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Javed Wolff

Sexual Orientation
Knotted 18 Inch Unyielding Maple Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
<SIZE size="50">I don't post these often, but I've made a bunch of new characters lately and all of them need to roleplay more, so here I am hoping to get cool roleplays :p

I want as many rps as possible, but for the sake of not overwhelming myself too much, I've prioritized and added the characters that need the most development here! I'm not against plotting with any of my other characters though, so if you have ideas/want to rp with someone else on my account tracker please don't hesitate to pm me!

Benito Orbon

Benito is one of my newest characters. He is now a graduate of Castelobruxo and until recently he wanted to be a professional duelist. Unfortunately he lost his final tournament in the youth league and is now at a loss of what to do with his career. He holds himself to a very high standard in regards to competition and sees his loss as a reason to completely give up on dueling. It's not the smartest decision for Benito to make but he is adamant not to let his years of training go to waste so he is currently looking for careers in the wizarding world where he would be able to use his skills. He sounds like a very serious guy but I promise he's not that bad! He's super serious in regards to competition, but when he's away from all of that he's a laid back, carefree guy and a total goofball who prefers to have a quiet night in with his friends, watching movies, eating junk food and joking around rather than partying.

Because Benito is so new I pretty much need everything for him, but as of right now I want to focus on him having a bunch of friends from his dueling club/tournaments, school and even from around the world now that he's graduated! A bunch of enemies from dueling could be really interesting too, I'm just game for a lot of things because I really want to develop him!

Aubrey Cabrera

Next we have my lil prankster Aubrey! She is currently in her 6th year of homeschooling and lives in New Zealand despite her family being of Mexican heritage. She grew up the youngest of three children, with two older brothers and is therefore very much a tomboy, who takes crap from no one and shows affection with pranks, light insults and noogies. She can be considered crazy in this sense as she is very over the top with her actions. This is because because Aubrey has been home schooled her entire life and does not know how to socialize with people any differently to the way her brothers treat her. This is a major character flaw of hers because it hinders her ability to make friends or get along with anyone, really, who doesn't also share a love of pranking and see the humor in it. I eventually want her to overcome this but I’m not sure how or when that will happen.

I have only roleplayed with Aubrey once at this point and I want to roleplay her more! Especially with people who might think she is overbearing and 'weird' in the way she treats others. Of course, I would love her to have friends but it would depend on if they can see past/tolerate/sort of understand the way she acts. Romance is off the table with her, and enemies or annoyances are more likely than friends but I'm always willing to see what happens!

Andi Forstrom

Next we have my first year Andi! She's a farm girl from head to toe with a hard-working attitude, a strong moral compass and a keen sense of adventure. She valiantly stands up for herself and others and is never afraid to try new things. In general, Andi is open minded and accepting of others however this is easier said than done in many cases as she can be very hot headed bossy and exceptionally stubborn, refusing to see the other side of an argument. As she was taught to work hard, and that what she wants cannot just be handed to her, she therefore doesn't have much of a tolerance for people who don't 'pull their weight' in a group and has no qualms about voicing exactly what she thinks if she is met with this kind of opposition. In this aspect Andi can be over bearing and these traits do sometimes make It difficult for her to make new friends, but regardless of that Andi does have a good heart and is loyal to the friends and family she does have to a fault.

Because Andi is a first year I want all the friend and enemy roleplays I can get! I just want to rp her in as many situations as I can to really develop her and figure her out. I plan to work on and post a development or biography for her soon so I'll link this here if it's finished in time!

Javed Wolff

Lastly, we have my newest character Javed (Pronounced Jah-veed). He has recently graduated from Hogwarts Scotland and was in Slytherin. He is an aspiring tattoo artist, soon to be apprentice, and he has been an orphan his entire life. He grew up in a very crappy orphanage in Ireland and was never adopted so he has therefore developed a very guarded 'I don't need anyone but myself' kind of attitude which is both a blessing and a curse. It is a blessing as he is independent and reliable, able to take care of himself and others if he sees fit and it is a curse as he is very hardened to emotions and refuses to let people get to know him or allow himself to properly care about others from fear of getting hurt, abandoned or being rejected.

Since I've only just made Javed, this is pretty much all I have for him right now so I need everything from friends, to enemies, to flings for the next few ic years! I want to rp him in as many situations possible so give me all you've got!​
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I would love for Rory and Andi to be friends- they seem quite similar in the outdoorsey and adventuring ways, with just enough differences to make a friendship between them more dynamic. I can totally see them butting heads over something and both just trying to out-stubborn the other into giving in xD
Heeey Anna! You have a bunch of awesome characters here, but I think I can mostly rp only with Andi right now because I have no adults or older teens at the moment. So I'll focus on her.

We've already talked a bit on Skype and in my thread but it's easier for me to remember if I put it on here as well.

Andi and Rose
Ok I want these girls to be pals. They'll probably meet in the dorms but maybe we can do something with them together as well. I do think they could also clash sometimes, because they're both stubborn and can be hot headed, but Rose isn't one to hold grudges I think so they'd always make up again.

Andi and Odette
We've discussed this before but I'd like them to be enemies. I think maybe it would be fun if they butt heads from the start, but it would be trickier to set up than if it starts with them being friendly. So we can go either way!

And she's not on this list but I'd really like to do something with Amber and Noelle, I think they could be friends!
I love the idea of Andi and Rory being friends and I totally agree that they have enough differences for a dynamic friendship! I have a reply written up and I am currently waiting until I am allowed to post in the open thread in the first year girl's dorm, so when I'm able to post in there we can have them meet! But if that doesn't work out we can always have a thread where they meet on their own.

Again, waiting on being able to post in the Gryffindor girl's dorms but I do love the idea of Andi and Rose as friends and I'm totally game to rp them! As for Odette and Andi I still very much think it could be super fun to rp them so I'm game for everything! And I would love to rp Amber and Noelle also! I'll message you on skype about this later!
Awesome, I look forward to it ^_^ (Also, is it safe to admit now that I've just been muttering 'Andi, Rose and Rory' over and over in my head for the past couple of days?)
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