but still. I want to meet him." Adrian took a long drink from his glass, and this time, he did not choke on it. After swallowing, he inquired, "What is his last name?"
Colton turned his dark eyes over to Adrian and heard what he had to say before sighing and rolling his eyes. His suspicions were still high but he remained silent on the matter, because he did not think that Adrian would say too much more that would make him want to sit here longer just to finish the tale. Colton instead tuned him out for the most part and he shook his head at everything that the ex Gryffindorian was saying. Where did Adrian end up screwing up everything? Colton was dying to know that one. He did not mind just how he did it, but why it was. Colton finished off his drink and he set it down on the table. He turned over to the younger blonde and he said, "Don't bring up her. She is in the past, and if I saw her now, don't think I would even cast two words in her direction." She had managed to get under his skin and caused him to just go back into his steel shell and he did that now, became even more emotionless than before. Yvo might not know what it was like to be in Adrian's shoes or his own, but he would learn from their mistakes and end up doing something a lot better in his life than just lazing around or overworking one's self. Yvo was someone else, and he was much different than the diverse half-brothers that were sitting in the living room right now.

The healer smiled over at Yvo and he said, "Thanks, and she has made me a lot happier than I have been in a long time. I didn't know that you knew her, but she works as a healer now, different department than me though." Colton really adored Gabrielle, and he did not know how to express it. Colton never wanted to lose her, that was for sure. Colton heard the boy's name that Ariah had a fling for, and then her age. She was sixteen, and she was starting to become interested in boys. That was normal. Colton nodded slowly, and he turned his head toward Adrian and he shook his head, "I am sure that he goes by 'Levi'. But she is sixteen, but if he does anything to her that I don't like, he won't be seeing her for long. I will guarantee that." If only Colton could remember that blasted arranged marriage that Ariah has been in since her birth. Adrian would get a better perspective from hearing the last name. Colton did not know families so he did not want to bother asking for a last name anyway. But Colton would see a reaction from Adrian once it was revealed, and from there, Colton will see what he has to look out for.
Yvo scratched the back of his neck unsurely. "Oh, sorry Colton. I didn't know that things were that bad between you." Yvo didn't know what to say to Adrian about the vodka thing because he didn't really know what Vodka was, it must have been bad though if Adrian was introducing it to a woman. He also didn't really and truly know that things were bad between his brother and that Kalina girl. It would probably be a bad time to mention the fact that she was back in New Zealand. Yvo had seen her the other day and she waved to him. They didn't talk or anything because it looked like she was busy or something, but the point was that she was back and sooner or later she would probably try and seek out Colton. And he had a girlfriend. So it would be pretty bad blood boiling between the two of them eventually, and his poor girlfriend would probably end up in the middle of it all. When Adrian decided to comment on the fact that he has actually gotten laid Yvo narrowed his eyes at his brother. What a pig. Actually it was true for the most part as both Colton and Adrian had been intimate with a women before while Yvo had barely even spoken to most girls. Sure Ariah was also innocent within the group but she was only sixteen years old. Sometimes it was annoying to think about but Yvo was glad he's been waiting for the right person. He didn't want to hold regrets and he didn't want it to end badly like it did for Colton. "Well sorry I'm actually waiting for the right girl to come along. I'm actually looking to fall in love and get married you stupid git." Yvo nudged Adrian again before he put his drink on the table and his mint green eyes focused on his brother for a moment. He didn't like being made fun of for something he believed in. He believed that one should really care for someone before going off and having sex. Yvo wasn't as annoyed with Colton about this as he was with Adrian because he seemed pretty into the girl he was with now. But Adrian didn't seem to care about anything or anyone.

