The Sky Sings a Sad Song

Heath James

OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 15 Inch Whippy Spruce Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Heath was hopeless. He did not know what to feel. His body felt so weary and weak. He dragged himself wherever he went. One glance at him, and you would be able to see his depression. It was hard for some to believe that he was depressed at so young. Only tragic things did that to kids his age, but Heath was extremely sensitive. It did not take much to upset him or make him sad. He felt like such a waste of time. It was not like he talked to anyone, other than Satsuke. Heath did not see the thing that attracted people like Ai, Satsuke, Epiphany and Cleo to him. He just felt so hallow, like he was not made of any substance, that he could just sit here in the tower forever. Would anyone notice if he just decided to hide out up here? Probably. A lot of students moved in and out of the North Tower. Heath thought about talking to a counselor, but he did not want to talk to someone that assumed they knew all the answers to his problems.

Heath sat at the window. He looked out at the pouring rain. It was raining hard, and out of control. He leaned his head aginst the cool, smooth glass. It was way past curfew. He had not been able to sleep. He tried to go to sleep by watching Satsuke peacefully sleep, but that had not worked. At home he easily fell asleep when it was raining. Luvesha had made him a CD of recordings of rain, so then he would be able to go to sleep all the time. He had no plans of falling asleep though. He had not sketched in awhile, and that's what he was going to do. He set his sketch book on his lap, and he started to draw with his pencil.
Conan was bored, definitely bored. He hadn't gone on an adventure for a while now. The last time he went on one was with Satsuke and Ai on the Cliffs. It was a quite wonderful experience and he was sure it would stay in his memory. It was already past curfew, and Conan knew it was a nice time to wander around the castle. Yes, he was a rule-breaker when he's bored. And Ai knew it, she knew that there was no way of stopping him when he is looking for an adventure. He'd probably get caught in the process, but so what? You have to take risks when you go on adventures. The young boy changed to his casual clothes and left the dormitories and Common Room.

He started wandering around. He went to the library to see how it looked like when it was past curfew. It was really, really dark, so Conan decided to turn back. He remembered a certain place which was nice during after curfew. The North Tower. The place where he met Satsuke. He decided to make his way, it was quite a climb, but the young boy didn't mind. He reached the top not long after, and saw a familiar face. A familiar person drawing on a sketch book. It was Heath, Conan vaguely remembered him from the Yule Ball. He decided to approach the boy, "Hey, Heath," he said as casually as possible. Which was a bit weird since he hardly knew Heath. He just decided to wait for the boy's reply.
Heath James was engrossed in his drawing. At the moment his drawing looked something like a strange, mangled up tree. He did not have any colors with him, but he imagined where the colors would fit on his sketch while he was sketching. He hoped that he did not see Ai again. He had been seeing too much of Ai. He swore that girl was out to get him or something. He did not want to see her unless it was in classes. He was getting very annoyed with her, and it was not for any particular reason. He just was. People were annoying him, and he felt sorry for anyone that chose to bother him while trying to calm down. He swore that he wouldd throw his pencil in someone's eye if they bothered him. He was a sleepy first year. A very grumpy and sleepy first year. This deemed him very dangerous.

Heath heard the door to the North Tower open. He groaned in annoyance to himself. Just when he thought that he was going to be able to get away from people. Heath did not bother to look up and see who it was. He was still wearing all black, so the person would not be able to tell his house. Heath was still working dilligently to make sure as few people as possible knew his house. He tried to make sure he was very unoticeable, and he bever stayed to long in the Hufflepuff common room. Last time he did he almost had a panic attack. His social anxiety disorder made it hard for him to stay in a crowded room because he did not want to be judged by others. Heath glanced at the student. It was Conan. He rolled his eyes and groaned. It was not Ai, but it was her brother instead. "Did you and your sister devise a secret plan to annoy the crap out me? If it is not your sister then it is you. Did your sister follow you? Please tell me she did not."
The boy had no expectations on how Heath would answer, after all he didn't know who the boy was exactly. He only knew he had some connection with Ai, and he was friends with Satsuke. He didn't even know the boy's house and year. How clueless could he get? But, the boy was quite surprised at how Heath reacted. He seemed annoyed. Conan shook his head in disagreement at the boy's statement. "No. Ai seldom plans something tricky with me. Sorry, I had no idea you were here. And she didn't follow me, she must be asleep now," he said calmly. He was not losing his composure, after all Heath didn't do anything wrong.

The boy sat on the floor keeping a bit of distance from Heath. After all, it seemed fairly obvious that he was annoyed with the Hufflepuff. He was looking for a topic to start, which was quite hard. Considering that he didn't know if Heath and him had something in common. "So, how are things between you and Ai? She never mentioned you before, so I really have no idea," he asked. He was curious, since it was seldom that Ai didn't tell him about Heath. After all, she usually tells him when she meets someone, and this time was quite different. He waited in silence for how the boy would react this time around.
Heath gave a sigh of relief. He had seen to much of Ai. She almost saw him have a panic attack, and he did not want to see her until he left for home at the end of the year. Heath did not know how he would like Conan. He was Satsuke's friend, so he needed to be inspected. He went back to sketching his mangled up tree. It was quite a terrifying sight to some naive and innocent. Something that Heath was not. He found himself liking to cause others pain, but it was a developing trait. Epiphany and her other Slytherin toys would have to fine tune it though. "You are friends with Satsuke, yes?" he asked coolly. His voice had changed from loud and angry to smooth and calm. He knew he was not going to like Conan. The boy was a threat to his realtionship with Satsuke.

