The Stands

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Reeve Buchanan

Well-Known Member
((Feel free to haveyour students, staff members, and professors post their reaction to the game. Follow the game here!))
Benjamin was on his full and certainly smug distinct aura. His green eyes followed the whole game of his house against their rival and what the hell, they were doing so brilliant. He never liked playing Quidditch for he was more of the water sports person but this game was nerve wrecking. Everyone was focused which was good and the roar of the crowd gave enough adrenalin in his system to just watch out for everything going on up in the air. Players whizzed everywhere and balls of various sizes were also around. The start of the game was fine but the mid point of it till the end was worth his time, definitely. Benjamin cheered when he saw his fellow Head speed up her fly, chasing after the wink of gold flying swiftly as well. The loads of things yelled in the air as Isabella was chasing it was a blur to him, since he was only watching with the most attentive eyes ever. When she finally slowed down, her fist in a close, Benjamin grinned madly. "F*ck yeah!" The Head Boy cheered in place. He saw the tired players with different expressions, registering that the game was over. Benjamin nodded, feeling victorious even if he wasn't in the team. However he was a Slytherin and Slytherins never lost when they put their head in the game. Never.
Professor Styx sat silently, overseeing the game with his onyx eyes. His daughter seemed to be playing well, and the rest of the Slytherins. He watched as Isabella Pisces, the Head Girl, caught the snitch in great timing. He nodded slightly in approval, before his eyes glanced down. Aria, someone that rubbed Kailie the wrong way a while back, was now picking a fight with none other than Sergios Romanes. 'This is just what I needed. Idiots to deal with,' thought Professor Styx with a roll of his eyes. He stood up and walked down from the stands to separate the two before things got out of hand.
The urge to play Quidditch again would always burn in Cyndi's blood, but she knew that she was too old and too under-practiced to ever play professionally. The best she could hope for at her age was the league she had learned about in the Daily Prophet that played for fun in the park during the summer. As she watched her Gryffindors take to the pitch, Cyndi rose and clapped for them. They'd lost their last game, but she was confident that this game would be different, and it did appear that way at first. Gryffindor scored early, giving them the advantage of momentum.

The shift was quick, starting when Caroline was hit hard with a bludger. Cyndi winced, hoping her student was alright. Jumping to her feet as the Slytherin seeker went into a dive, Cyndi hoped that she'd spotted someone's earring falling or something. It was the snitch though, and just like that the game was over. Not wanting to deal with the crowd leaving the stands, Cyndi settled herself back into her seat to wait. Her eyes fell towards the pitch where she watched the Slytherins begin to celebrate. A frown crossed her face, growing stronger as a player broke off and headed towards her Gryffindors. It happened quickly, but Cyndi could see the telltale signs, and as she headed for the stairs, she could see that Kalif had seen them too.
Blaine had been watching the game, since he didn't get to play like, at all during the last Ravenclaw game, glad that they won though. He looked over as the seeker for Slytherin caught the snitch, and he cheered for Slytherin. He cheered for that team since his best friend was there. He looked down as the team celebrated, that is, except one. A chaser broke out and then went toward Belladonna, which Blaine noticed Vladimir's reaction. It was like he was about to attack the chaser, that wasn't the Gryffindor! But Sergios stepped in, and a fight erupted. Blaine, like several others, started shouting, "Fight! Fight! Fight!" He didn't care, he just wanted to see what all was going on, and it was funny! He loved it! He was standing next to Zinaida, so she was probably not liking what he was saying right now, but there was a fight! Those were always interesting!
Zinaida wasn't a huge fan of Quidditch, but she decided to go to today's match to cheer for her brother anyways. Blaine even came along and decided to cheer with her. The first thing Zinaida noticed was how quickly the game had gone underway, and then it was over with. The Slytherin Keeper had that Snitch in less than fifteen minutes! Zinaida cheered happily when she realized that her brother's team had won! He must be so happy! But then some tension appeared between the teams when one of the older Slytherin students went over to Belladonna. Now, Zinaida might not have known what was going on, but she did notice the way her brother seemingly came over to Belladonna's aid. The Gryffindor captain got there before he could, but it didn't stop Zinaida from smiling. Perhaps her brother had a heart after all. Then a fight broke out between the two older males, and Zinaida was left staring in shock. What was even worse was that Blaine joined in the cheering for the fight! "Blaine! Don't instigate!" Zinaida hissed as she grabbed his arm and tried to settle him down.
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