"Of course I know her. She was like the prettiest girl in school but never got involved with anyone. Till her seventh when this Xander guy made a bet with his friends that he could make a fool out of her and everything. So he pretended to be her friend, pretended he loved her, dated her, slept with her, then ditched her and pointed out in front of the entire school that he just did it to prove that it could be done. Poor girl had to sit there while pretty much the entire Great Hall laughed at her." Yvo bet that Colton didn't know about that. He didn't really want to tell him either but chances were that Gabrielle never would have told him anyways. Something like that wasn't exactly the thing you wanted to tell the person you were dating. Particularly because she had actually been sexually involved the the other guy. Then again Colton had been with Kalina. So it may have been even. Either way Yvo wasn't sure what to expect as a reaction from his brother. When the conversation escalated about Ariah's boyfriend Yvo felt sort of bad. They weren't going to even try to act happy for her were they? "Ariah said she didn't want to introduce him to either of you because you guys would get carried away. Either way she really likes him to be nice guys." Adrian asked what his last name was and Yvo paled for a minute. He was hoping that he wouldn't ask the last name. Adrian was raised up to know more about the pure blood families and some of the things that they've done. Colton probably didn't. Otherwise he would be a lot more weary around Gabrielle than he currently was. "Um, Zhefarovich. To make it even more ironic..Colton's little girlfriend is a descendant from the Lefevre's and the Snows. Our family rocks huh?" Yvo winked at Adrian. He knew that he would understand.
Adrian was a little surprised when he heard about that Kalina girl. Boy, Adrian remembered her in school. She was feisty, and well, Colton's best friend until something happened and then she became the world's biggest w****. Adrian finished off his drink and set the empty glass on the table. He folded his hands together and he started to think about that woman. What ever happened to her? She was at one time, pretty, but now not even Adrian would lie and say that he would touch her. Because he wouldn't. She was just too much for the former Gryffindor. Adrian glanced over at Colton and he could see that it was a touchy subject for him. Alas, Adrian was smart enough to not even want to go that route and tease him about it. Knowing his luck, he would be choked or something afterward. But he kept this in mind however. Adrian combed his hair with his fingers and he waited for the subject to pass over because that one was just boring to him. Adrian glanced over at Yvo and he smirked a bit. Adrian shrugged, "To each their own. But I can respect that. For the most part." Inside, he was glad that his brother was not sleeping around with random girls. He was really glad for that actually.

However, Adrian narrowed his eyes at the thoughts of someone doing that to any female. That was something that he had never thought about doing to any sort of female. Adrian could not help but think, What an ass. Adrian would never do that to someone. He would give them an honest relationship but thing was, he never really got into relationships as much as he just liked to make out with a few girls and call it a night. Adrian continued to listen to the story and for once he felt some sort of pity for the girl and everything she had gone through. Adrian turned his mint green eyes to Colton to see his reaction, and was not surprised by what he had seen. However, his eyes turned to Yvo once again, and he saw that he was going to answer the question of the last name. "I would be nice," Adrian said with a smile to his face, an innocent one. However, the last name was out, and Adrian's eyes widened so much that his eyes almost popped out of his head, "Z-Zh-Zhefarovich? You have got to be kidding me! That family is...dark, evil, freaking insane!" His face paled from a good tan to white as a sheet. "They will completely change her to an insane woman! But Colton, you wow, Lefevre and Snow? Are the Rowan's the ones that all the insane and evil families out to snag now?" Adrian, to put it blank, was terrified of all those families. Snows did not seem that bad, just insane, but they seemed half and half. But the Lefevre's and Zhefarovich's, there was no half and half on them.
Colton nodded a bit and he remained silent about that topic. It was indeed rather private thing and he really did not want to mention that part of his life ever again. It was really touchy for him. Things were even better now than before so he wanted to avoid that subject at all cost. Colton knew what type of woman she was, and hoped that she would never come to New Zealand. He did not even keep up with where she was at, and for a good reason. Things would never change and he would be with Gabrielle for as long as he could see. He did not want anyone else and did not see anyone in his life except her. One would call it love, but Colton did not realize it though. He really cared for her. Colton did not realize that she was out there, seeking him out and trying to find him. Colton was a quiet man, and he normally did have such a quiet life that no one really knew where to find him except at the hospital. Otherwise, no one really knew where he lived except for family members, and there were limited amount of them. Colton was just glad that he had not seen her since school and he was glad that he had been happy that there was nothing more other than bad memories left. Though what Yvo said was just something that was rather admirable. At least he was not going around like he believed Adrian to do. He smiled over at Yvo and he said, "I hope you find her soon." That was something that he hoped for Yvo.

