The Night of the Hunter


Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Broad sword and light wristblade
The cool spring night was a blessing, the slight breeze allowed her to garner the scents of any deer or other animal that she could kill. Dover was famished and was becoming weak as a result, living on the forests vegetation was simply not enough for her anymore. She knew she should ask the permission of the tribal leader Vico to be able to hunt in his territory but hunger dictated a different course of action. There was no more time for polite etiquette and though she had now been in the forest three days and had met one of his tribe, she had not dared venture near their encampment.

Looking up through the trees she smiled seeing clearly the Pegasus constellation in the nights sky. There had been no more bad signs that she had seen and so had felt it a rational decision to hunt tonight. It was after all her birthday, the Spring Equinox and she was now 20 years old. She would dine well tonight and be thankful for it but she knew she could not stay in this forest forever. Not unless she spoke with the leader and asked to be part of his tribe.

The scent caught her attention and raising her sword at eye level she stilled her entire body. A bow and arrow of course would be much easier but in her haste to leave the tribe she had left them behind, only her broadsword had been attached to her hilt at the time and she was grateful for that much. A frown creased her beautiful face as another scent carried on the breeze to her, this was no animal but another centaur.
The night was perfect to be out hunting, the sky was clear and the stars were visible. The spring equinox was a great time to hunt or so he had always thought so. With his long bow in hand and his casing of arrows strapped across his back, his broadsword sheathed by his right flank and his shield buckled to his other flank Claphore galloped through the forest with the speed and agility of a young warrior.

There were many centaurs out tonight and he was sure to come across many of them as they all were determined to return with the best kill but Claphore was certain he was more determined than anyone else. As he sped through the forest in pursuit of a large deer, he skidded to a halt. The deer seemed to do the same as a new scent hit him hard. That was no deer, that was a centaur and a strange one at that. He frowned removing an arrow and cocking his bow to keep the deer in his sights, his hands was sure and steady as he pulled back on the arrow but the scent of the other centaur seemed to be getting stronger or perhaps it was just the breeze carried it to him better. He closed his eyes, realizing he was enjoying the scent immensely and it was only the sound of a twig breaking that made him open his eyes to see the hind quarters of the deer fading into the darkness of the forest.
He swore lowering his arrow and bow but turned in the direction he knew the centaur to be. When he broke through the clearing he saw her, he had never seen a centaur so white as if the night stars were glowing on her.

She was beautiful, iridescent in the moonlight as the white of her body, and almost golden tones of her hair gleamed. He could not help but move closer to her.
"Who are you and what business have you here stranger?" in his attempt to impress her he decided to use his most authoritive of voices.
Spike stood a little away clutching his Bow and arrow in his hand, he didn't want to see Dover get attacked by another member of out tribe, he would surely kill her, and that would be the end of her family. Spike was one of the village's most fiercest hunters and he would take this shot with ease, but instead he walked out into the opening. " How are we, this evening Dover?" He asked with a smile emerging on his face. By this time he had his bow over his shoulder and his bow in his sling, so it would not have been obvious he was protecting her. " What are you doing out here, Claphore?" Spike asked as he recognized the male that was standing next to him.
Claphore smelt Spike coming before he saw him, striding into the clearing as if he owned the forest. He even acted as if he knew the new centaur or the strange one whatever way you wanted to look at it.
"I'm out hunting .. Spike" he retorted not liking the other centaur's tone at all, Claphore may have been younger but he had proven himself time and again in hunts and even with Vico when they marched into the school with the werewolf, the boy and the professor.
"The rest of the clan are pretty much out as well but you'd know that if you bothered to join us once in a while" he muttered unable to take his eyes off the female centaur once more. What had Spike called her, Dover? A strange name but no stranger than Spike he mused glancing over at the centaur with the blue hair and yellow eyes. He had often been meaning to ask him what the story was with his hair but his father had always clouted him across the back of the head and told him to watch his manners. Well his father certainly wasn't here now.

