The man who was unprepared

Tristan Drage

OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
August 9, 1978 (76)
Two days. Two bloody days were all that Tristan Drage would have left with his young son. He had planned his departure for the early morning, after Thorine left. It was good that she was as fed up with his 'yes love no darling' routine as he was. She left early in the morning and came home late at night. This gave him more than enough time to act like himself- well, as much of himself as he could without making the portraits suspicious.

During one of the days, he had left the house to get Christian a Christmas present. It was all he could really do for his son. He knew that Christian deserved more than what he would give him. He deserved to have his father around, but that wasn't going to happen. In these last days, Tristan's heart was being ripped in two. He wanted to stay with Christian- as a normal man of course- but his love and sense of responsibility to his other family were as equally as strong.

Tristan had gotten Christian a toy broomstick. It was of superior quality, and he knew that his son would love it. Thorine would probably be enraged when she found out, and Goia would faint on the spot. He had hidden it in the kitchens, and finally decided this was the right time. Leading his cherub faced son down to the lower levels, where no portraits could watch them, he brought out the broom. He only had a few minutes to escape from Goia's watchful eye. Grabbing the toy broomstick from a cupboard, he held it before his son.

The little boy stared at the object with wide eyes, unsure what to make of it. Tristan helped him swing his chubby legs over the side of the broomstick, and brought it to a hover. The blonde toddler giggled in excitement as his father first guided him around the place, and then let him go to see what he would do. It wasn't long before Christian was zooming around the wide kitchen in circles. This was all new to him, holding a thrill that running couldn't provide.

Tristan smiled and stood back, ready to keep his son from any harm. He had moved all the tables to another room, and secured everything in the room so that it would be nearly impossible for Christian to hurt himself. "Be careful, Chris!" he intoned, putting his arms over his chest as he stared back at the boy fondly. Thorine and Goia would be angry with him, yes, but they would have to be very cold hearted indeed to take the little boy from his new toy. It was obvious that Christian loved it. And they weren't going to rob him of one of the last fatherly experiences he would probably ever have with his young son.
Thorine arrived home to Carrow Hall exhausted, this pregnancy was draining her of every ounce of energy that she possessed. She smiled cradling her flat stomach it would be a while yet before she would even show but the child growing within was already making it's presence known. A perfect lineage, a glorious heritage... the child would have much to learn and everything to gain. She noticed instantly how quiet the house was and called for Goia immediately. Rubbing her forehead she wondered where Tristan and Christian were now. As she stayed perfectly quiet in the entrance hall she cast the revealing charm and watched as the glowing light guided itself to the door leading downstairs where the cellar and kitchen and other rooms were. Rooms that Thorine kept locked most of the time. She walked to the door, cursing Goia for not appearing as soon as she called. Her eyes narrowed and her temper flared.

Suddenly she could hear the excited giggles of her son and instantly she was picking up the skirts of her gown and running along the corridor to the large kitchen. She pulled up short when she saw her darling son flying around on a broom. Her eyes widened and she watched aghast, until not being able to contain herself any longer she pointed her wand at him and called the broom to a halt very gently so as not to spook him. Instantly he began to shake the broom clearly upset. Thorine lowered it carefully until his little feet were completely touching the ground.
"Darling" she spoke now to her son containing her anger only slightly, she refused for now to look at Tristan, "That is very dangerous. When you are older you can use it again but not now".

Was the stupid imbecile of a man trying to kill her child? Goia thankfully chose that moment to appear. She walked to Christian and picked him up tenderly, the many years of being beaten by her grandmother to help her curb her emotions lest she display even the smallest flicker came to her aid now. With a smile she turned to Goia.
"Take him to his room and stay with him please".
Goia was up in the gallery dusting the picture frames of his past master when his present mistress called out to him. He bowed reluctantly to the master before climbing down from the small ladder and hobbling out of the room. He didn't bother apparating to her but chose to walk instead. He was fed up of the Drage man being in the house and could barely wait the two more days when they would finally be free of him.