Colton blushed heavily right now. That was because Yvo said that she was a pretty girl but then the story came along with a boy named Xander, and Colton's eyes narrowed. He listened to the story, and then, he remembered the first time that he had met her and he pushed that aside. "If I meet Xander, I'll strangle him where he stands," murmured Colton in his native tongue. Hopefully they would not understand him because Colton did not like it when people heard him say things like that. Colton kind of knew that the boy was a jerk to Gabrielle but did not know he was that much of one actually. Colton wanted to strangle him, but he was not the type to go out and search for him. But if he ever came into her life again, he would be glad to let him have it. Colton shrugged lightly and said, "I would be more worried about Adrian than me. I don't mind it, as long as he doesn't try anything." Colton shrugged again and he spoke the truth on that one. However, Colton noticed that the last name made Yvo pale, and when he heard it, Adrian flipped out. Colton did not see it. He did not know the families at all. Colton turned to Yvo and he asked, "I don't understand, what makes their families so bad? I mean, I helped with both Zhefarovich's and Snow's at one point, well, one for the body of a Zhefarovich." However, he started thinking, she was a Death Eater, one gorgeous Death Eater that was a mother. "Wait, I remember looking at a body of a Zhefarovich struck down. She was a Death Eater. Is that what are so bad about them? All three families?" Colton noticed how scared Adrian looked. That had to be something.
Yvo shook his head at his brother. Although he loved Adrian because he was indeed his brother and no matter how stupid he was he would be loved, sometimes one could not help but wonder if Adrian was adopted or something. Then again Ariah seemed to be just as scatter-brained as he was sometimes. At least she had the sense not to go around and try dating everyone though. As she seemed to be a lot more innocent than any of them were. Once she Graduated though would her opinion on the rest of the world change as she knew it though. Yvo shook the thoughts from his head and bit his cheek. Life was getting more and more complicated. "Thanks Colton. I'm not too worried about finding a lady right now though, there's a lot of other things that are a lot more important on my list right now. Like for one clearing out all of dad's old stuff." Like getting a job, getting into the Ministry, getting all the furniture out of the old home his dad had and doing something with it because on the will it stated that Ariah couldn't have the house and Yvo didn't really know if he wanted it either. Yvo didn't know why his sister couldn't take it but he would look into it as she really loved that house. He just didn't want it because it made him think too much of his father, perhaps Colton or Adrian would want it. Then again he didn't think that Colton was close at all with their father whereas Adrian always seemed to prefer a house by the stupid beach, and that place was in the middle of woods in Russia. Cold and secluded, so it probably wasn't in his best interest. He would probably ask them both anyways though just in case they decided they did want it, or they wanted to help him go through some of the stuff. There was probably stuff of their's in that home too. Yvo was pretty sure that his father had kept a few things of Colton's baby stuff. His story about what had happen with Gabrielle did seem to get some reaction both of them and Yvo knew that they were both feeling the same exact thing as he was. Which was pity for her. She may be mean and cruel but that was going out of bounds. Especially when it was only done to try and spite her. Yvo was able to pick up that Colton was really upset.

"Colton relax, it was in the past. You can't tell her that I told you this either. She probably doesn't want anyone to know about it. So she'd probably kill me. I know your like...tottalllly in love with her or something but could you keep this our little secret?" Yvo told Colton with a shifty glance in his eyes. He knew he shouldn't have told Colton anything because he would get upset or possibly treat her differently. Like she was fragile or something. That girl was so far from being fragile. Gabrielle was like a human icicle by this point to perhaps the entire thing had been forgotten by her and everything. Besides now she had Colton. Yvo was fairly sure that his brother would take care of her. From what the blonde could see, that boy really had a thing for Gabrielle. Perhaps even one more strong than the way some of the guys felt for her while they were in school. "Try telling Ariah that guys." Ariah seemed uneasy about all of them and didn't seem to be very keen on showing that Levi guy to any of them. Not that Yvo blamed her all that much. He wasn't sure that he really wanted to go around meeting her boyfriend either. Adrian's reaction to hearing the family name's made Yvo half smirk. He knew that he was going to give off that reaction. Yvo wasn't really sure what he could say to Adrian but then Colton asked what made those families so bad. This called for an explanation. "Well them being Death Eater's is just barely part of the reason, Colt. These families are serious stuff. They have their own little hierarchy system. If the heads don't like a particular member they are killed, no matter the relation. They even have their own laws that must not be broken. And as if that isn't bad enough. These creeps raise their children from birth to hate anyone not like them and to be killers. The Zhefarovich's, Levi's family and the Lefevre's, Gabrielle's family are well known fort their cruelty. What do you think they taught their children? Imagine the kinds of things that they do to people who get in their way Colton. Think about what hey could possibly teach and do to our little sister, imagine what your girlfriend could be capable of." Yvo explained. Silence falling upon the room. He had been sheltered apparently but if he was going to finally pull his head out of those books he was finally going to be able to see the evil's and harshness that some people brought.
