Open The Sweet Sting Of Victory

Yuelia Rossingol

Puppetmaster | Duelist
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Straight 14.5" Sturdy Walnut Wand with Boomslang Venom Core
18 (31/05/2045)
Yuelia had done it. She had retained the one thing she had to call her own - her title - all the way through school. It didn't matter now what Chaos had said, or the dirty looks that Penelope had given her, or even the fact that her arms and face were stinging with cuts from Emmanuel's spell. She maintained her crown, and she was queen of her domain.

She twiddled her wand between her fingers, planning to fix herself up, but decided against it. Instead, she merely dabbed at her cheek with her handkerchief, wincing a little at the sting. But it was something she could feel - pain, along with sheer relief, and somewhere buried underneath, elation. Yuelia leaned against the wall, and with all the turbulent rush of emotion and feeling in her chest, all she could think to do was laugh. It was a strange, strained laugh, echoing in the empty hall of the dungeons. But it didn't matter to her right now - sure, she was alone, but she was the queen. Nobody could take that away from her now.
Chaos Zhefarovich the Second watched the Dueling Tournament, and honestly, he was impressed with how his... She wasn't even an ex so he did not know what to call her. They were... They made out before, and she liked him and he rejected her brutally last year. Sometimes, he found himself wondering if he had done the right thing - or if he was doing what his dad would have done. That did not sit well with him, but who would understand that? He doubted anyone would so for now, he would have a little bit of fun while Yuelia was feeling good.

Maybe not physically since she was cut up pretty bad. Chaos made himself known by approaching the Slytherin prefect while she was leaned against the wall, but kept out of hitting distance for a reason.
"If I didn't know better, I thought a banshee was singing a song but it was you." Chaos wondered if he would earn a curse for that little quip, but why not rile her up a bit? She was fun when she was feisty.
Yuelia's laughter briefly stopped at the voice, and she quickly turned on her heel, wand still in hand, to face Chaos with an icy glare. Truthfully, it still hurt to see him, but she didn't want that to be so obvious. Not when, for today, she was beneath nobody. "Did you wish for me to curse you as well?" she responded, lightly, remembering poor Todd coughing up slugs after their duel. Perhaps it would be fun to see Chaos so dishevelled, though she knew he was better than letting himself get caught like that - and she knew she had to be on her best behaviour when it came to magic around the school. "Perhaps I could dangle you from the ceiling, if I am to be considered beneath you. Do you not have better things to do?"
Oh even that icy glare was attractive. Perhaps it was because he knew that it was reserved just for him. Chaos did hurt her pretty bad after all. He raised his hands up to show that he was unarmed, though he had no doubt in his mind that she could try. He could also just cast Protego wandlessly now. "Let's not get you into any more trouble. You just barely hung on to that badge of yours from your little mishap last year. I'd hate to see you lose it for good." Who hadn't heard of what she had done to that statue? It failed miserably, and he expected more from someone that he used to make out with. "Oh now, that actually hurts, Yuelia. I never once considered you beneath me," Chaos lied flawlessly.
Chaos was very handsome, and he clearly knew that. It frustrated Yuelia to no end, as although she wanted to find him abhorrent, she couldn't deny he was attractive. If he hadn't turned his cruelty on her...but her expression didn't change, the laughter now mostly quieted. "I do not care about the badge," she said, coolly. "Not having it would allow me to see you less...that would only be a good thing." She gave a little 'ha' at that, shoulders quivering. Truthfully, she would have liked to have punished Emmanuel more for the indignity of pairing her up with Chaos again. But she had to take some sort of high ground, she supposed. She paused ever so slightly at his words, but Yuelia was no fool - she could see it was venom dripping with honey. Part of her wanted to believe it. The rest of her wouldn't trust so easily. "Such cruelty. I see why you and Emmanuel are friends." The adrenaline still coursed through her veins, and she let out a short, ragged breath. "If only you had competed. I could have made you both yield to me."
Did she really not care about the badge? He was about to question it until she explained why. Chaos placed his hand over his heart as if to say that really hurt. It didn't but she might already be aware of it. Even the way she said it though, it was amusing. "Oh, don't even lie to yourself. You'd miss seeing me around, miss the power, and miss having more glory to your name that the title 'Dueling Champion' doesn't supply." Chaos simply guessed at that, since he was not sure how much she even cared about her influence at the school. Chaos liked having the power that he had. The authority. And honestly, it showed this year. She brought up how he and Emmanuel were friends, but he shook his head. "Not that close, Yuelia. I would never approve of his relationship. Only because Kyon is an idiot." Chaos had no issues with everything else - the blood status differences, the same gender, etc. Maybe he did previously, but not since he realized the exact history of his parents, and how controlling Havoc truly was. Emmanuel just seemed like he picked someone at the bottom of the barrel. "If you want me to yield to you, all you need is ask."
Yuelia did like the power, Chaos had the right of it there. Not so much in the sense of power over first years, she couldn't care less what they did, but in the representation of status. She didn't come from an overly affulent background, she didn't have a name to rely on, but she was a skilful duelist and a confident spellcaster. She'd always wanted to be some sort of grand, beautiful sorceress, even if the dream was somewhat childish. She had to act more like an adult, which meant knowing Chaos was toying with her even if she desperately wanted to believe he was being honest.