"So do you actually get one of your mates the humans to dye that for you?" he smirked hoping he was making Spike look foolish in front of the female.
Turning to see a centaur about her own age she viewed him cautiously, her sword did not lower once and even though he brazenly questioned her about why she was in the forest, she did not bother to answer him. There was no point when in to the mix came none other than Spike. On seeing him she sighed and lowered her broadsword but did not put it away.

"If I did not know any better Spike I would be convinced that you are following me" she told him, with just the faintest hint of a smile playing on her rosebud mouth. It was typical that the younger centaur would feel somehow threatened by the older one's presence and Dover could only watch highly entertained when he passed a rather unnecessary comment about Spikes hair color. She found it quite interesting herself, it showed off his piercing yellow eyes distinctly and there was certainly no mistaking him among a herd of centaurs all of the same chestnut shade.

"Now now youngling, show your elder some respect" she chuckled lightly but wished they would both leave her be so she could attempt to get some sustenance before she fainted from hunger.
Clop. Clop. Clop.

The scent of a fresh kill slunk through the trees and surrounded the three gathered centaurs. Diagoras entered the small clearing with a huge male buck slung over his lower back, hair against hair and his powerful legs supporting the dead weight of the slain deer. The male centaur seemed huge in comparison to the younger males and the female, for his many moons on earth had not withered his body but strengthened it. He was a centaur under Vico's leadership, a hunter and a warrior for the herd for many a century. This female, he knew, was not part of the herd and appeared to have ventured in in search of better kill. Diagoras had distanced himself from his kin in the recent weeks, but his duties were still clear and he now patrolled the furthest outposts of Vico's territory. He said nothing yet, but the female knew why he was here. Not being familiar with the two males, he could not be sure of their allegiances and so ignored them, focusing on his target.

Diagoras kept his longbow holstered over his back and notched no arrow. "Do you have business with my herdfolk or are you simply here to shoot our game?" he asked softly, his voice deep and sepulchral.
As if the night could not get any worse two fresh scents filled the air. At least one was fresh, the other held the distinct scent of fresh blood and it's heady aroma filled her nostrils. A much older centaur made his presence known and Dover lowered her sword even more. This one demanded instant respect. Her gaze fell on the dead buck that he carried and her mouth all but drooled at the sight of it. She could not recall how many days she had gone without any meat it was perhaps a little over a week now.

Her brown eyes moved to the centaurs face as he spoke to her and she struggled a moment to keep her balance and her wits about her. There were now three male centaurs surrounding her, she was weakened by hunger and at that moment only visions of what another group of centaurs had done to her mother and brother assailed her. Her hind quarters began to clomp the earth beneath her and her fore legs did the same as her eyes began to dart from one to the other.
"I have no business with any one here. I did not come to poach from your lands but ... but find that I must."
Diagoras regarded the female with an eagle eye. She was thin, very thin; it appeared that she had not eaten for some time. Only a centaur on the brink of starvation would dare trespass on the lands of another herd for want of meat, and so it was without hesitation that he clasped the buck with two enormous hands and pulled it around in his arms. Now he approached, bending at the knees slightly to place the deer on the ground in a silent peace offering. "Now you have no need to hunt." It was a kindness to Dover, but a necessary kindness. It should never be said that a hungry centaur passed by Diagoras and was not fed. He was strong enough to hunt again that night, and the deer he had shot was for him alone. If he had been hunting for the herd he would not have shared his meat for practical purposes, but there was no point doing all the work of salting and storing if two people needed the meat now. If the males were hungry, then they could eat, too.

He turned his brown eyes skywards for a moment and searched the heavens for signs of good eating elsewhere. Tonight was the night for hunters and gatherers, and the forest was rich with the heady scents of wild animals and root vegetables. Dover had chosen a good place to forage, though she did not need to now. Still staring up into the night, he spoke. "I am Diagoras."
She glanced back at Spike and the other centaur not recalling what Spike had referred to him as. She was very much aware that neither had spoken yet since the arrival of the older centaur and wondered if this was out of respect or fear. She was young, much younger than this particular centaur but he was quite frankly awesome. In stature and as she watched him toss his kill to the ground for her, she calculated he was 'awesome' in character as well. It was most touching and she was extremely grateful to him for his kindness.