Heath shrugged. He did not want to talk about Ai. He did not want to spend too much time with her, like he already had. "Let's not talk about you sister, okay Conan?" he suggested while sending a cold look the boy's direction before returning back to his sketch. The thought crossed his mind to add Conan to it.
Conan had barely noticed the sigh that Heath gave. He was one with good sense of hearing, just like Ai, so he can hear even soft sounds. Well, it was a gift and he had been using it well, as far as he knows. Making himself comfortable on the floor, Conan had heard Heath's question. He was asking if he was a friend of Satsuke. "Yeah. We barely hang out though. You seem more close him," he replied, complimenting their relationship. It seemed true, after all, when Satsuke assumed the Heath and Ai were dating, Satsuke was the one who mas most angry. So, it seemed pretty obvious for Conan that they were indeed close.

Conan didn't know how to react when Heath suggested that they not talk about Ai anymore. "Is he avoiding Ai? If he is, why?" this thought of curiosity built up in Conan's mind. He was a young detective, a curious one to be added. He was curious for everything that seemed suspicious, and this was one of those times. "Fine," he said giving up on the topic for now. He was sure he'd ask about Ai on Heath again someday, or maybe vice versa. You'd never know what the young boy would do. "You seem like a good artist," he said looking on the walls of the tower, he was not looking at Heath's sketches. He just had a feeling.
Heath nodded. He was very territorial over things that were his. He thought it was good that Satsuke and Conan did not have much of a relationship. He and Satsuke were best friends, and Heath did not want to lose hi best friend to someone unworthy. He had been a loner most of his life, so Heath did not really know or understands the rules that came with a friendship. The boy would easily start to fall in love with Satsuke if he did not start to understand the rules of being a persons' friend. "Satsuke told me very little about you. Which I find to be strange." he said. It was strange how the best friends each knew one of the Edogawa siblings and they did not tell each other about it. Heath felt like there was no really relationship between he and Ai, so he felt it was pointless to tell Satsuke about her. He did not often do pointless things.

Heath snorted. Him? A good artist? Puh-lease. Heath hardly considered himself an artist. He just liked to draw when his depression had taken a unusually strong effect on him. It helped him get his thought out on paper, and appearently his thoughts had taken the shape of a mangled tree. "I am not an artist. I am nowhere near as good as an artist should be." Heath paused. That was his wothlessnes talking, and it was not true fact. Heath always looked down on his talents as if they were not good enough or worth other's time. He shook his head. "I am not an artist." he whispered to himself. The Hufflepuff had practically brainwashed himself to think he was a hopeless case and no one was there to help him when he fell and scraped his knee. He stared at his sketchbook, but he was not necessarily taking in what he was seeing. It was like his mind was somewhere else.
Conan understood what Heath felt. In fact, he understood too much of it. He knew that not knowing something that you would usually know is strange, very strange. Satsuke told Heath very little about him, while in his case, Ai never told him about Heath. It was a very interesting coincidence. "Maybe, that's because we only hung out once after we met. And maybe he was worried about you. Don't worry, you're not the only one finding strange things. I also found Ai never telling me about you strange. So, guess we're a bit even in some way," he said calmly at his present companion.

Conan watched as Heath told him that he wasn't an artist. The boy seemed to bring himself down, and Conan was disappointed about it. He saw that Heath could draw, his imagination was something to be appreciated and Conan knew that. "You're not an artist? Then, I guess I'm not a soccer player. Ai's not a Karate Red Belt. I'm not a Hufflepuff. Our parents didn't die," he told Heath. Conan was not good with words, but when he knows that he has to make people see something, he rambles, just to make someone see his point of view. "It's easy to bring ourselves down, see the opposite and not believe the truth. We shouldn't disregard what we could do. Because, others like what we have, others want what we have, others appreciate what we have. We shouldn't waste it, because not all the people in the world have what you have," he said calmly. He hoped Heath would understand his point. Conan hoped Heath would know that he had talent and potential.
As soon as Conan had started to talk again Heath heard a snap. He looked down, and saw he had gripped his pencil too hard causing it to break. Heath did not need Conan's therapy, and he did not want it. Heath had lived too long thinking that he was useless and worthless. It had become truth to him, and he was not ready to step out of his comfort zone, his depression, yet. "Are you trying to make me feel sorry for you?" he paused briefly. Why did Conan bother bringing up his dead parents. Heath already knew about them, and he currently did not care. Heath did feel sad about Ai and Conan being orphans, but he would never show it. Conan started to ramble on how 'special' and 'talented' Heath was, but he did not want to listen. He threw his pencil halves on the ground, and he covered his ears with his hands. He did not want to hear it. Conan was judging him as something special and talented. Heath did not want to be judged. He just want to drown in his depression without being judged as 'this' or 'that'. Heath started to panic. "Shut up!" he yelled. His eyes were tightly shut, and he was sweating excessively. Not only was Conan judging him, but he was lying to him. He did not have potential, and he was not talented. Conan was lying. He had to be.
Conan frowned when Heath asked him if he was trying to make him feel sorry. The young Hufflepuff swore that he hated Heath's assumption. There were a lot of thing he dislikes and one of them was others feeling sorry for him. Even more so, if he was making others feel sorry for him. "I don't want anyone feeling sorry for me or pitying me. So, no, I am not making you feel sorry," he said calmly. Conan was not even losing his calmness but he was definitely a bit mad. Conan was taken by surprised at Heath's sudden yelling telling him to shut up. And telling him to do so was a bad idea. Because the young boy would only want to try to get Heath to recognize his potential. "Shut up? Why? Any good reason? Do you think I'm lying? I'm being judgmental? I'm hate lying and I'm not being judgmental. I'm only stating facts, and that's at least what you've got to understand," he said in quite a loud voice, his tone still the same. No anger. No harshness. Just calmness.

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