Despite herself, she gave a small, genuine laugh at his comment about Emmanuel's choice of partner. She brought her hand to her mouth to cover it, as though it was shameful, shaking her head. "He is rather foolish," she agreed. "I suppose perhaps he makes Emmanuel feel smarter." She was a little cautious, though she liked the freedom to be petty. Her laughter stopped once more at Chaos' next comment. "I do not see why I should ask when I know the answer would be no."
Why would she want to cover up that smile and laugh? It was honest and Chaos liked seeing it - even though he would never admit it out loud. No one needed an ego like his after all. Chaos was aware of how large egos could be. Some members in his family had enough to power a hot-air balloon, if not an army of them. He chuckled, which was genuine, as she shared the same thoughts about the guy as him. "That would be boring after a few weeks. I like the challenge of someone of the same level of intellect. Otherwise, it is akin to having a pet dog." Chaos was not shy about letting others know that he did not like dogs at all. They were much too needy. He needed something a lot more independent. Perhaps that was why he was so drawn to Yuelia, even if he did not want to be. "You may be surprised. Despite our hardened exterior, we Zhefarovich's will treat those we favor like royalty." Chaos paused before he added, "I do have ulterior motives, mind you, but I won't divulge anytime soon."
"Rather a shame he only seeks a dog for companionship. One would think he would appreciate being challenged, but not everyone can have such refined tastes." Yuelia realised a little too late she was complimenting Chaos, and internally cursed herself. He had humiliated her, and she ought not give him any sort of satisfaction in return. Just because he was charming and happened to be giving her attention did not mean he had earned any right to have her favour. She couldn't be so weak as to let him get under her skin once more, even if she had done a poor job at proving he wasn't. "Of course you do. I would not be so stupid as to think you did not." Part of her desperately wanted to believe that somehow he regretted what he'd done, but even she couldn't go for such wishful thinking. She would have to truly make him regret it, she decided, and she didn't think she'd done such a thing yet. "How fortunate for whoever you deign to favour, until you cast them aside, that is. Now, leave me be before I take my victory lap," she said, as though she was trying to convince herself to convince him to leave. She idly twirled her wand between her fingers, though the intent was not quite there.
Chaos would have to agree with that, and definitely thought that she was complimenting him. Perhaps she did not mean to, but he would not comment on it yet. She might become too embarrassed by it. Or just outright deny it. He decided not to say anything though. Chaos' cocky, confident appearance slowly drained to a poker face. It was not one that he used often, but he used it to cover anything negative or if someone could use it as a weakness against him. He would leave her be, but not without having a word. "I hope not to do that anymore. I decided I didn't want to be like my dear old dad, but realized it a touch too late." Chaos shrugged his shoulders and shoved his hands into his pockets, seeing as he did not need to get his wand out. But he shifted and turned to leave the dungeons. "Enjoy your victory lap. No one deserves that tournament win besides you."

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