The Seaweed Is Always Greener.

Sara Moon

Former 'Claw | Auror | Grieving
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
12 and a half inches willow with unicorn hair
Sara ran out toward the lake, pulling off her flip-flops as she went. It felt good to just run, to have fun, to feel like the Sara Moon that she used yo be. She missed being that way. She used to be fun, and hyper. She used to be slightly saracastic, and funny. She used to love being alive, but now she was more serious, and took responsibility. She didn't like it. She wanted to be like the old her. She sometimes did things like this, just let herself go, and it was so fun. She felt more alive, and she loved it. Her hair was loose as she ran, she'd worn a bikini before leaving her House, thinking that she may possibly go swimming. The Irish sea was much colder than that of New Zealand, so goig swimming here was much more fun. She didn't know if it was against the rules, but she'd jumped into the lake before, and not gotten in trouble, so she felt that she could enjoy herself today, and if there were consequences, she'd deal with them later.

Upon reaching the lake she lay down in the grass, loving the feel of it against her skin. It was Autumn now, and the air was slowly loosing it's wamth, however from returning to England every Summer, even Winter felt warm to her in New Zealand-unless, of course-there was snow. Meeting Ryan the other day had been tiring. She'd tackled him to the ground, and threatened him with her wand. Yes, it had been a tad extreme, and perhaps over-dramatic, but Ryan deserved it-he needed a wake-up call, even if he hated her for it. She smild, breathing in the scent of the grass, of the warm, moist air around her. She loved New Zealand, she loved Hogwarts. It was her home, and she didn't know what she'd do when she left. She just needed a distraction, some fun. Jake was nowhere to be found, neither was Willow, or Dante. She felt like a spare part, and she needed to find something to do. She looked across the lake, and decided that she woould, in fact, go swimming. She pulled off her dress-the grounds were empty. She couldn't see anyone around. She immediately sprinted, and jumped into the lake, the cold water assaulting her skin. She surfaced and gasped for air, smiling at the sensation. She hadn't been swimming in too long, and she'd always loved the water. She knew that if anyone walked up, and saw her they might be shocked. She was a prefect, and here she was, swimming in the school lake, in a bikini. Not entirely suitable, but she didn't think she cared, she was enjoying herself.

OOCOut of Character:
Hope you don't mind! :)
Spencer was happy beyond anything he ever felt happy about. His mother was pregnant with another baby, and he was excited. He had been skipping and twirling through the corridors all day. He had fallen over several first years, but had helped them up, and there was no problem. Missy and Rafael refused to look at him because he was acting in a very embarrassing manner. Nothing could ruin his happiness though. In all of his happiness, Spencer decided to go to his favorite place, the lake. He put on a colored tank top and short under his uniform in case he was so happy that he just had to jump in the water. It was like his heart was flying back and forth in his chest, and he just had to move along with it.

Spencer skipped, jumped, and screamed all the way to the lake. He was never this happy when the twins were still in his mother's stomach. It was because he was not as strange at the age of 5 as he was currently. Since coming to Hogwart New Zealand Spencer had become obssessed with the human body. He may decide to become a doctor or Healer. Either one would be cool beans, and his parents would be somewhat proud. There was just something about this baby that had Spencer in a crazily happy mood. He was positive that Missy and Rafael were just jealous. Spencer would show them why this baby was going to be so important to the family. When he reached the lake he stopped by clothes. He looked back to the lake and saw a girl was there. He just smiled. He did not know her, and he was too happy to care. "You won't mind if I join you, right?" he called out to the girl. He stripped down to his black tank top and his swimming shorts. He ran, jumped and did a cannonball into the lake. When he resurfaced he ran a hand through his hair to get it out of his face. The cold water felt good against his warm skin. He had been running a high temperature from all his skipping and dancing. "Spencer." he introduced himself. He was not far away from the girl, so her was sure she could hear him.
OOCOut of Character:
Not at all! :D

