The Orphans

Walnut Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Vampire Blood
It was a warm summer down in Belfast. August was the last month for summer and everybody were planning for spring time. Not all people were happy for the upcoming spring especially in the orphanage whose place was so gloomy and miserable for other orphans who still do not have their parents. And two of them were the twins, Grover and Katherine who were sitting on their own chosen swings in the playground.​
Grover and Katherine were orphans for over five years. They were lost at the age of five when a cruise suddenly sank into the ocean and were separated with their parents. They don't remember anything about their parents except for their parents' faces since the two have the photo, didn't even know that they live in a Wizarding World and they were wizards but only, they knew that they were twins. Every christmas, the two always feel that christmas is only for people who have a family who took care and love them. Because of this, the nuns were trying to be a parent to Grover and Katherine, just to make them happy, but the twins were just contented and would feel okay. And when there's a couple who visits the orphanage and would like to get them to be their kids, the twins would just refuse and would rather wait for their true parents.​
Grover was thirty minutes older than Katherine and they have the same attitudes and interests especially their facial features. Both of them have the same shape of their faces that were semi-oval, nose, lips, a little bit broad eyebrows and they were also had a black hair except that Katherine had a curly hair while Grover had a straight one. They had the same shape of their eyes too but the difference was the color, Grover had a gray blue one while Katherine had a black doll eyes. All of the things that the people see from them were same except from the way they act since Grover is a complete boy and Katherine is a complete. girl.​
<COLOR color="#000">The playground was wreathed in wind as it blew softly and touches the big trees through it and the orphans were more energized as the wind passed through them but Grover and Katherine stayed the same, just riding on their own swings with boring faces. Grover looked up in the painted-like sky. The sky was blue and the fluffy clouds were walking with different shapes and sizes but he didn't even felt a sudden amazement. He looked down from the ground and saw his dirty feet as it dives through the dusty sand. And then, to his quietness, he suddenly heard the doorbell. He was sure who was outside the gate even though he couldn't see it since it was too far away from him. It was a complete stranger who was about to ask a nun to adapt a kid. He counted one to one hundred slowly and then he repeated it twice again until he saw the nun walking with the woman and the man and saw a boy ran towards them as fast as he could and heard him yelled, 'Mom, dad!'. Grover was sure that it was the boy's true parents. He watched the boy until he was hugged tightly and kissed by his mother and father. Grover could feel the parents' love to the boy. "Do you think mom and dad would come to get us?" he asked Katherine as he watched the complete family walked away and slowly out from view.​
Katherine couldn't change her boring face, it was so hard to do it. Imagine, seeing the kids with their parents was a big deal for the twins and Katherine was trying to control her tears. The twins didn't want to have some big occassions such as birthdays, christmas, mother's day and father's day since their parents were not with them. They were like suffering in a great sadness. Grover and Katherine sometimes play and make some jokes just to make themselves happy but still the loneliness still conquering their hearts because of their desires were not with them.​
Katherine didn't answered Grover's question. She just remained silent. Of course, who could answer a question like that if you're wasn't sure about you are going to say. Katherine wasn't sure if their parents were looking for them with their worried faces.​
Being an orphan was sometimes happy or sad depending on the youngsters' attitude. Some of them sometimes were happy since they do not have a parent because they consider their friends as their true family because sometimes other parents would be feel cold and wouldn't show a love. Other youngsters were sad because they do not have a family or they were get bullied and no one tries to protect them. Grover and Katherine were also get bullied by the other youngsters who were at their same age and worse, some elder ones. But the twins would rather ignore them just not to get in fight.​
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"I understand." said Grover sadly. Him either, doesn't know what the answer for his question. For him, it was a dumb one. He took a deep breath and sighed, he was very lonely today as Katherine feels. He grip the chain on his swing, which was the holder, tightly, trying to forget the pain inside his heart. There was something a big rock inside it that cannot be remove easily.​
<COLOR color="#000">The noise of the other orphans was getting louder as they continued to play especially, the ones who were playing hide and seek. Grover and Katherine were not interested to join with them. They would rather stay like this instead of playing such an enjoying game. They were not killing the joys of others, they just want to stay quiet for a moment. After a few seconds of staying silent, Grover closed his eyes slowly, trying to remember the memories they had with their parents or for simple word, he was trying to fight with his amnesia just to know what they had that day. But as he tried to be more focus on his mind, nothing happened. He could see only the black view. He always do that thing everytime he was getting more gloomy but the things he can see were just the same. Black, just black, as if it he was pulled by the black hole.​
The sound of the wind was getting light as it whistles through the playground. Katherine could feel the comfortable breeze but it seems it doesn't comforts her mind. She had also a question inside her mind like, 'Where are our parents?' 'Do they look for us?' 'Do they love us?'. Of course, every orphans will think about it. Every. And Katherine couldn't stop.​
The twins know how they get here. The fishermen saved them as they saw that they were floating in the middle of the ocean. They didn't woke up at the same time when the fishermen tries to bring them back to life since they were drowned. They just woke up after a couple of hours and then they got an amnesia. That's what the fishermen said and since they do not remember anything, they took them to the orphanage.​
Katherine continued to play on her swing again, with non-energetic feel. But this time, she was thinking about her questions that swirls above her head. She was getting confused, does she want to forget them or just continue from thinking of them. Maybe this time, it might be okay to stop thinking about it and just enjoy this day. She turned to Grover to change the topic but she suddenly stopped as Grover was trying to remember the memories.​
<COLOR color="#000"><FONT font="Times New Roman"> "I know what you're thinking. The memories we had with our parents." said Katherine. She could see the lonely face of Grover and she was getting lonelier as she could see the face of her twin's face. "Please Grover, don't force yourself. Like the nuns said, we have an amnesia, we couldn't back our memories by doing like that. Only, it will just come out if the time comes." she said in a sad voice.​
The thought of Katherine seems she would rather wait instead of forcing herself but Grover disagreed with her at the very first time in their life from being twins. Grover opened his eyes and turned to his twin. "I know but I have to." said Grover calmly, "I just want to remember them. You know, maybe they might just suddenly came back to my mind completely and help you also all the way." he added, his heart was pounding very hard, knocking on his ribs. He was thinking if he know what he was actually saying. He took a deep breath and didn't say anything neither try to close his bright gray blue eyes again.​
<COLOR color="black">August, September, October, November, December... thought Grover, counting the months left to his mind. Only four months left and it's already December - the month of Christmas. Grover was thinking about the event but he wasn't imagining about gifts. Suddenly, he looked around the playground. He could see his fellow orphans were happy even though they don't have their parents. The faces... He couldn't see sadness but happiness. He suddenly thinked about the thing that tries to confuse him. Does it helps? Does it helps to Katherine? He thinked again and looked at Katherine. He can see her lonely face. Grover suddenly became more gloomy. He should have comforting his twin now since he's older than her. Yes, they always agree with anything but when it comes to their parents, they have their own opinion. Grover might be the older one but Katherine was right. "I'm sorry..." he apologized sincerely. "You're right. I shouldn't have forcing myself. Please, cheer up now."
Katherine stayed quiet again. She didn't know if Grover was right that he have to remember the things since he's going to help her right away and not he was not thinking about himself. Katherine sighed and bowed her head. "It's okay. I understand." she said with a smile as she turned to her twin. Showing her smile so Grover wouldn't be miserable and herself also.

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