The morning after

Parker Smith

Well-Known Member
Sexual Orientation
Oak 14 3/4 Essence of Raven Feather
Parker pulled the blanket over his head when he woke up. It had to be atleast midday. Had he really been that tired? Well, after what had happend last night it was a wonder he had even woken. He looked over to see Amanda lying by his side. It was a nice feeling knowing that she had stayed. His last relationship had just up and left him. He moved closer to her and played with her ear as he waited for her to wake up. Or perhaps she was already awake and was simply waiting for him. He smiled and whispered in her ear. "You awake, Amanda... its midday we'll miss lunch" He said as he laughed and rolled back away from her to look at the ceiling.
Amanda had already been dressed already under the covers. Parker was so fast asleep that the brunette left for an hour and came back without him moving or noticing. She would let him play with her from a while before she got up fully. The brunette turned to her side and pulled the covers off. " Beat you to it." She pulled on her jeans as she leant over and gave him a proper kiss. " I loved last night." She smiled at him, rubbing his shoulder.
Parker laughed slightly as she pulled back the covers. Rolling his eyes he rolled onto his side and smiled. "So it seems." He said as he kissed her lightly. She seemed to have a habit of rubbing his shoulder. Was it perhaps a Russian thing? He didn't know but he liked it. "I'll bet you did, I mean I have been known to pleasure a few people in my time" He chuckled as he sat up in the bed. The covers still firmly plastered over him. He smiled as he stood up out of the bed and walked over to his closet to find some clean clothes. Finding an outfit he liked, Parker walked back over to her and pulled her into a hug. "So, apart from lunch... what do you want to do today, though I should warn you, you will be seeing alot more of me, you dont spend the night and then walk off" He added as he kissed her again. "What will the neighbours think?" He asked as he looked over her head and out the window.
Amanda got out of the bed and patted her clothes down, it looked like she had just gotten out of the bed with her clothes on. Which she did. She hugged Parker back, " I was hoping that I would get to see more of you, your hotness keeps me coming back to you." Amanda put her arms around his neck. " Oh those neighbors.. they could meet with my neighbors and have a nice dinner and then make a plan of attack to get us to move out." The brunette threw her head back and laughed. " Doesn't matter what we do today, as long as I'm with you." It might've sounded cheesy.. but it was true.
Parker laughed as he watched he pat down her clothes. "Yeah, like thats going to help, you still look like you slept in your clothes" He said laughing as he put his arms around her waist. "Its nice to know I have some alluring charm with woman" He said as he thought about her answer of the neighbours. "I'm surprised they haven't broken down the door to see what I've done to you" He laughed as he pulled her hands from around his neck and led her out to the lounge room. "Do you want to do anyhting before we go and try to make it to the restaurant for lunch?" He asked as he ran around looking for his wallet. He had no idea where he had even left that.
"Hmph." She said playing with the ends of her wavy hair. Amanda grinned as Parker took hold of her waist, then took her arms and led her to the lounge. " I'm surprised the police and FBI, and everyone else hasn't been at the door telling us to open up." She laughed, pushing her bangs back. " Oh don't worry about the wallet, I'll pay." She smiled heading back to his room, she was going to make the bed. " It's the least that I could do for you keeping me last night." She pulled the sheets up. The brunette flattened the bed, making it look pretty. Amanda grabbed her bag and went back to Parker.
Parker smiled. "Maybe they figured it would be too late, because i had you in my sights and was not letting you go?" He asked as he smiled. When she told him that she was going to pay he shook his head profusely and frowned. "No-way, I might not know about etiquette, but I am damn sure, you are NOT supposed to be paying" He said as he looked around for his wallet. He would be damned to let her pay. What would people think? He walked into the kitchen and sighed with relief as he found his wallet and slipped it into his pocket. "Oops sorry honey, I found it" he said as he watched her walk back out of his room. "Tidying up were you?" He asked as he held his hadn out for hers and walked to the door. Opening it he found himself face to face with exactly the people he had been expecting for the past few hours. "Oh yay" He said unenthusiastically as he shoved past his annoying neighbours.

Feel free to do with neighbours as you see fit Caysi :)
Amanda laughed, " Doesn't matter, it's out of my kindness and generosity." She said placing her hand to her heart as a joke. " Yes, I was, I kinda get upset and think that my day is going to be bad if I don't make the bed you see." Amanda shrugged her shoulders. She carefully took his hand and walked with him out the door. " Oh hello there." She said joyously to the exquisite neighbors. "Уходи Вы с ума сошли пингвинов!" She said in Russian as she walked closer to them. They all had a confused face on, " Yeah, that's right." Amanda nodded her head. " Now, I think y'all should go back inside your apartments and have a rowdy time!" She said with her Texan accent. " Cause I sure know that I have and will." Amanda winked at them before she joined Parker again.
Parker raised an eyebrow at how Amanda spoke to them. He had never seen them with those faces on before. He kissed Amanda when she came back to him and pushed through the rest of the crowd. “Hey, what was that you said back there?” He asked. Throughout his time in Durmstrang he had never been bothered to learn Russian. Though a lot of his friends spoke it fluently, he found languages to be a tad on the boring side of things.
Amanda lifted her head up and kissed him back. " I said ' Go away you penguins' is what I said." She laughed as she turned her head to see the mob of people. " Maybe they called my neighbors too." The brunette laughed. " Ever got a reaction like that before from the penguins?" The brunette joked as she took Parker's hand in hers and rubbed it softly.
Parker laughed as she told him what she had said. "Really, you called them penguins?" He asked as he laughed. He smiled as she asked him a question but kept walking. "I think its because you are female, not male" He told her as she rubbed his hand. "There you go with that rubbing thing again" He laughed, she had been doing that all night, it was very relaxing.
The brunette laughed, " That's the only nice thing that I could think of at that moment." Amanda looked at the scenery around them, it was a cool day outside. The brunette pulled her cardigan tightly over her chest and smiled up at Parker. " I just find it very touching, and it's personal too." She sweetly smiled at him. " My mother used to do that to me." She cleared her throat as she turned her head.
Parker laughed as she spoke. The only nice thing, well that was certainly funny. As they got away from the crowd of neighbours Parker smiled at Amanda. "Were going to have to apparate" He said as he ducked down under the stairs to get away from prying eyes.