Sara smiled to herself as she swam through the water. She loved the cool feel of it against her skin. She dunked underneath the water again, watching a her hair billowed out in front of her, she had to swim upward to get it out of her eyes when she surfaced and lay back, floating in the water. It was then, that she heard someone approaching. They were screaming, though they didn't sound as though they were in pain. She frowned slightly and began to swim toward the shore, when the person called out to her. "Of course not!" she called back, grinning. It would seem she was going to have company after all. It was too long since she'd met someone new, and this figure seemed familiar. She lowered slightly into the water still treading water as she couldn't touch the bottom without going a few inches underneath here. Sometime sbeing short wasn't an advantage. She could still see the boy approaching. She'd seen him in classes, and remembered him from the start of the year in Herbology, but she'd never known his name. She rose from the water, smiling and finally finding a foothold on a small rock which meant she could stay above water to talk; "Hey-I'm Sara." she winked, as the boy sufaced. He was in her year, that much she knew.

She swam over to the boy, the water was slightly shallower, and she could stand here; "I guess I'm not the only person who loves the water here." she laughed, feeling slightly exposed, wearing only a bikini. She wondered idly if Jake would mind. Then again Jake hadn't spoken to her in months, she missed him. "I recognise you from class." she commented, ducking under the water to get the hair out of her face. The weather was glorious out here and she turned her face to feel the sun. This boy was taller than her and he seemed a bit hyper then again Sara was used to hyper. She'd spent the majority of her life hyper. She decided that for today she wasn't going to pretend to fit in it was more fun, to have fun. The thought made her grin mischievously and twirl her hands through the water. It felt good. The sun tended to have this effect on Sara. She'd been so busy recently, studying and working, it was good to be able to relax and enjoy herself.
Spencer nodded. He thought Sara was a cool name. He wondered if the baby was going to be a boy or girl. The thought made him smile. "Sara is a nice name." he complimented her. She was wearing a bikini, but Spencer did not mind. He was not really interested in romance. One, his mother would be furious. Two, he did not have enough maturity to date anyone. Spencer was able to at least decide that for himself. His family saw him as a baby still. It was only because he acted like one. He had been trying to change, but his hyperactivity and short attention span did not help him at all.

Spencer noticed he had her in some classes. She was a good student. He was not a very attentive student. That was not his fault though. "I come down here a lot. I haven't seen you until today though." he told Sara. He honestly had not seen her until today. Spencer had not made many friends, but he hoped that in his sixth year he would do better at trying to make friends. Most people moved aside when he walked by because he was always doing something strange. "I recognize you too." he said after she came up from under the water.
Sara beamed at his response; "Thanks!" she replied, she'd always liked her name. Her Dad had given her a nickname from it. Sara meant Princess in Hebrew, and ever since she was a little girl-her Dad had called her Princess. It had always made her feel special, she loved her closeness with her father. She looked up at Spencer, feeling very short, but then again-most people made her feel short. "Wanna race?" she suddenly asked, without even thinking. Somehow, it made complete sense to her. They were in the water, so they should race. "Hmmm.....maybe from here to..." she gazed across the water, and seeing a piece of floating wood she pointed; "There!" she announced, turning back to Spencer. She grinned broadly at him, feeling excited and childish-it was a good way to be.

"I used to spend a lot of time here." she answered, flicking at the water, and smiling. She returned her attention to /spencer and said; "It's just that, with the OWLs and prefect duties-I don't have a lot of time to myself." She didn't really enjoy studying, or working, but if it had to be done-she did it. "You're new aren't you?" she asked, lying back in the water once more and splashing with her feet. She'd only noticed him this year, and she liked to think that she could, at least, recongise people from her own year.
Spencer raised his eyebrow at Sara's suggestion. A race? Spencer had never raced before, but a Slytherin never turned down a challenge. He knew that Ravenclaws were competitive, but Slytherins were ambitious and loved power. If he won this race it would give him a sense of power, and he would do anything to get that power. Spencer's logic was strange, but he did not care. He nodded. "Okay. Let's race." he smiled quite evily. Once he had a destination he was ready to go. "I wil count, okay? One, two,...THREE! he yelled and dunked himself under the water. Having his eyes open while under water stung, but he did not mind. He started to kick his legs and move his arms until he was swimming towards the piece of wood. He did not look back to see where Sara was,his eyes were on the prize.

