Closed The Start of Something

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Lucy Montague

Fifth Year | Music Maestro | Co-Captain
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Flexible Ivy Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Lucy couldn't believe she'd been asked to not one, but two dances by Tempest. She couldn't help but think that things were going well, despite the nervousness that seemed to plague her. It wasn't like the usual nervousness she felt - it was entirely different - painful yet pleasant in alternating measures. She waited at the great hall just as Tempest had done for her that first dance, excited to spend time together again. She wore a black dress this time with puffy cuffs around the sleeves, just for something different. It wasn't particularly showy but Lucy didn't care about standing out too much. She just cared about Tempest and the rose she'd received.
Tempest was excited to go to the dance again with Lucy. She had had such a good time with her previously and hoped that tonight would be just as good. Donning a black dress with what looked link pink fire around the bottom, Tempest made her way into the Great Hall and saw her date. "Hi. Again. You look beautiful," she said, bringing out another rose from behind her back. It was pink. "I hope it's not too cheesy that I got you another rose," she said.
Lucy smiled brightly upon seeing Tempest. She blushed slightly at the compliment. "You look beautiful too. I love the dress," Lucy said sincerely, then her eyes went wide at seeing another rose. "Oh! Oh my gosh, thank you," she said, trying to quell her excitement. "I was so happy to get the first one. And this one too, obviously," she added quickly. "Shall we go in?" Lucy offered her arm. She'd almost offered her hand but had second-guessed herself. It might've been too forward.
Tempest tried not to blush as Lucy complimented her back, feeling her cheeks turn warm. "Thanks! I wanted to wear something special. You know, 'cause of the dance and all," she said, catching herself. She was worried about being too forward with Lucy, but she couldn't help staring at her date. The Slytherin smiled when Lucy offered her an arm and took it, leading the way into the Great Hall and admiring all the decorations. "So, umm, do you want something to drink, or would you like to dance?" she asked, admiring the upbeat music currently playing.
Lucy was elated, almost dizzy from it. They were such simple things - the rose, the company of Tempest, her words that she wanted something special for this dance - yet it seemed to mean so much in that moment. "Hmm, good question," she responded. "Why don't we have a drink first? The punch is usually so good at dances, I reckon," Lucy said jovially. She also kind of wanted to get to know Tempest a bit better. There was so much Lucy didn't know yet, and so much Lucy wanted to share about herself too.
Tempest was glad Lucy picked a beverage first, as Tempest wasn't sure she was ready to fail at dancing with her date. She grabbed two glasses of punch off the nearby table and brought them over, handing one to Lucy. "Umm, speaking of questions, I was actually wanting to ask you something. I know it's early in the night so I don't want to make things awkward but... I've really enjoyed hanging out and getting to know you and I was just wondering if you'd be interested in dating more. Like, I guess, would you be interested in being my girlfriend?" she stumbled out, hoping she wasn't being too forward. But it was now or never.
Lucy didn't say anything at first, a look of surprise painting over her face. Then a smile slowly spread, big and bright. "Yes!" she said happily, and a little too loudly. She cleared her throat and tried to calm herself. Her heart was beating so fast she was sure everyone could hear it. "I mean, I'd love to - be your girlfriend," she said shyly, flushing slightly.
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