Adrian wondered how he got mixed up in these siblings of his. They all seem a little to respectable for Adrian. The blonde bit his lip when he said something about moving out their father's things, he glanced down sadly. He still missed his father, even though he went out and did other things anyway. A son would always miss their father, it was just the way it was. Adrian muttered, "If you guys need me to, I can um, help out with clearing dad's things." Adrian rubbed the back of his head with his hand, and wondered if he would even bother with helping out. He would actually but Adrian wouldn't be in a good mood when he would be helping out. Adrian was not really one to want to deal with his emotions. Adrian then placed his hands on his lap and he leaned back against the seat and he smirked lightly. His thoughts went away from the sadness that the father brought to his mind. Adrian did not know what to do or say about what happened to Gabrielle, but Adrian did not want to touch that subject. Though Colton seemed to really be pissed off, and he knew that Colton must have really liked her. Maybe the boy did have some feelings in him somewhere in there, but Adrian just did not see it often at all. Adrian snorted a bit when Yvo pointed out that Colton really loved her and all. That he would pay to see. Adrian smirked a bit but them he remembered that boy's family, and he decided not to even bother with it. Adrian probably could not scare that little demon. Adrian listened to the way the families were run, and it was just ridiculous. Adrian shook his head and he got up out of the chair. "You know what? Screw it, cause I don't want to hear about my little sister mixed up in these things. I was better off not knowing!" Adrian stood up and he shook his head. "I'll just, I'm going to go home for a while. If you all need me, send me an owl." Adrian just could not take hearing about those families anymore. They already chilled him to the bone. What more did they want? He left the apartment in a hurry.
Colton rolled his eyes at the thought of Adrian going out and dating all the time. It was ridiculous. Colton shifted his thoughts elsewhere for the time being. Colton ran his fingers through his dark lock of hair, before he shifted his eyes over to Yvo and he said something about clearing out their father's things. Colton did not really know their father that much, but he felt that it might help the three brothers bond a little more if they could. Colton breathed softly and he wondered what was going to happen now with the three brothers. Colton nodded lightly and he murmured, "I think I'll help with that, if you like. It might help me get to know dad just a little better." Colton smiled lightly, but he was unsure of how that would turn out. Colton would help out cause it would be better off for all of them if he did because they would. Colton wondered what their dad was like, and from what he knew from a few letters, he was a nice man. Someone that seemed too nice happened to have passed away, they did not deserve a fate so cruel actually. Colton never really had loving parents growing up, biologically or adoptive, so he doesn't really know how or what it was like to have parents. Colton just really grew up, telling himself stuff and receiving it all from books. Colton was a secluded person, but now that he had siblings, he wanted to get to know them, just not everything like what all Adrian does on his free time when he was out with girls. Colton dismissed the thoughts of what happened with Gabrielle, but it still bothered him anyway.

"I am not in love with Gabrielle. I don't know what that feels like so well, I guess I shouldn't deny it either. But fine, I won't mention it," Colton muttered with obvious dislike in his voice, but he was not really going to worry about it too much until he knew if that other boy was going to return as well. Colton turned his eyes to Yvo once more, before he was told that Ariah seems a little uneasy about the brothers. Adrian, he could understand. Colton was a lot more understanding right now anyway. But it was rare to even make him mad about anything really. He was far too nice to people when they were actually talking to him but then again, Colton never really spoke to many others anyway. Though once Adrian bolted from the room after hearing about it all, Colton was made to wonder what in the world the big deal was. Colton just did not see it. Once Yvo was finished explaining, and the two brothers were alone, Colton was forced to think. He shook his head, "Who are we to judge on another family and their practices? Look, I don't care what Gabrielle can be capable of. I know her, and that doesn't change anything. But if Ariah wants to be with Levi, then there is something about him that she obviously likes." Colton was ultimately neutral about everything. He did not sway to the good or evil. He did things the way he thought, and that was all that there was to it. Colton had seen how harsh others could be, he saw the victims in Saint Mungo's, whether they would be the Aurors injured or the Dark beings. He treated them all and sent them on their way. "Anyway, what should I be aware of in case I were to get on their bad side?"
