The start of something new

Riley could relate to what Paul was saying. Him and Ana has split up when she was pregnant although they have gotten back together and he was there for the birth. " I no how that feels dont worry." He laughed
"Dervish found out that him and Candy had been arguing so decided it was time Jasper was taught a lesson. He ended up stuck in bed for a month because it was too painful for him to get up. Even now when he gets up he has to make sure he doesn't do too much because it makes him dizzy and he finds it hard to breath." Paul felt sorry for jas but didn't know how to help him. "Now Jas doesn't want to see the girl he loves in case she gets hurt."
"Yeah same." He looked down at his hands on the table then back to Riley. "I'd hate to be any of the girl either though. Odie and Sam are getting yelled at for being pregnant, Ana will probably get yelled at for losing Natalie, Lily's getting yelled at for being a 'wimp' and running every time Dervish goes at her-this is baring in mind he cut her stomach with a knife-and Stacy's being yelled at for getting married and moving out." Paul shook his head. "I really don't know what's come over Dervish. It seems he's getting worse while Junior's getting better."
Riley frowned. That guy really did deserve to die. Rileys mind was made up. " Well he sounds like a right bucket of sunshine, the ideal neighbour." He chuckled to try and get rid of the tense and gloomy atmosphere
"He used to be an amazing guy." Paul shrugged. "He was the kind of guy who sat at the head of the family and sorted out problems at the click of a finger. That then made everyone love him and look up to him. Then he snapped and turned into what he is now."
"We need a genius person to try and work out what goes through the minds of middle aged men and work out what it is that makes them snap." Paul smiled. "In other words, anyone smarter than me."
Riley laughed then shrugged. " Well it just takes practise, i mean i spent most of my time with my dad and i had to learn why he would snap because that would mean i wouldnt get beat up by him as much." He smiled

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