By the time he reached the bottom of the corridor he thought he had kept her waiting long enough and apparated to where she was. Which so happened to be in the kitchen. He took in the sight of his young master flying and his mouth fell heavily. His hand shot up instantly.
"The master... dangerous. Fiery dragons are you insane!" he blurted as his mistress went to take Christian from the broom and passed him to Goia. He cradled his charge with care and threw the most contemptuous of looks at the Drage man. He knew he would get a kicking for speaking as he had but not before she gave him a piece of her mind. Goia smiled back at her and nodding his head left the room cooing gently to Christian. Walking slowly he wanted to hear as much as he possibly could before leaving the downstairs chambers.
Christian tirelessly zoomed around on the broom, jovial and unharmed as Tristan watched him fondly. He considered taking the boy outside, but dismissed that thought quickly. The boy would likely zoom off and be impossible to catch. The smile that had long decorated Tristan's face evaporated as Thorine popped into the room. He watched with contempt as Thorine brought the broom to a halt, and removed the little boy from it. The toddler was clearly as upset as his father. He watched with a rising anger as Thorine handed him to Goia.

Ignoring the complaints of the house elf, he said with a bit of an edge to his voice, "That is not necessary, my love. Christian was perfectly safe. I would never let him be hurt. Most his age have already been riding broomsticks for over half a year."
Thorine held back the laughter at Goia's words to Tristan, she would have to punish him later but it would only be for show. She would make it up to him in some other way. Waiting for her devoted house elf to take her son where he could not see or hear anything, Thorine still did not look at Tristan but instead walked the length of the kitchen floor. She had already her pyang rosewood / flamewood mix wand in her hand but her other hand was very slowly unsheathing her other wand.

Her voice was controlled, though to look at the darkness that blazed in her emerald eyes you would know she was far from controlled. When she could no longer hear Goia's footsteps she turned on him.
"I do not care if you thought he was perfectly safe. The fact of the matter is he is so obviously not safe around you. I do not care for other peoples brats, my son. My pureblood son will have a better upbringing and not have his precious skull cracked open on this damned kitchen floor because you were stupid enough to get him a broom" her voice raised only slightly but with each sentence she walked closer to him.

Eventually stopping less than a meter away she fumed but steadied her screaming nerves. If she wasn't pregnant she would be blasting off all manner of hexes at the dosed up fool. Anything could have happened to Christian and the brainless git infront of her might not have had the reflexes that he once had because of the potion.
Tristan watched as Goia left the room with Christian. His ice blue eyes fell on Thorine's enraged face, but wandered down to her wand. She carried two of them, and would probably have the other at the ready. She may think him a doddering idiot right now, but she was not going to catch him off guard. The man's large hand, ever so slowly, pressed against the sides of his trousers to make sure his wand was still there.

He tensed up as she stepped closer to him. Knowing that he did not need more reason to make her suspicious, he glanced up at her blankly. "Why are you so angry, my love? His skull is not cracked open, he was happy and more than fine before his broom was taken from him." Taking in a deep breath, he continued, "What gives you reason to believe that he is not safe around me? I am perfectly safe, and more protective than most fathers."
Thorine's hormones were all out of whack due to the pregnancy, she began to breath heavily. Her nostrils flaring at Tristan's blasted composure. In a swift fluid motion she brought her hands up to her chest crisscrossed and whipping them out parallel to her sides she flicked her wands out in full view. Her emerald eyes glinted dangerously.

"This broom here" one of the wands pointed at the broom as a snarl nearly ripped itself from her. Thorine never displayed anger and she enjoyed it now as she cast incendio on the infernal broom setting it aflame.
"My son will fly when I want him too. When I am there to teach him, to guide him or if Goia is there to aid him incase he gets hurt. And you are not safe... you are far from safe. How often have I left you alone with him? I'm either just a call away or Goia is hovering ever ready. I would never intentionally leave him alone with you".

