Open The Offside Rule Sucks

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Leia Hume

girly | self-conscious | hnz duelling champion
OOC First Name
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Seeing Somebody
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Knotted 9 Inch Flexible Cherry Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
06/2039 (22)
Leia had thought about not coming along to the halloween feast but, in the end she’d always known that she would cave and she’d go along to it. She had decided on a rather simple costume - one that wasn’t really much of a costume at all. She hadn’t ever wanted to put too much effort, she wanted it to be effortless, but Leia was sure that this was quite too little effort, she’d just worn her old football (soccer) outfit. She’d played for her last school, and had just brought the sports outfit with her, in case Hogwarts decided to have more sports, but that had never happened and she’d never bothered to unpack them, until, well now. The slytherin felt a little exposed, this make her appear more muggleborn that she might otherwise want to appear? She had a football(soccer ball) with her and she was holding it lightly in her hands as she moved around the room. She wasn’t sure what to do with herself just yet and felt a little awkward specifically going up to any specific person. She couldn’t imagine just approaching someone she didn’t really know to speak to them. Instead she would need to spot someone she knew and hoped that on this occasion she wouldn’t run into Augustus.
Linden made his way to the great hall. unlike his sister he was not creative with his costume. he had put on his robes and borrowed his sisters tie and scarf and put on some fake glasses and drawn a scar on his forhead. it was a lame last-minute costume, he would have to think of something better next year.
He reached the hall and realised just how lame his costume was some people had gone all out. others cute others funny. he looked around and oculdnt see any of his friends but he did see a girl he knew vaguely from classes dressed in a soccer kit. it had been a while since he had played he had enjoyed being on the team even if he wasnt the most sporty person and had been the goalie. "Hello Leia. Happy Halloween." he said. he hadn't really spoken to the girl before but she seemed nice and was in his year which was more than most of the rest of the people in the hall.
Leia was a little nervously glancing around the room, trying to see who else had come to this. She couldn’t spot luxen and had to hope that he wouldn’t be coming along. She thought he’d probably find it beneath him, but she was just keen to not have to overly explain herself. The slytherin was a little startled when someone appeared next to her. She knew this boy from her classes, Linden or something close. ”Hey, Linden,” she very purposefully said him name, looking for him to let her know if it was wrong. She knew it would be embarrassing for it to be corrected, but she knew he wasn’t a slightly so that helped it. ”Happy Halloween,” she replied, ”Where did you get the gryffindor uniform?” she asked genuinely curious about it. She’d spotted a few others with uniforms that just couldn’t be there’s she’d not thought it would be right to take her brother or her sister’s uniform, but perhaps for halloween it was a little more acceptable.
👻 Happy Halloween. 👻
Linden didn't have many girl friends. he didn't have any if you didn't count his cousin. it wasn't out of choice but more out of coincidence, he just tended to hang around with the boys in his dorm more and alexai and his friends in the year above. but there may as well be a time to start. he smiled as Leila greeted him glad that she art least knew his name. "i borrowed the scarf from my sister. her robes wouldn't fit so I am wearing my own Hufflepuff ones but the scarf covers the yellow" he said pulling the scarf to one side to show the Hufflepuff crest underneath. "It is a cool soccer kit where was it from" he asked his school had made you turn in the uniforms every year after the season. he missed his soccer team. not so much the soccer. the training sessions had not been his favourite thing unlike the rest of his family he wasn't actually good at sport. but the guys on the team had been good mates, and he did have the least sporty job playing goalie.
Leia nodded as he explained his costume and how he’d gotten it, at the very least it answered a lot of questions she had, it was an easy costume then for anyone who could get their hands on another uniform. She’d need to bare that in mind for the future, she had two possible costumes with siblings in two different houses. And really if Ava came back she was sure she’d have the trifecta. The slytherin looked at her own costume and hesitated over what to say, it was the kit she’d never returned to the school, but she didn’t want to say that. He seemed nice, but she didn’t know who else might listen in. ”I got my mother to buy it and send it to me,” which wasn’t too much of a lie, her mother had paid money to get the uniform, but she hadn’t sent it. ”My brother said it’s a good muggle costume,” another lie, but Leia wasn’t keeping her gaze on Linden and she was speaking a little more quickly. ”What do you usually do at the feast?” there couldn’t really be a usual since they were only second years but she was keen to move the conversation off herself.
Linden nodded as the Leia said that she had asked her mum to send it to her. "It is a good muggle costume. Soccer is a very popular sport. have you ever played?" he asked.
when asked what he did at the feast he looked around. "Last year my whole family came as characters from peter pan. I was peter and spent the whole evening being chased by my aunt who was dressed as captain hook." he said. "but there do seem to be games, like a pinata and an apple bob. there is a mirror hall which should be funny to walk through." he added not sure if he had sort of signed up to spend the evening with the girl or if they owuld go their own ways after the conversation was over. but he couldnt see any more of his friends so maybe hanging out with her wouldnt be a bad idea. .
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