🌹 Rose Giving The Most Curious One

Genevieve Fuentes

'Evie' 🐉
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 15 Inch Rigid Chestnut Wand with Boomslang venom Core
Evie was delighted to be delivering roses again. It was upsetting that Essie wasn't there anymore to be helping her with it, but at least now Evie was a little more familiar with the school than before and she was able to find her way around a lot easier. The next rose on her list was probably the most interesting one. It was a professor rose, and it was red. Evie desperately wanted to read the note, but she knew she had to refrain herself. The thoughts in her head were probably much more interesting than the actual note anyway. As she eventually made it down to the professor's office, she knocked firmly on the door.
Gabrielle had taken the opportunity to hide in her office, ostensibly to catch up on grading, mostly actually to hide from the Valentine's stuff. She'd rolled her eyes when she'd slipped out for a coffee in the Professor's Common Room and seen even professors receiving roses. She had assumed her coworkers were above all of this, leaving it to the hormonal teens. And yet, there was a knock at her own office door, and she opened it to see one of the students holding some roses, and Gabrielle couldn't help but make a face. "Miss Fuentes," she said, somewhat calmly, eyes darting to the flowers. "I assume you're not here for additional history studies."
Evie was a little taken aback as the professor opened the office door. Why was she being so condescending? "What's that supposed to mean?" she asked, unsure whether to take it as an insult or a compliment. "I just came here to give you a rose." She reached into her basket and pulled out the red rose with the note attached to its stem.

Professor, Thank you so much for supporting me. You've always listened to me and treated me with respect, and helped me find the path I want to take in life. You are an intelligent, wonderful woman, and I will always admire and respect you. ~Akihiro Chen
Gabrielle sighed, knowing she'd probably come across harsher than she intended. Genevieve was a clever girl, it was clear history was not what she was interested in but that didn't mean she wasn't quite intelligent. "Sorry. Valentine's Day has never been my thing." Or romance in general, really - she enjoyed a good romance story, but did not have the patience or temperament for it herself. "And someone snapped my best pen." Which she'd done herself, but Genevieve didn't need to know that. Her eyes narrowed in suspicion at the red rose, especially as she read over the note. Great, was she going to have to take Akihiro aside and lecture him on propriety, or appropriate behaviour towards teachers? She hoped not - it didn't read like it was expressly romantic, at least. Still, after the initial consternation it did serve its purpose of cheering her up, and she was able to give Genevieve a more genuine smile. "Thank you, I do appreciate it. And I hope you don't have to deliver any other roses to grumpy professors today."
Evie kept quiet as the professor apologised to her, a little relieved that she didn't have to add the professor to her list of people to avoid. That would definitely be hard as she was her professor. As she said someone snapped her pen, Evie shrugged. "That would suck." she muttered, trying to be a little sympathetic. She didn't even realised people used pens. Perhaps the professor was Muggle-born. The teen watched as the professor read the note, and she couldn't help but smile slightly as it seemed to amuse the professor. She wanted to ask what was written on it, but knew that would definitely be stepping a line. She knew at least that the professor had something romantic going on with someone, and that was already probably a little too much. Besides, she didn't care about the older lady's love life that much. "That's okay, professor. It hasn't been the best day for me either, but we will both get through it!" she exclaimed, trying her best to be a little reassuring.
Gabrielle folded up the note and slid it into her pocket, sticking the rose into her hair for a moment and then almost immediately realizing what a terrible idea that was as it would be a nightmare to get out. Thank goodness for detangling charms, she thought, as much as she was hesitant to cast spells on her own head. She was certainly very competent as a witch, maybe not as impressive as some of the other Professors but could hold her own, but pointing a wand at your own head felt like playing a dangerous game. "Well, I hope you get some nice roses of your own and have a good time at the dance," she added. Even though she wasn't the friendliest of professors, she wasn't about to be rude to a student. "Don't spike the punch with firewhiskey and don't make out in front of the chaperones." Maybe a little teasing, though. She nodded at Genevieve again before stepping back and slowly closing her door, needing to think about what she'd do with the rose.

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