She almost spat the words at him.
Tristan's eyes kept falling to Thorine's hands. Keeping focused on her face for too long would surely mean disaster. His expression was as blank as he could make it, even when she set the broomstick on fire. The man's nostrils flaring a tiny bit, he glanced to Thorine. His own fingers were now curled around his wand. Hopefully she didn't notice the small motion.

"You give me no reason to believe I am not safe, love. I've been alone with him countless times, and never has a hair been hurt on his head," he responded calmly. "And you have not expressed issues with my parenting before. He loves me dearly, as much as I love him."
Tiny red sparks began to flash unbidden from the tips of her wands as she looked at him with disgust.
"I have not expressed issues before because you have never done anything so gormless before. You may treat your half blood brats this way but not my son" she glared at him, the rising urge within her to do him some offense was building rapidly.
"Of course I have given you no reason, I've been controlling your every move and whim you pathetic fool" and this is what angered her more, that he under the effects of the potion could consider such a gift as a broomstick for their son. Surely he should have cleared it with her first? How on earth did he even get the broom? He would have had to leave the house and without her too? Her eyes were slits of sceptisim, was the potion waning? She knew with time his resistance to it might show through with slight changes in his behaviour.
She had already mentioned that he had the weaker lot, would he grasp at it? Wonder about it or become angered with her? Thorine watched him for even the slightest of movements.
Unwavering, Tristan kept his blank stare on the woman before him. If he did anything rash, she would attack him for sure. The Death Eater in him demanded to get the first curse in. Only newly found patience stayed his hand. Thorine may not have any feelings for him, but she was still the woman scorned. If he was right, he had the upper hand, and she did not know it. If he could play dumb for just a bit more, he may have a chance of getting out unscathed.

He cocked his head to the side a bit. "You have been controlling me? Why ever would you do that, darling?" Although he hated it, he uttered the last word with a bit of relish. He would very much like to throw away his reservations and slip into the addictive haven that was blind rage. Tristan may not be a Death Eater through and through, but his old self was definitely still there, raring for a fight.
She heard the infernal word and it made her skin crawl.
"Do not call me that!" she raised a wand very slowly and deliberately at him.
"I am NOT your darling. I have never BEEN your darling! You made damn sure of that when you left me. Left me for a MUGGLE" Thorine's wand hand was steady as a rock, unlike her voice which had begun to waver.

She was beginning to boil up inside, the wretchedness she had felt throughout her pregnancy with Christian, the disgust with herself for allowing it to happen. The contempt for the man who had abandoned her to go and seek another woman out, while she had lived in hope of his return. Well she certainly didn't hope anymore, didn't give two Abyssinian shrivelfigs!

"You have become nothing but a noose around my neck. No, correction you have been a noose since the very first day I met you. The only decent thing to come out of us was Christian and I will be damned if I let you anywhere near him again".
The thought suddenly occured to her of what she could do, the potion didn't matter any more, he didn't matter anymore. It was simply her and Christian and the life within her. What need she of a man, any man? If she wiped his infernal mind and sent him out into the world, she at least would have the last laugh on both him and the muggle scum he had married.
"Tristan, with all the contempt that you have sown in me... OBLIVIATE" she unleashed the spell at him, her fury now built to maxim proportions.
It was a wonder that Tristan was still able to keep some sort of composure with a wand in his face. He observed Thorine as she ranted and raved at him. Her hand was steady, but her voice was not. Control would probably be lost to her. The man squeezed his wand with his fingers, his knuckles turning white as he pulled it out of his pocket. He was lucky not to snap it in two. Tristan knew what good two twigs could do against a woman like the one before him.

Although he knew damned well that he would have to leave very, very soon, he felt Thorine's words with a pang of guilt. This was the end of him and Christian. An angry tear broke from his good eye, but he did not wipe it away. The idiot that he had been moments before slipped away- everything about the old Tristan disappeared. He was his old self again, the self that would murder without rhyme or reason. And he hoped that she saw it.

