The Story Is ...

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Trinity Cornwell

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Rowan Wand 15" Essence of Fang of Basilisk
Well the story is ... I am deeply saddened for poor Trinity here :( <--- see that is me being sad. And why am I sad you may well ask, well once upon a time Trinity had a best friend Tony Alraur who had to leave the school at the end of their second year without any word to her. So tis very understandable that she would be absolutely devastated and because my wittle character is, then it stands to reason that I am too. :cry:

Now I know none of you like to see me sad ;) for very long at least so I would like to get Trinity out there - not overly much, just enough this year to get a new friendship or two under her belt ;)

Male or female she isn't particular really ;)

So come on be the one to put a :D or a ^_^ or even a :lol: on my face ... anyone able to put one of these :woot: on and they get a medal xD
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