Open The Smell Led Me Here

Lauren Carter

Healing | Me time | Traveling around the world
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring
Lauren was just exploring through the castle. She was glad with the friends she already seemed to make and the enemies less, but the first time she saw Styx she directly knew that man was creepy and not gonna be a friend for sure. Lauren asked herself if that man even had friends in his life. But she actually didn't cared if he hadn't. He had to change his way of speaking to others than first. But self reflection was with herself too, she hadn't been that nice too. But she just hated authority persons. While walking down stairs and no idea where to the blonde smelled something delicious. And her weakness was for sure food. Lauren had enjoyed the meals here so far, and especially the pancakes in the morning where a true feast. But this smell just called her. '' Come here Lauren. Come and taste it.'' It seemed to call her and she just decided to find out where it was coming from. The blonde girl pushed open the door where it came from and noticed something like a kitchen where she landed in. That seemed something interesting and a bright smiled appeared on her face. She had no idea if she could come here, but she didn't cared right now. She noticed a pile of pancakes with chocolate in front of her and it just looked like diamonds to her. Lauren looked behind her if nobody was here but when she wanted to walk to the pancakes she noticed someone walking and she took a pan into her hand as a weapon. When it walked by she screamed. '' WAZAAAA'' and looked into the face of a tiny creature. When the creature looked at her like she was a fool she put the pan down again. It was a elve! But Lauren didn't expected it to be here.
'' Woops. Sorry there.'' She smiled for a moment about her own stupidness. But hello they freaked her out! The elve didn't said much it only looked grumpy and it walked further. So the blonde saw her change to taste a delicious pancake and walked over to it.
This castle was so huge, and Clifton was fairly sure he would be lost for the rest of his life. He knew his common room was further upstairs somewhere, and he wasn't really sure how he had wound up so far downstairs in his quest to find his room. He was fairly sure he was underground at this point though - there were no windows in these corridors, and the air felt mustier. Giving up on the hope of trying to find his way home alone, Clifton was relieved when he saw a girl in the uniform of his house, going into a room up ahead. Hurrying after her, Clifton was filled with relief. Hopefully he could just ask her the direction to go, and he would be on his way. He ducked into the room after the girl, eyes widening as he realised where they were. This was the kitchen! A secret room! Full of food! If Clifton had any idea where he was he would make a map, so he could find his way back whenever he wanted to. Watching the girl quietly from the doorway, Clifton's eyes widened as he saw her pick up a weapon and scream, threatening a house elf just trying to do its job. "Oi, what're you doing?!" He called out, stepping closer. He didn't want a house elf getting hurt by some girl freaking out.
Lauren was just very hungry and dying to eat a piece of that delicious pancake. And that house elf just made her scare a bit. How did she knew those creatures were here? Did they made the food for everyone? Lauren had no idea that they could cook that well? She didn't ment to hurt the elf she wanted to thank them because they made such incrediable food. But when she suddenly heard a voice behind her she was shocked again and hold the pan before turning around and than looked into the face of a young student, he seemed the same age or he was just very small. Lauren sighted for a moment and put the pan down. He asked her what she was doing. Yeah that was a good question, she didn't knew it herself too. Lauren didn't want to admit that she was shocked by him and the elf. '' Well... I was trying to bake something in this pan you know?'' Lauren said and than smiled bright. ' Yeah yeah a pancake with chocolate. I was so hungry and didn't knew if I could just grab something here or had to cook myself.'' The blonde pointed at the pancake with chocolate behind her. Lauren than looked at the boy.
'' What are YOU doing here? Hungry too?'' Lauren asked curious at the boy, but friendly.
The girl's response only confused Clifton more. "Are... we even allowed to be cooking?" He asked nervously. "It rather looks like the House Elves have that under control. They probably don't want us to mess with things." Clifton was also a little surprised that anyone his own age would be able to cook for themself - he certainly wasn't allowed to use the stove at home yet, but perhaps this girl had more lenient parents. When she asked what he was doing here, Clifton shrugged nervously. "Er... lost, actually." He said awkwardly. "I was looking for the common room, but I've definitely gotten myself turned around somehow."
Lauren grinned as the boy asked if they could cook in here. She really had no idea, and never had cooked before. She could just keep continue with saying it, but she figured the boy would not believe it further. '' No just kidding. I didn't expected a house elf. But they can really cook lovely. And I'm not sure it's a good question if we are allowed. But even if we weren't why shouldn't we?'' Lauren wasn't really a rules follower and she mostly asked herself why things couldn't. She believed that anything was possible. And she wanted things to be like that too. '' But I never have cooked before. So I'm not sure if it will be good to eat for others.'' Lauren grinned at the boy. She could do a prank ofcourse. Perhaps give Aonghas something to eat but than it is something really disguisting. That would be fun once she thought. '' But someone has to taste things? Like if the good is nice for us to eat? So we can try it out? You want some?'' Lauren pointed at the pancake with chocolate and couldn't wait to taste it. When she walked over to it the boy explained why he was here. She grinned as he told he was lost. Lauren could understand. Lauren thought she had seen him before but she wasn't sure if he was in the same house. ''Which common room do you seek? '' Lauren asked the boy and than looked at the pancake again and put her finger into the chocolate and put it in her mouth. '' You.. don't want to miss this.'' Lauren said while her mouth was covered in chocolate.
Clifton was a little shocked at this girl's brazenness in disregarding the possibility of there being rules against students cooking. "Er, I would rather think it being against the rules would be a reason not to." He laughed nervously, wondering what he had gotten himself into. The suggestion that she wanted to cook something unpleasant despite not even knowing how to cook only made the situation worse, and Clifton was beginning to wish he had never run into this girl in the first place. He shrugged in response to her question. "The Hufflepuff common room. I know I'm in completely the wrong place, but I don't know how to get back." He said awkwardly. Clifton didn't really know if he wanted this girl to help him anymore, but he didn't exactly have a lot of options. He winced nervously as she started eating the pancakes, looking around in concern. "I really don't think we're supposed to eat that!" He paused, unable to hold back a giggle at the sight of her face. "You've, erm... got some chocolate..."

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