The Only Place

Nina raised her eye brows and said quietly, "Harri, did something happen over the breaks you're not telling me?" Nina gave her a worried look, knowing something was up, she just hoped Harri would share it with her. Nina glanced curiously at Noah then back over at Harri.
Harri looked at Nina, she had known that Nina wouldn't miss her slip of the tongue and it had been silly to even think it. Internally she batteled with herself, the selfish side of her wanting to tell Nina everything but the other part wanted to keep it hidden, locked up. Nina had enough on her plate already, what with the tournament being cancelled, would it really be right to start spilling all her troubles? Her eyes were wide as saucers as she looked around, to the others it might have looked like the question had stumped her. She probably looked terribly stupid but she didn't know what to do, tell or hide? Afterall she had managed to tell Noah, but that was different, she barely knew him and he had shared his troubles back.
She shook her head "No nothing." she lied, it was obvious she lied, her voice was almost pleading. She sighed knowing Nina would know she was lieing, "Just me and Kevin." she said with a feeble smile "I don't know whats happening. I guess hes kinder messing me around a bit," she said in a tiny voice, the whole while looking down.
She felt a guilty pang already, why was she sharing her burdens with Nina when she already had enough on?
"Oh Harri, you know you can share this with me, but if you'd rather not, I'd understand," Nina said softly as she wrapped her arms around Harri to give her a supportive hug. "Kevin didn't hurt you did he?" Nina asked worridly as she began to imagine all of this things happening to her friend. Nina let out a discret shudder as she thought of anything bad happening to Harri because of Kevin.
"Oh no nothing like that," Harri gushed, her cheeks turning slightly pink. "It's just, I like him so much but I just don't think he likes me," she said verging on tears. "I mean he didn't turn up in the holidays, and I have no idea why..." she trailed off, tears beginning to roll down her face. She hid her face in her hands, as if the tears were showing weakness. She knew not to cry, it never sorted out anything. Never. But she couldn't help it, there were too many emotions swirling around in her head and the tears seemed to help them escape.
She wiped her eyes, hoping mascara wasn't smudged around them, and lifted her head. She looked around taking deep breaths. Wishing the snow would have the calming effects it had had earlier on her.
But nothing helped. She could feel her eyes burning again, and she knew she loved him, right now her heart was throbing and all she wanted to do was see him. But she didn't know what she'd say if she did, she knew the moment she saw him she'd completely melt and any anger she had with him would just float away, because that was the effect he had on her. She looked up wide eyed at Nina, "Oh gosh, you probably think I'm completely stupid," she mumbled laughing feebily.
"Oh Harri..." Nina said softly relief hitting her voice a little when Harri said he didn't hurt her. "Boys are idiots, you'll learn that more and more with each boy you meet," Nina turned her head to Noah and gave him a light smile that said she didn't think he was an idiot.