A Few Months Later​
A few months had passed since the last time the three brother's met in Yvo's apartment. After Adrian left that day the two remaining decided to call it a night too since the mood was killed anyways. But the blonde male made sure to inform his brother that sooner or later he'd invite him over again. So they could really talk without Adrian being around to make the three of them bicker like a bunch of idiots. The man was loved like a brother by Yvo but sometimes with him things got a little over the top and he really seemed to enjoy going after Colton for reason's unknown to anyone really besides what those two have against one another. Not even Ariah had an idea and she was immensely good at reading people and figuring strange things out, it would probably remain a mystery to everyone except those two but Yvo didn't really care either. So long as he didn't have to listen to the two of them bicker or deal with keeping them apart, they could do whatever they wanted to one another. Adrian probably wouldn't like to hear what Yvo was going to be talking to Colton about anyways. It was something he suspected his brother already knew because they had been told about Ariah's fate once before. But it was so long ago that Yvo had literally forgotten that it was ever made and forced upon poor Ariah. Pouring some freshly brewed coffee into a cup he picked up his own mug then the coffee filled one and brought them into the living room where he handed a cup to Colton. A lot had changed in the few months that he hadn't seen his brother during, one of them being the fact that Colton had almost become a father. Huge shock to the entire family but Yvo didn't necessarily see it as a bad thing either. Ariah didn't as well so there was at least two people behind him on this. Although it wasn't known for sure, but their father would have been proud of Colton too and the way he was handling things. "So um...since I didn't get a chance to say it earlier, I'm really sorry to hear about Gabrielle and the baby. I never t-th-well...I could have pictured you being a good father anyways. Dad would have been proud." A miscarriage was nothing to take lightly. Yvo could barely imagine the heartbreak the two of them had been feeling when they fond out the news of the baby's passing. Then again they weren't exactly planning this child for a long time either. So maybe it could have been worse than it really was. Or something. He didn't say it out loud but he figured that if Colton loved Gabrielle as much as he didn't want to admit he did, it wouldn't be too long before they were at it again.

"Anyways, I brought you here to talk about that boy Ariah is will." Yvo started. Reaching over the table to hand a piece of paper to Colton. It was a copy of a legal document. Signed by some people Yvo didn't know and Ariah's parents. Perhaps one or more the people he didn't know was Leviathan's parents of the head of the that family. "Well it turns out there is more to the two of them than just dating. Our little sister was put into an arranged marriage with that boy. It's even legally signed by dad and everything. <I>He knew." Which was surprising because from what he heard his father had tried to tell him and Adrian that he was opposed to it and that was what saved Adrian, Darek, and himself from being put into the same fate. Would Colton have ever been at risk of the same problem if he had been raised with dad like the rest of them were? Now Yvo had to sit back and wait to see if his brother would react at all to this. There was a lot of things Yvo couldn't answer because he didn't know what made someone decide to force their child into this. It was just something the pure blood families wanted to do these days.

Once more, Colton was summoned to Yvo's apartment without the nuissance of Adrian being there anyway. That was more comforting than anything else actually. Colton apparated into the room and he took a deep breath to get over the deal with the apparation. Colton was not a fan of it, but it got him around. Colton was glad to be talking to Yvo though, and he had heard that the brother managed to become an Obliviator. Which was great in Colton's books because he was getting well into the world. Colton wanted that actually. Colton was really proud of Yvo and wished that someone would get Adrian into shape at least. Colton was in the living room, where he was standing, and then Yvo brought him some coffee, to which Colton thanked him for the cup, and brought the dark brown beverage to his lips and he took a drink. That liquid literally kept Colton on his feet and running. It really kept him awake and alert too. It was an addiction, and Colton was fine with it. He loved coffee and loved the taste of it as well. It really spiced things back up. Colton was just healing over the loss of his baby, and he was dealing with it accordingly. It had been a while now, and he was hoping that things got better in the end. Colton was hoping that Gabrielle was doing better now as well. She needed the time to herself from time to time, and he hoped that she was feeling better now. Hopefully she did not continue to blame herself as well. Colton's brown eyes went to Yvo when he said that he was sorry to hear about the miscarriage. And that he would have been a good father and their dad would have been proud. Colton took another sip of his coffee before he went and sat down on the couch. He needed to sit down actually. Colton nodded and he murmured, "Thanks. I just wish I could have seen it coming and maybe, prevented it. But hopefully dad knows that I am just doing the best I can for Gabrielle and I."