"PROTEGO HORRIBLIS!" he snarled, deflecting the charm that would have inevitably stolen more of him. He held his wand straight, using this opportunity to take a few steps back. All of the rage that had built up inside him over the next few weeks and been stayed only by Christian erupted from his throat. "I am NOT your plaything! You have already taken enough of my mind. You WILL NOT take the only memories I will ever have of my son!"

His teeth were bared as he gripped his wand, feeling the rush of blood that had gone to his head. Thorine had won a lot in this battle; the Death Eater that threatened to consume him would not allow her any more spoils. He stood straight and confident, betraying his previous act. A cold smirk decorated his lips, as if invisible hooks were pulling them upward. The woman may have gotten him in the beginning, but he had duped her in the end.
Thorine felt the rush of excitement course through her veins whenever she was up against a worthy adversary. So the block head was miraculously able minded again. Her eyes glinted dangerously, her head moved from one shoulder to the other as her neck cricked loudly. One wand spun dexterously in her fingers before it found itself pointed at Tristan like it's brother.

"You could have had more than that, you could have been there with him from the very beginning. Oh that's right Tristan darling, you were there at the very beginning, you just ran as fast as you could once you had your way. How many children do you have around the world now? And all of a sudden you want to cherish some memories! Do not make me laugh" she watched the smile on his face and knew it all but matched her own.

"You can leave with your memories Tristan but that is all you are leaving with. Christian stays here in his home where he belongs."
Tristan's eyes were blocks of ice as they followed Thorine's movements. His corded neck was taut with tension, though his arm remained steady. For more than a good moment he considered attacking on the offensive. Fantasies of escaping with his youngest son and leaving Carrow Hall behind forever ran rampant through his thoughts. Nostrils flared, he kept his wand straight to Thorine's chest. He had killed before. The Death Eater in himself would not second guess.

He knew that he would not engage Thorine in a duel just as certainly as he knew he could not stay. The world might be better off rid of the Dolohov woman, but Tristan could not tear his son from his mother. He would love to take his son with him. Tristan would not be able to stay behind and live the life he had been living for nearly two decades. When it all boiled down to it, it would not be fair to Christian. He didn't want to hurt his son more than he already had to.

His voice, though with an edge to it, was surprisingly level as he spoke to Thorine. "I've done too many things to regret throughout my life. I do not regret any one of my children." He inhaled deeply as he gripped his wand firmly. "It kills me a thousand times over that I will not be here for Christian. If things had happened differently, I would be here. But I cannot." The man paused for a good bit before continuing. "I would never take him from his mother. Here he will stay. I haven't been able to make many promises but I do promise you this- I would not try to take him away."

Throughout this his composure had softened a bit, but it hardened again as he rose his wand again, lightly. "I will leave but I would like to say goodbye to him." Unmoving, he added, "And I will have my parting, with or without your consent."
Thorine fumed inwardly, how dare the insolent brute take such a tone with her. Just who did he think he was? He was the blundering oaf who had abandoned her, left her and never returned and yet here he was arguing as if he had the moral high ground. She took a deep steadying breath lest she strike him down this very instant.

"If things had been different... fanciful words to throw off the scorned women in your life. How many times have you used that line Tristan? Does she know how contemptible you are? The mistakes you have clocked up with so many other women? Or does she not care because she's a mudcrawler?" she all but spat the words at him as she advanced upon him, her wands still pointed at him.

"And of course you would never take him from me because you fool, I would never let you take him" she glared now, her emerald eyes flashing venom.
"Your damned parting can only be with my consent because you would have to kill me first if I were not to allow it".
She very slowly eased one hand down and put her wand away carefully, never once removing eye contact from him. The same hand once empty came back up palm up and outstretched to him.

