The Talk (con't)

Michael Watson

Biggest Sport Nerd | 7th Year | Claw Captain
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Curved 11.5" Flexible Wenge Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
18 (29/09/2044)
continued from here

It would have been all too easy for Michael to crumble. To be selfish, to demand that Margo put her life on hold for a year to wait for him. There was a part of him that wanted to just do that. But as soon as he looked at her, he knew there was absolutely no way he could ask that of her. How could he? She'd spent so long waiting, she'd told him that herself. Waiting for answers from her brother. Waiting for everyone else around her, putting herself second at best. Michael grimaced. He loved her far too much to do that to her. "I can't," he said, quietly, his voice wavering. "That...that would be too cruel." Even if it felt more cruel to let her go right now. He might not have been the best at this whole romance thing, but he wasn't ignorant. " told me how much you hated waiting and feeling like you couldn't do anything. I don't want you to hate me," he added, his voice barely above a whisper. He had reasoned that separation for the 'right' reasons would be better than prolonged misery, but as always reality never quite lined up with reasoning.
Margo let out a choked sound as Michael confirmed what she already knew. He wouldn't ask her. He would rather let her go then make her hold her breath. She knew he never would. Which was probably why she loved him. And if she knew all that, then why did it hurt so much? She looked down at the ground as her tears came in earnest now. Fat drops falling to the ground. She didn't want him to see her like this. They were supposed to be going on a date. They were supposed to be laughing and talking about the future, quidditch, anything and everything. How did they end up here? Michael continued to speak and his words were perfect even though they were breaking her heart.

But Margo looked up suddenly when he finished. His last words were so far from the truth she couldn't let them slide. "I could never hate you." she said fiercely. She looked at him now and knew she probably looked awful. Without thinking she closed the distance between them and went on her toes to kiss him. She ignored her own aversion to public displays of affection because she was sure if she didn't do this now she might drown. She pulled away a second later, her breathing ragged. "I love you." she said softly with her hands on either side of his face. "But I don't think it's enough." she added. agreeing with where this was obviously going. Even if her chest felt like it was being torn open. "For either of us."

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