The Stands

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Reeve Buchanan

Well-Known Member
(Here is where you can post your student, staff, and/or professor attending the game. They can feel free to sit anywhere in the stands. Have fun with it! This is a good way to get your character involved in a site-wide event. You can follow the game here.)
Lowan was looing forward to going to se the quidditch today. dressed in as much red and brown as he coupd find including a house t-shirt, and scarf and her face painted in white paint he went downt ot the quidditch pitch. on the way taunting his sister on how poorly the slytherins were going to play. there was nothing like a little sibling rivalry in a sports competition.
He tooh his place in the gryffindor stands somehiw managing to get on the front row. when the players took off he cheered for his teams chasers as they took the quaffle and scored their first goal. unfortunatly then the slytherins were ocming back until they were te points in the leed. she looked up at their seeker willing him to find the snitch before the team in green took too firmer grip of the leed. it was that he watched the seeker get hit by a bludger. he let out a sigh and looked to see where the bludger had come from. he may support gryffindor but it was a good shot and he secretly hoped it was from his sister. he neednt have looked far. the slytherin seeker started shouting at his sister and una being una started shouting back galling her gub. he smirked. it was just so typical una. she had so many chips on her shoulder even a bit of direction from the wrong person or said in the wrong way could set her off, and the wrong person was usually anyone who had authority over her. rolling his eyes. at his sister he shouted into the pitch though he was pretty sure he wouldn't be heard as one of the team was approaching the goals and yet again missed. "flippin hell fish girl chill out and get ya fat head back in the game, don't let the Manitjimat get to ya." this was met by some odd looks from the people standing nearby as it seemed they were enjoying watching the slytherins turning on themselves, or maybe they thought he was shouting at their chaser who had just missed or maybe they realised that and telling the beater to get back in the game meant bad news for their team, whichever one Lowan didn't care. borrowing some binoculars from the boy beside him Lowan could see that the expression on his sisters face was one that he recognised. she had a tendency to wear it when she was around gamma zab, determined to make her life hell, or when she had just been outdone surfing and was determined to break even by trying the most crazy stunt she could think of. either way he knew that all of the gryffindors and possibly seekers on both teams had better watch out. for this reason he cheered harder than before for every defensive and offensive success his team made and hoped against hope their seeker would catch the snitch soon.
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