Gabrielle practically moved in with him, now. That was something that Colton really liked. Even though she had a separate bedroom, they always slept together. Whether it would have been in that one bedroom or his own. They just find their way to each other. Colton really loved that part of it anyways. Colton had researched the feeling of love, and it was settled, he was in love. Though that was setting him up to perhaps being hurt later on, he did not care. The feeling was amazing, and he wanted to keep it. But the reason why Colton was brought here, was over Ariah and that Leivathan boy. He listened to what Yvo had to say, and then handed a piece of paper to Colton. It was a legal document, signed by signatures most of which he could not read. He narrowed his eyes and he read it. An arranged...marriage? What was that? Colton only heard about it, through whispers but that was not really what he considered to be a modern thing. Colton murmured, "You mean, people still arrange these things? Dad knew about this as well? But...why Ariah? Why not anyone else? And if Ariah chooses not to marry that Levi boy, what will happen?" Colton did not understand really what was going on with arranged marriages and all. How serious they could be depending on what family that would be. Colton wanted some answers, but he was not too sure that Yvo could give them to him. Colton did not know anything about arranged marriages, and he did not really want to know actually. Because he was worried. His little sister was doomed to be married. "When does the wedding occur?" Colton was wondering, because it had to be soon. She was almost an adult. The arranged marriages typically took place once both parties were eighteen, and the female was graduated from school. Not only that, she had to have a baby within a year of the marriage.
Yvo could tell that this whole deal was still bother Colton to some extent. But he couldn't really blame him because losing a child that wasn't even born to begin with was just rough. It had never been some experienced in the family before now so it wasn't like the family knew how to deal with the loss. Yvo himself could barely even comprehend would it would be like to b a father in the first place so he couldn't pretend he knew how his brother was feeling right now. "There really is no way of telling when these things might happen, so don't be too hard on yourself. I hope Gabrielle is coping well, I heard miscarriages can be rough on the women sometimes." Yvo told his brother, tying to be helpful in any way that he could. He wasn't sure what exactly Colton's girlfriend was going through but if his brother looked as reluctant as he did to be away from her then it was probably something to worry about. So Yvo decided that he would try not to keep his brother for too long. He just needed to explain some things and he wanted to catch up with Colton. One thing he did notice, was how his mannerisms and speech changed, especially when it concerned Gabrielle. His brother was a lot easier to read than he probably thought he was but Yvo wondered if Gabrielle had yet to notice that Colton was madly in love with her. "So...have you told Gabrielle that your head over heels for her yet, because dude, it is so obvious." Yvo spoke out and gave his brother a wink. Being in love was nothing to be ashamed about because it was actually a very prideful and beautiful thing. Especially when it involved love and have strong feelings for an individual. He never expected Colton to be the first out of all his siblings to fall for someone though. He frankly expected either Adrian or Colton to be the last actually, Ariah to be the first, and him most likely second. But the entire order was a little messed up now. But there was room to be proud though because with all of them moving on with their lives Yvo wouldn't have to be worried about watching any of them waste their life. Now he just needed to keep en eye out and make sure that Colton and Gabrielle didn't break up or anything and he could actually have his future set.