Her left foreleg padded the ground slowly before she bowed her head slightly to him. She was not normally a centaur that felt humbled by the actions of another but this one had surprised her.
"Thank you" she told him glancing at the fresh buck, it would last her the best part of three days perhaps as she had no time to prepare it as she might have back at her village. A frown crossed her brow, it was no longer hers to speak of. The rest of the meat would surely go to waste and that she could not stand. Looking about her, she glanced back at him as he offered up his name.

"I would be most honored then Diagoras, Spike and ... youngling if the three of you joined me in a meal" she would never admit to it being the first decent meal she would have had in weeks, disgusted that she was appeared so skinny when she was usually sleek and curvaceous.
Claphore may have been young but he knew better than to insult or mock the centaur that made his way into the small clearing then. He shuffled his hind legs backing up slowly. This was Diagoras and though he had kept himself from the tribe over the past few weeks, Claphore knew him well. Growing up in the tribe there were many he had hero worshipped, his father, Vico, Diagoras, Coral, Thrapus and a few of the elder centaurs whose hunting skills were legendary. He had never had the opportunity to hunt with any of them of course but his father, though he had been useful to Vico against humans on one occasion. Claphore was well appraised of the killing of the young boy, the young goblin if rumors were to believed and he had yet to make up his mind about how he felt on the matter. The students at the school had been warned often enough not to enter the forest but still they came. He held no animosity towards any of them really and truthfully had never thought that any of his own would resort to murder, though as far as he also knew from third hand information, it had been an accident.

Diagoras obviously took it badly and did not stay amongst his own much if at all. Watching as the female introduced herself and then as the older centaur gave her his kill, Claphore sighed. He never had a chance to get to know any of the female centaurs of the tribe because they were all so hung up on the older males. It was crazy and now this new one showed up who was alot better looking than any he had seen in his own tribe and she would most certainly be impressed by the two older centaurs. He lived in hope though as she offered them all to join in her meal. Smiling he strode forward a few steps.
"Gladly I am Claphore by the way not youngling".
Claphore ... Diagoras turned his eyes to the young male buck who had introduced himself and he nodded gravely. He nodded again to the female whose name had not been given in response to her slightly bowed head. Then he turned his eyes back to the youngest male and spoke. "Claphore you may be, but you are still Youngling." Something about his manner suggested that he was making a joke, and not a cruel one that that. He did not smile but the humour was there, along with a strange sense of camaraderie. Diagoras was silent and grim, yet somehow even the newest foals like to prance around him and play. He was large but gentle and slow; only the foolish would take his expression as forbidding. "We should prepare the meat before it is spoiled by nature's ways," he said slowly, deep voice rumbling. The elder buck still had not spoken and neither had Diagoras said anything to him, but he was not ignoring the centaur; if he had something to say, he would say it.

Diagoras' hindquarters alone dwarfed the deer carcass. It was even more obvious when he bent all four legs to prepare the meat. He withdrew a long ritual hunting knife with many runes and star patterns engraved into the metal and began to skin the beast. The way he cradled the deer's head as he worked seemed almost tender, or perhaps reverent. Although he did not appear so, Diagoras was just as hungry as Dover and he worked with mechanic efficiency. He left the others to prepare a fire, since it was customary for the eldest centaurs to prepare the meat anyway. The ritual of skinning and quartering was almost sacred among the hunters of the herd. Soon the meat was ready and Diagoras made the sign of Feast before lifting a slab to whoever would take it first. All of this was done in his silence.
Spike waited in silence he knew that Dover should go first just being a kind and gentlemanly thing to do and seeing as she was hungry and he could tell by her face that she needed something to eat he just waited. Staring at Diagorus, he was more the certain that Diagorus was the one who killed the boy. Walking towards the meat tho he picked a tiny little bone out of it as he took it and walked it over to Dover.
Dover left their company for a moment as she retreived some fire wood, pondering on the three centaurs back in the clearing she could only smile. They were all fastly different from one another, the elder with a wit and wisdom quick and sure for his years; the youngling who was so gung-ho and rightly so for his age and then Spike. A whole different matter altogether. If she did not know any better she would admit to having begun to feel something for him but she shook this thought aside.