"I think you need to talk to him, and I don't think you're stupid," Nina quickly added as she gave Harri a soft smile.
Harri nodded biting her lip in an attempt to keep back the tears. Momenterilly she was lost for words, she looked up at Nina, in a sort of silent plea. She wanted to see Kevin right now, but she knew that was impossible, he was on the other side of the earth. A million miles away. "But why do they have to be so confusing?" she said in a small voice, looking down the whole while, and feeling like an idiot. "And why did I have to pick the one I'd fall for, never see but never stop thinking about," she said, a single tear rolling down her frozen cheek.
Nina looked at Harri she wished she could do something to help her but there was nothing, maybe she could try and write Ashley and she could find this Kevin character but that would do no good. Nina gave Harri another supportive hug and said, "You deserve so much better then him, no boys should ever make you cry Harri," Nina looked softly at Noah and said, "It looks like we're all having relationship problems." Nina let a sad sigh escape her, she missed Alex dearly, but she hadn't seen him aside from classes she was worried, the last time they had actually spent anytime outside of class together was when she was trying to see if Alex was safe. Nina was relieved he was but she needed more time with him, ever since the holidays she felt distinced from the world, she had spent Christmas and New Years alone, even her very best friend had plans, she knew Asher would be with Noah, that was a given but Ashley didn't go home this year and Nina thought they could hang out, but everything had been so awkward, they both had changed. Nina wasn't sure if it was for the better anymore, she had lost so many people since she came to New Zealand, and she didn't have a trophy to show for it, she had nothing. Nina's eyes rolled back into her head for a second when they rolled back she looked nervously at Noah she wanted nothing more then to have Alex be with her and tell her everything was going to be all right.
Harri nodded though she knew it was the other way around, she didn't deserve him. She took a deep breath and lifted her head, "What do you mean? Are you and Alex okay?" she asked when Nina said she was having relationship problems.
She sighed quietly, not knowing what to do. She looked around at herself, Noah and Nina and wondered how the three of them ended up here. All three with relationship problems wondering where the one they loved the most was.
It was still cold though the snowing had stopped it was still bitter cold, she was grateful that Nina had lent her a pair of gloves else she was almost positive her fingers would have frozen off.
She galanced at the floor, completely convered in a sheet of snow. No-one would ever tell that there had ever been three people who had trudged through it. There was no recollection of them coming, though there would be one of them going.
She looked up at Nina and hoped Alex wasn't messing her around, Harri got on with Alex and wouldn't want anything that happened between him and Nina ruin a friendship. Also the fact that if he had messed Nina around, Harri would not be able to stop herself from being extremly angry at him.
Nina shook her head softly and said, "The last time I saw him I thought he was in danger after the task, and we sleep like next door to eachother," A single tear rolled down her cheek she missed Alex more then anything and she thought she had done something wrong.
"I never should've come here," Nina sniffled. Nina had a feeling they would call her stupid but Alex was not only her boyfriend but he was her best friend and not seeing him everyday took a toll on her. "I miss him," Nina admitted in a whisper so her voice was almost inaudible.
"Oh Nina," Harri said hugging Nina tightly, "I'm sure he's not doing it on purpose," she said her voice soft.
"What do you mean you should never of come here, of course you should! We're your friends," She said nudging her a little.
"I know what you feel like," she said her voice matching Nina's whisper as she struggled to keep back the tears. Her eyes burned but she simply shut off. Her own emotions were pushed as far back as they could go, she attempted to clear her mind, feeling selfish for only thinking of herself. That wasn't what friends did, she felt a guilty pang as she remembered herself telling Nina about her own problems when Nina had enough to worry about. "Next time I see him I'll have a word," she joked a little to try and lighten the mood. "He's probably just... studying...or something." she mumbled a little as she struggled to keep her own emotions at bay.
"I know he isn't it's just hard you know, he's my bestfriend too," Nina said softly then she gave her young friend a trying smile and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to dump this on you it just came out..." Nina felt guilty for sharing this with anyone, she knew that right now she needed to have a good duel and then she wouldn't be as stressed but the last duel she had was with some kid name Makato(sp?), decent dueler, had a slight attitude though.
Nina absentmindedly played with Harri's hair and said "That isn't nessasary, I'm just lonely you know." Nina closed her eyes to keep her tears in and said softly, "Everyones gone home and I'm worried that Alex or Asher might be next." Nina glanced at Noah and said, "I didn't count you in there because you wouldn't leave, or I don't think you would unless something was really wrong."

Harri nodded "Yeah, it must be hard, maybe get Noah to talk to him?" she asked, looking over at Noah as she suggested it.
"No its fine really," she said truthfully smiling at Nina. But behind her smile there was a battle in her head as she tried so hard to stop thinking about her own problems.
Harri nodded, "I know what it feels like," she siad, lately it felt like she had been spending too much time alone, maybe no-one liked her anymore....?
"No I'm sure they won't!" she said confidently, "I mean its not long till everyone goes..." she trailed off as the thought hit her, that would be a sad day when the time came for them to go, she looked up at Nina wondering what she would do when she wasn't here.
Nina shrugged her shoulders softly and said, "I don't think that'll help anything." Nina knew this was all physcological, Alex had always been there to hold her hand when things got tough and if not him someone else, she knew that now she would have to figure her emotions out for herself.
Nina's eyes widened and she turned to Harri and said, "You're going to write me okay? And if not all get that little twerp that messed with your heart." Nina gave Harri a light wink she wasn't going to hurt Kevin maybe have a talk with him but nothing else.
Harri shrugged, but guessed Nina knew him better then Harri ever would.
"Of course!" she said, her voice a little foggy as she felt her eyes burning for a different reason. Harri laughed "Come off it, you wouldn't be able to beat him up," she said grinning. "I'm going to miss you so much," she said hugging Nina tightly as a tear rolled down her cheek. "Gosh, what am I like?" she said laughing a little, but she really was going to miss Nina loads, she was the one who had been there for her through out this whole year, without her Harri probably would have been on her own most of the time. The thought saddened her, was it her not being sociable? Or just not being likeable?
Nina playfully rolled her eyes and said, "You don't know what I'm capable of Harri, I'm strong." Nina flexed her muscles, she wasn't all that strong but she had a few muscles. "I'm going to miss you to, who knows maybe sometime they'll send you over to HS, hopefully while I'm still attending school," Nina mused.
Harri laughed as Nina flexed her muscle, her warm breath steaming the air around her. "Yeah that would be great!" she siad, grinning at the prospect, "Whats it like? Over at HS?" she asked curiously.

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