Spencer's eyes got wide. She was a prefect? Awesomesauce! Spencer loved giving prefects a hard time. His house prefect did not like him. He always gave them a hard time. When they offered to help him, he made sure he was difficult. It just made him happy. Spencer nodded. "Yeah. I was homeschooled until I came here, obviously." he said rolling his eyes at himself.
Sara laughed as Spencer accepted her challenge. She'd been swimming since she was a child, and she was quite good. Admittedly, back stroke was her vest style, an you had to use front stroke for a race, but she was quite good at front stroke also. Although, Spencer did have the advantage of size, he was larger than her, and probably stronger than her. These things whirled through her ead as he counted, as he shouted three, she launched herself forward into the water, pulling herself forward with powerful strokes. Spencer was slightly ahead of her, so she began to kick harder. she knew by then, that he had too muc of an advantage. She was going to lose. She cringed, pushing herself further, but he still won. "Well done!" she smiled, as she reached the piece of wood within seconds of him. "You swim well." she complimented him. She wasn't put off by losing. She knew she wasn't ever going to be an athlete, but she'd almost caught him, so she just needed to train harder. She was good in the sky, she loved seeking, but she wasn't so great in other sports-except soccer. She loved playing soccer.

Sara giggled at his shocked expression. People expected the prefects to be boring she supposed, but she was proud of her position, even if she sometimes resented it. "Cool! I didn't know people could be homeschooled in magic!" she exclaimed, she thought she knew a lot about magic, but not being born into it often pulled her backwards. Still, she liked learning new things about the magical world.
Spencer swam hard. Sara was only second behind him, and he was not going to lose. That would hurt his pride if he lost to a prefect. Spencer reached the piece of wood a few seconds before Sara did. Spencer was a gracefull winner, so he did not celebrate his win in front of Sara. He would do it later, when Sara was not around. Then he'd brag to Rafael and Missy how great of a swimmer he was. The twins probably would not care, as they both had very apathetic attitudes. It still felt great to brag. It would always feel great to brag."Thanks, You swim pretty well too." he complimented Sara back. She almost beat him, but he was just a few seconds faster. "You almost beat me though." he said.

Spencer didn't believe Sara. She didn't know people could be homeshooled in magic? It was just like how some muggle were homeshooled. He seriously refused to believe Sara did know that. It just seemed weird to him that a witch like Sara wouldn't know about homeschooling. "It's just like how some muggles are homeschooled." he said a little irritated. She must have been a muggleborn or something, but if she was muggleborn how would she have not known about it? Soencer decided to leave it alone because his head was starting to hurt.
Sara laughed as they finished, she loved swimming. The open air carried the sound, and her voice seemed louder than usual. She smiled, and turned to Spencer. She smiled as he complimented her; "Thanks." she replied graciously. When she was younger, she hadn't been able to take compliments well. However, years of having to act polite and hang out with "the upper classes" of London, meant she had becoem good at it. Schmoozing seemed to be the only language some of the adults there spoke. She smid at his second sentence; "I will next time." she warned, with a wink and a laugh. She was in a good mood today, and Spencer suited her mood perfectly, he didn't seem to take life too seriously.

"Cool." she answered as Spencer seemed sort of angry for some reason. "So-do you like Hogwarts?" she asked, lying back in the water letting herself float in the water. "I was in muggle school before Hogwarts, it was hard to get used to at first, living away from my family, but it's great now." she commented absenty, moving around in the water.

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