The Stands

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Reeve Buchanan

Well-Known Member
((Come here to support your team, heckle your enemies, or scout your opponents. Or just come to get out of the castle. Follow the game here!))
Kris had got his fifth year friend, Riley to change his house scarf to that of the slytherin colours, and despite a few of his friends trying to stop him and a few weird looks from the slytherins who weren't playing, Kris wore it during breakfast and to the stands. He was wearing it to support Avie, just as Avie had supported him in his first game, Kris had decided to make his was to the quidditch pitch, when he should have been studying. When the players took off he cheered for his friend, then sat down to watch the rest of the game.
Now that Gryffindor's match was over with, Belladonna didn't have to worry about being on the pitch until the next game. They had won and she was still giddy with the very thought of it. "Come on Matty, the match has already started and we're missing it!" Belladonna linked her fingers with Matt's and tugged on his arm gently, making sure to take a seat in the front, their hands resting on the side still linked together. Belladonna had thoughts of asking him if he wanted to date, but she was a little worried that he would say no. "Who do you think will win?" Belladonna wasn't rooting for any particular team, she just wanted to get out of the castle and watch some Quidditch, since it was one of the things she loved most in the this world. Hopefully Matt didn't mind her holding his hand either, because she had no intention of letting it go without a fight.
Emily was still a little sore over Hufflepuff's defeat not long ago, but she really enjoyed Quidditch and so she would take any opportunity possible to participate in a game, this included going to watch someone else's game, even if she was not playing. For this reason, Emily made her way to the stands for the Ravenclaw versus Slytherin game. In all honesty, Emily was here to support Slytherin, she had a friend in that house. She had no friends in Ravenclaw. She was kind of supporting them both however as she didn't dislike the other house either. Mostly she was supporting Avie. As long as he had fun, she didn't care who won. Emily took a seat in the stands, before deciding to lean over the railings for a better look. In hindsight it was likely a bad idea, but Emily was watching intently, she didn't want to miss a thing! The game soon started and Emily watched carefully as the team went about there business. At one point she was sure she had spotted Avie, but he had disappeared too quickly for her to be sure, regardless, Emily was enjoying the game and she cheered when one of the Slytherin chasers managed to score. This game was going about as quickly as the Hufflepuff versus Gryffindor one had. Anyone could win at this point. Yet it was still early.
Although Aliyah disliked flying herself, she had no objections to enjoying a quality quidditch match. She grew up with an appreciation for the game. The Wrights were staunch Fitchburg Finches fans and the eleven years old could remember attending her first game with her father for her fifth birthday like it was yesterday. The Fitchburg Finches played the Sweetwater All-Stars and of course the Finches won. That birthday was one of the best ones ever. She didn't bother going to the Gryffindor versus Hufflepuff match opting instead to take advantage of the quiet in the castle to re-read her History of Magic notes and explore a bit more. But today she refused to stay indoors. For once Aliyah happily made her way to the Quidditch Pitch ready to cheer on the Slytherin team to victory in their first match of the season. She picked a prime seat in center of the stands and chanted "Slytherin...Slytherin!!!" as her house team took the pitch. The pace of the match was exciting. Her eyes followed the chasers as they zoomed and back and forth. She clapped loudly when they scored not once but twice and groaned in disappointment when they missed a third shot. The disappointment didn't last very long as the Slytherin seeker caught the snitch. Aliyah bounced around happily when Slytherin was announced the winner. It was a great game and she was proud that her house had a solid team. Hopefully they would keep up the good work.
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