🌹 Rose Giving The Most Stylish Affection

Dahlia Doherty

Teenage Drama Queen
OOC First Name
Blood Status
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Curly 9.5" Flexible Rosewood Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
15 (26/07/2046)
yellow rose for @Sunday Weeks!

Dahlia was pretty lucky with a few of her roses being people she knew, although she did have some names she didn't recognize. At least this name was clearly related to a few names she knew - Wednesday and Thursday were in her classes, and Friday was another Gryffindor she'd seen around the dorms. And of course, Monday was the head boy. She was able to work out that Sunday was a first year Slytherin, and so she picked breakfast as the best time to deliver. She smoothed her skirt as she headed over to the Slytherin table, ignoring some odd looks with her head held high. "Lo, I am looking for the one named Sunday Weeks, for the deities of love have sent me here to bestow a token upon her from someone who wishes to express friendly affection."
Sunday had just sat down for lunch when someone approached the table. She looked up, raising a brow. She was almost tempted to send this girl to Saturday, but she wanted the rose. She put on her friendly smile and turned to face her visitor. "I am she," She offered, trying to act like she was playing along.
Dahlia beamed, picking a yellow rose and the right note from her basket. She'd also brought heart shaped chocolates again, they were just an ordinary muggle chocolate but they were good quality. She handed all three over to the first year with a flourish. "My lady, thou art truly blessed by the gods of love on this day." She straightened up, and gave more of a cheeky grin, relaxing more into her regular stance and tone of voice. "Think I'm getting my dialects mixed up. Ah well. Happy Valentine's!"

Kinda dug that nail polish, got any other fun colours?
- Ambrose
Sunday blinked, blushing a little at the sight of the chocolates. "Oh! Did- Ambrose send the chocolates as well?" She asked, debating on the mixed message of the chocolates with the yellow rose. It was awfully sweet of him, maybe she could keep him on hand as well? She tried to hide her thoughts and turned her attention back to the older girl.
Dahlia looked almost sheepish for a second, making a mental note to make it clearer about the chocolates. She didn't want anyone getting the wrong idea with their roses, even as fun as the drama would be to witness. "Oh, no, that's just a little addition from me," she explained, giving a small shrug. "So even if you get a not so great note, you still get something sweet with your rose! Though it looks like it wasn't a bad note, so even better!"
Sunday relaxed a little as the girl explained the chocolates were from her, letting out a light laugh. "Oh, well that makes more sense. Thank you," She offered. "What's your name?" She questioned, wanting to be able to refer to the older girl properly for future reference.

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