Sorry my muse is lacking, read spam if you wanna know why xD
Amanda looked at the trees around them, how she would love to have a house around the countryside later on in life, or even when she had enough money to keep it all maintained. Not saying that she was poor, her father was a successful lawyer, and same with her mother before she died. The brunette nodded as she turned to follow Parker down the stairs, " I feel like I'm back in Durmy, going on secret missions and such." She got hold of his hand ready to apparate.

Hehe, 'tis ok :)
Parker smiled at Amanda. "I suppose your right, does feel abit like a mission I suppose." He smiled as she took his hand. Moving under the cover alittle more her imagined where he wanted to go and immeditaly felt the familiar pull. He was still alittle sketchy on apparating so when they arrived they were slighly off target, landig a block away. Parker shook his head and laughed. "I need alittle more practice." He told her as he started walking again.

Sorry Caysi, gonna go offline for a couple hours I sih tired. rpely when I wake up :wub:
Amanda smiled, these were going to be memories to her at a later time. The brunette closed her eyes and let Parker lead the way with the appratating. She liked the feeling of the pulling and twisting, not to sure why but she did. " That's ok, I once wanted to go to France and ended up in Italy." The brunette pushed her bangs as she walked with Parker. Her hazel eyes watched the trees swaying in the wind and the flowers nearly about read to grow. Spring time was truly her favourite.

Ok, I'll talk to you later :) When you come back, maybe we can think of something big to do with our other rp we have to do :p
Parker smiled as he walked into the restaurant. "They are very nice here" He he smiled as he escorted her in. Smiling at the waitress as they walked past, Parker sat in the corner, near a window. The waitress, being a friend of Parker's walked over and smiled. Parker gave his order and looked expectantly at Amanda. "What would you like, you can have anything you want" He said. Kissing her hand as he spoke. The waitress seemed to be slightly shocked but said nothing.
Amanda was very happy to be at the restaurant with Parker. Even though they had just known each other, she knew that something was different about the two. She shook her head, she was lost in her own thoughts. The brunette looked from the waitress to Parker, " I'll have the callamari please." She smiled up at the waitress then to Parker. Amanda placed her other hand on his. " So tell me about your family." She asked curiously.
The waitress moved off as they had finished ordering. He smiled at her choice of food before looking away. He didn’t really like talking about his family much. There really wasn’t that much to tell about them really. Apart from the fact that there were quite a few of them. “Honestly Amanda, there really isn’t much to tell. I mean there is my parents, my sister, my brother half a dozen aunts and uncles, all my cousins, then my niece." He said as he shrugged. “And if you’re lucky you’ll never have to meet them” He added as he looked out the window. If they were any other family. Sure, he’d show her off, but not to his, he wouldn’t take any one to meet his family.
Amanda looked at Parkers expressions when he talked about his family; there was something that he wasn't telling her, the reason as to why he doesn't look at them as his family. But over time he would tell her if he trusted her. " Well for me there's my father and my sister, extremely small but it's all that I've got." The brunette shrugged her shoulders.
Parker smiled at Amanda again. No matter how upset he was, she would cheer him up he knew it. As their lunch arrived, Parker smiled at the waitress, Kate, and tipped her as he had always done. She was sweet really, she'd just recently had a child and Parker would always make sure to give her an extra big tip. He then looked back at Amanda. "Small families are nothing to be ashamed off, if you are close to them" He said as he took a bite out of his food. "We were originally a small family, but then everyone, kept having kids" He added as he shook his head.
Amanda shrugged her shoulders, she would like to see when everyone comes together . Amanda would be told when the time is right and the right person. " The good part of family is that they're always going to be there for you and them." She sighed looking out the window.
Parker didn't nod nor smile as she spoke about her family. He thought it was nice that she had some family to lean on when times were rough. "Yeah, you'd think" He said before covering his mouth with his hand and mentally kicking himself. He really hated talking about his family and would much rather just eat lunch and then go do something fun before her said something he would regret. He honestly hoped she wouldnt keep talking about families. He didn't want to have to be harsh or unkind when he spoke to her. But if she kept to the topic of family...
Amanda scratched the side of her head. The brunette would have to come up with a different topic now, seeing as it was a bit silent. Amanda shuffled through her purse to find a picture of herself as a baby in mud. " Even as a youngster I was a trouble maker." She laughed showing the picture to Parker. The brunette then came to a picture of her in a karate class, Amanda is a blackbelt, but still didn't like to hurt someone unless they attacked her.
Parker sighed in relief as she dropped the topic of family. She moved on to show him pictures of her through-out different stages of her life. Parker smiled as he looked at the pictures. "Oh, your a blackbelt are you?" He asked as he smiled. He was fine with talking about her or her family, but not about his own. The simple fact that he was Purelood made it that much harder. He suddenly realised that he didn't know Amanda's blood status and wondered if it was rude to ask. Well, he had to know. "So, Amanda, if you don't mind me asking, what is your blood status" He only wanted to know so that he would be prepared. If she was a Pureblood, he would be very wary of her as odds are she would not share his views. If she were something else, the she definatley would not e meeting his family.

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