Closed The Real You

Salem Lee

🌻Quality Quidditch | Enjoying the Little Things🌻
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
03/2041 (20)
The dance had been fun. Even despite the uncomfortable dress and the pinchy shoes and Salem having to second guess everything she was doing, she had enjoyed herself. Mostly. Enough that as the night ended and students began drifting from the halls, she wished she didn't have to say good night to Natalia just yet. She'd had so much more she'd wanted to do and say first, but it'd taken so much energy to keep up with this whole new look and behavior thing Salem hadn't been able to juggle it all and now she found herself lingering in the entrance hall as the ball closed down behind them.

"Hey, maybe we could get some air for a few minutes? I think we have a minute before curfew," she said, nodding towards the courtyard hopefully. It'd be nice to sit and take off her shoes for a minute at least before going up seven flights of stairs anyway and Salem hoped she could keep Natalia just a little longer, she'd look so pretty tonight.
apologies for taking forever

Salem's suggestion was a relief for Natalia, as she had already been dreading the evening ending. It was nice to think Salem felt the same way, it made her feel fluttery. She had enjoyed herself, but there had been something strained about the evening too. Maybe that would go away once they were away from everyone else? Natalia nodded. "Sounds good." She said with a small smile, following the Gryffindor out into the courtyard.
Salem gave Natalia a weak smile, relieved when she agreed to stay just a bit longer as she hobbled out into the courtyard, making a beeline for a nearby rockwall and immediately kicking off the pinchy shoes Jenna had suggested. She ran a hand through her hair, grimacing as it caught on the dried gel and hair potion in it, likely ruffling it out of the carefully curated style too. Well whatever, technically the dance was over now, right?

Salem sighed, glancing over at Natalia who still somehow looked effortlessly put together even if Salem could see places where her dress had wrinkled or her hair had come slightly loose. It still looked good on her whereas Salem felt like she was wearing an ill-fitting costume. "Hey uh... Sorry if tonight kind of.. Sucked," she admitted, lightly kicking the wall with the back of her heels. "I was trying to make it special but I feel like I just made it weird," she said, finally giving in to the urge to rub her and practically reveling in the telltale feeling of the eyeliner and makeup smearing away under her fingers.
Natalia winced in sympathy as she watched how much Salem struggled with her shoes. Why had she picked shoes she wasn't comfortable in? Natalia could understand wanting to have shoes that looked good with the dress, but... it seemed so unlike Salem. She wanted to say something, to ask about it, but she didn't know the right words to say. Thankfully, Salem started talking. Natalia shook her head. "It didn't suck." She said, though it sounded a bit hollow. She hesitated. "What... do you think made it weird?" She asked, glancing at the mess Salem was making of her makeup. "Salem, can you explain it to me? Is there something I did wrong?" She asked uncertainly.

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