She did not belong with this tribe, no matter how kind and generous they were being to her. The leader himself would have to agree to her staying and even then a single female with no ties was always an object of concern. The females would begrudge her and the males would ... well, they were a law unto themselves really.

With enough firewood gathered she returned with the bundle and using two flint locks lit a good fire, surrounding it with sufficient rocks so as not to let it spread outwards. As the meat was prepared and ready for eating, Diagoras placed it on a slab. Dover watched as Spike moved forward and taking some returned to her and offered it to her. Her eyes looked at him with surprise before she reached up and took it from him.
"Thank you" she whispered to him, flattered at this unexpected gesture.
Bowing his head slightly he smiled at her, with his yellow eyes sparkling as he looked at her face before he backed up to the spot where he stood before, he stood there and waited for Diagorus to slice the next slice of meat off the Animal he had caught, it looked tasty and looked very appetizing, and would be a very nice treat, seeing as he had been catching Bear, which was a tougher meat, and higher in protein, which was the reason for his muscles toning quicker then everyone Else's. Diagorus was only a little bit bigger then Spike which was very good for someone as young as him to be getting as big as someone as mature as Diagorus he was a Giant compared to most other Centaurs.
The rest of the meat was swiftly divided and passed around. For some reason, Diagoras had taken no food though the fact went hardly noticed for it appeared he was busy. As everyone ate, he continued to gather up whatever was left of the fallen deer and dispose of it, adding wood to the fire as it roasted the larger pieces and other such activities, but never once taking a piece of what was already prepared. He knew not why, but he felt strongly that the nearly-grown foals should have their fill before he should. Diagoras gazed into the ink black sky for further guidance but only found confirmation of his convictions and nothing more. So the kill he had shot went untouched by his hands. To occupy earthly thoughts of his empty stomach, he proceeded to study the younger centaurs individually. Whatever he saw was kept carefully hidden under a veil of indifference that he hoped was mutual; but it was an obvious lie to himself. Diagoras had come and dominated the scene instantly, and the three centaurs now watched him, too. He knew why the males were.

Claphore was under the tribe of Vico, and have no doubt heard of the accident in the forest which ended in the death of a youngster; at Diagoras' hands. The other ... Spike ... may or may not have known, but he was watching the older centaur for a reason which he suspected was the same as Claphore's. The female was apparently oblivious, he was selfishly pleased to note. Diagoras did not fear judgment, but the less centaurs who knew, the better. Perhaps it was even unwise of him to make himself known as he had; but a warrior did his duty. He had had to reveal himself in order to protect from a potential threat. "What are your origins, kinsfolk?" asked Diagoras suddenly, drawing his head away from the sky and addressing all of the other centaurs.
She ate gladly, not caring for manners or such like at that moment. It had been such a long time since any meat passed her lips and she was famished for the nutrients it contained. As the last piece was swallowed she rolled her head back and sighed, licking her lips clean. With eyes closed she stayed in a sated stated for a moment before lowering her head once more as Diagoras asked a question of them.

Eyeing him wearily she knew this was bound to happen, it could not go amiss truthfully. Pride made her back bone strong and she stood with all the charisma born of her kin. Her voice when she spoke was firm yet soft.
"I was from the Choldack Tribe, my father Sorenson and my mother Kupreen" she had her chin raised slightly, her pride instilling in her the necessity. She did not mention their deaths, no doubt word had travelled to this island. If Spike had known then surely the others knew as well.
Spike smiled as she revealed the tribe name of which he was born into, but grew up under Vico's wing, he knew the others did not know this and he hadn't mentioned a thing to them, but he kept it quiet as he didn't want anything to stir between them. Hoping it would not overbalance what was going on here then everything would be all sweet.

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