Yvo watched quietly as Colton narrowed his eyes and read what he had handed him. He really hoped that his brother wouldn't overreact over this. Since this was a legal document he was sure that Colton would realize how serious it was, it was even signed by what he could only guess were officials of some sort. Then Colton actually spoke about it and Yvo ducked his head slightly. "Families like the ones I told you about the other day do, they usually do it to keep the bloodline pure. I'm not sure why they chose just Ariah and not any of us too, your asking the wrong person if you wanted those kind of answers. But-if she doesn't do the marriage...she dies." This was about the extent of what Yvo knew. He was left in the dust about this and he figured it was only because his mother didn't want him to poke his nose where it didn't belong. This was way after their father had an affair with that woman that became Colton's mother too so maybe it was a way to try and make him suffer? Yvo didn't know exactly why she had formed it because if she really wanted purity then she would have arranged them all and not just Ariah. Maybe a female was all that was needed? Hopefully at least Ariah knew about this marriage because it was a little scary enough on their half, he wondered how on earth his baby sister felt. What if the guy treated her poorly and hated her, what if she hated him? How fair was that? "I couldn't really tell you, I figure it's when they both reach a certain age or something. If you want really answers though, you'd have to ask the people that signed that paper, or someone who's from a family that has histories of these things." He explained. Taking the free will of another person clearly didn't bother these people one bit. It was so cruel and strict to do this to another person and Yvo clearly didn't understand the seriousness of it. He wasn't even sure if he wanted to know about it either because it bothered him enough and he didn't want to get involved with the wrong people and get hurt or something.
--Colton really tried to hide the fact that losing a child really bothered him but there was no point in really hiding it anyhow. Yvo knew that it bothered him, and well, it would bother anyone that was put in the place of the healer. He really needed a way to get over it, but what if he never could? What if he would never be able to get over the fact that he lost his daughter? Well, Colton would have to learn to live with it, and that was all it took. Colton turned his eyes over to Yvo for a moment and he shook his head, "That is not the point. It is rough on women, so I really don't want her to go through it again. She doesn't need that type of stress at all." Colton really wanted the best for Gabrielle and he did not want her to go through more miscarriages because the baby was either not strong enough or her equipment might not be strong enough to hold the baby. What if they were to have another together and it just ended up the same fate? Colton did not want that to happen again. Even if he was happy to hear that he was going to become a father, he did not want to have a baby at the expense of Gabrielle. One might be bound to survive, but how many would it take for her to really have one? How many miscarriages must she suffer? Colton did not even want her to suffer through another one. He would prefer to have her than a baby for her suffering. Colton glanced up at Yvo when he asked if he had told Gabrielle that he loved her yet. Colton shook his head, "Obvious or not, it is not time yet." Never once had Colton expected to fall in love in his life, and before any of his brothers. It was something else. The feeling itself was wonderful. The butterflies in the stomach that did not make one want to vomit, the warmth of the smile the person gave, the thoughts and the name itself just bringing a smile to the face without even realizing it. Colton thought that it would have been Yvo to fall in love first with a girl because of how sweet natured he was, but no, it was Colton that fell in love first. No one really expected Adrian to fall in love with his crazy ways but it could be possible. Maybe it was bitter sourness that Colton held toward him that made him think that he would not amount to anything actually.

--Though the families that were always involved with spreading the pure-blood race, it was something else. Colton himself was still pure-blood but he did not think that he was the result of those ideas. It was just a coincidence that he was a pure-blood, and well, he did not even dwell on that fact. All he knew was that his parents were both young at the time. However the words that if Ariah does not do the marriage, she would be doomed to die. What kind of fate was that? Colton gave his brother an incredible look and he breathed, "Kill her, over that? What is the point of killing her because they won't have the marriage anyway. But, well, why we aren't arranged should not be questioned because well, I like not having to be forced into it. But if she likes the boy, by all means..." Colton could not help but wonder who the boy was, how he was raised, how he acted and who his parents were. He looked down at the paper and he could see some names. His father was one of the names, and then there was Yvo's mother. He did not want to go to her for answers, but the other signatures. Axel Zhefarovich was one of them, and then there was Emerald Grimrar. And finally down at the bottom there another signature, another one that seemed to be the biggest. Asparuh Zhefarovich the third. Colton wondered if he could ever go to them and see about taking away the arrange marriage. He kept these plans hidden in his mind however. Colton murmured in a monotone voice, "I believe I will, once I find a way to find them." However he had no idea how close some of them where. Axel Zhefarovich owned a shop just in New Zealand, and then Gabrielle's step-father was the infamous Asparuh Zhefarovich. Yet the name seemed to ring out to Colton. At least the last name. The woman that died was a Death Eater, named Raisa. He wondered how she was connected to them all. Perhaps if there was a way for Colton to reach the Zhefarovich family maybe they would explain to him why all this occurred. Colton would have to really work at it. But did he really want to meet some of these people, from what he heard already? Colton cared more about his sister than anything to do with his safety.

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