Closed The start of the year

Finn Lockley

Mischievous • Curious • Softie
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
Finn wasn't ready for his lessons to start back up again. His main goal was Quidditch now and everything else was coming second now. Flynn was actually weirdly and Finn was worried something was off. Finn decided to come to the Great Lawn and think about what could have happened to get Flynn so high in emotions. It was winter now and Finn must say it was rather chilly outside. He didn't care though, he was outside in a thick sweater and scarf. Warm enough to keep him cozy for an hour. Finn paced outside and shrugged, it was weird to think of his friend like that. He also needed to talk to Penny about what had happened last year. Even though they weren't caught last year, it didn't mean they had not never done it. All in all it was a stressful start of the year for him.
Aubrey was determined that this was going to be her year. Getting away from the crowds in the castle, she wrapped herself up in her favorite blue scarf and a cute pair of boots. She liked feeling like she was dressed nice, it made her feel better about how shy she was. She paused as she spotted a boy outside. "Hello," She greeted, debating turning around and just leaving again.
Finn was still thinking about the whole ideal, but he was quickly snapped out of it when he heard a voice behind him. ''Hello there'' Finn said while looking at the girl, she did look cute with her black hair. ''You can't say hello and then leave'' Finn was thinking if he knew the name of the girl, but although they did share lessons she never did seem to say anything, ''I am Finn'' He said while looking at the girl. He was pretty sure she was a second year like he was now.
Aubrey paused, raising a brow. She was silent a moment, even after he said his name. "Sure I can," She retorted easily, turning and walking back the way she had come. She'd heard about Finn, she knew he liked to flatter any girl he saw and that a lot of girls seemed to think he was cute. Well, not Aubrey. She wasn't going to be pulled in by some pretty boy with just a few fancy words.
Finn found it odd that the girl did want to say hello and then just walk away again that was creepy to say the least. ''I don't bite or anything, no use in running away'' Finn said. He wasn't actually flirting with the girl, he didn't need a girlfriend as of yet. ''So why saying hello if you were planning to walk away just after?"' Finn asked curiously. He didn't need her name, he could always ask Hayzel who shared a dorm with her.
Aubrey sighed as the boy kept talking. "Because I can see right through you, and unlike the other girls in our class, I'm not going to swoon at your feet every time you smile," She retorted simply. "I said hello to be polite," She offered, pulling a hand from her pockets to brush her hair back. In doing so, she lost a bag of sweets and had to stop to pick it up.
Finn rolled his eyes when the girl basically thought he was flirting with her. Yes he was flirting with some girls, but he didn't see every girl as meat. It was funny that this girl was so full of itself. ''Its funny you think I want you to swoon at my feet.'' It was ridiculous ''That would make me very shallow.'' and a big douche, but he didn't add that. It was stupid to think that this girl thought so low of him. ''Normal people say hello for a reason and don't do a hit and run'' Finn didn't know why he still tried to hold a conversation with this girl.
Aubrey sighed, maybe she was wrong. She turned and looked back at the boy. "Alright, alright. I'm sorry. My brother just told me to be careful of boys, and you have a bit of a reputation." She held out her bag of candy. "Would you like some sweets?" She asked, hoping he'd take her peace offering.
Finn smiled when the girl got some common sense back. Although he did like the other sex, he wasn't out to get a harem around him. ''I know'' Finn grinned, Finn wondered who her brother was and if he was also at Hogwarts. He hadn't thought his reputation was already reaching outside of Hufflepuff. "'Sure, I want one'' Finn said while taking one out of the sack of sweets. ''So what brings you outside today.'' Finn asked the black haired girl.
Aubrey was a little relieved when he seemed to accept her offer. She shrugged at his question. "I just went for a walk. It's nice out. And I like this coat." She told him simply. "What are you doing out here?"

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