"You do not think for one instance that I would leave you go to MY son with your wand do you?"
Tristan was unmoving as Thorine snarled at him. What she said was true. He had used those words often and had never really meant them until now. Or did he? He supposed that it didn't matter, he was going to be returning to Julie and would leave this hellhole for good. Even though the 'mudcrawler' comment incensed him, he did not retaliate. A thick vein was pulsing in his forehead. A war of insults was the last thing he needed.

He had questioned Thorine's sanity many times over the last few weeks, but he wasn't going to throw that out there. Getting out was a top priority- and staying alive would be nice. Despite the fact that he usually held his own in duels, he did not wish to put his life in the hands of the spawn of the Dolohovs and Carrows.

The man's smirk broadened as the woman mentioned that she would have to be killed if he didn't have her consent. "Not a concept I'm unfamiliar with, dearest," he muttered, his eyes icy as they bored into Thorine.

At first he thought that Thorine was joking when she held her hand out for his wand. She might as well have asked to take his arm, or his good eye. He came to the conclusion that her demand was not in jest. The man's arm trembled a bit as he brought his hand upward, clutching his wand tightly. Was it really so important to him? Wands were hard to come by, but they were replaceable. Christian wasn't.

With a grimace he flipped the wand around, handing Thorine the knob. The move was suicidal, yet he had to risk it. His expression hardening, he waited for the woman to say something. He would go to see his son for the last time if it killed him.
She hadn't really thought for a second that he would hand over his wand so willingly but with about as much hesitation as she would display if she were giving up a worthless trinket, Tristan flipped his wand around and handed it to her. Her long fingers curled about the shaft of it and she smiled. Her green eyes danced with venom.
"Goia will remain in the room, you shall not be alone with him. Go say your goodbyes and be thankful I am merciful Tristan. Your mudwallower could have met her demise by my hand along time ago, remember that and remember if you ever attempt to take my son or see him without my leave, then she is the one who will suffer for your actions. Now get out of my sight, you have no more than ten minutes. I advise you relish each second".
Her voice could no longer contain the contempt she held for him, her features were etched with it too as she trained his own wand on him now. The feel of it was alien to her but she knew that within a few short weeks, she would have mastered it though it would never be as equal as her own.
Tristan had never felt so naked as he took three slow steps away from Thorine. He took one last glance at his wand before his gaze trailed back up to her face. She was absolutely beautiful. But how long would it last? He could only wonder if her mother Alecto had looked the same way, a very very long time ago. Merlin knew the Dark Arts had taken a toll on him. His hair was now peppered with gray, his face was lined with creases and his back wasn't as good as it had used to be. He knew he would probably never reverse the effects, but he would put them to an end once and for all.

With a frown he nodded to the woman before him. Ten minutes was not a long time. Pathetic compared to the extra few days he was supposed to have. On top of that he was wandless, but probably just as well. Carrying an instrument of death was not ideal to someone who had all but left the Death Eaters.

He squeezed his eyes shut, taking heed of Thorine's warning. The man wouldn't be able to bear the thought of causing any more pain or sorrow to his wife and kids. Christian would learn to hate him soon. He would rather take his son's hatred then causing him more misery than already would.

The man did not even glance at Goia as he apparated into Christian's room. He picked up the boy, who squirmed a bit as he was taken from slumber. Tristan smiled as he stared back into his own blue eyes. Tears would be for later. The toddler returned the smile, having no rhyme or reason to believe that this was the last time he would ever see his father.

Hugging his son to his chest tightly, Tristan stroked the boy's blond locks fondly. He had no comprehension of time at this point. His smile broadened as Christian murmured, "Dah-dee." It was something he had said many times before. This time, it had struck a nerve.

Best be forgetting that, Christian. Your dad is not worth knowing.
Goia watched as the Drage man apparated into Christian's room, Thorine had lifted the charms then allowing him obviously one last farewell. He wondered at how gracious she was being. As the man picked up Christian, Goia simply stood aside and watched. He could care less about the buffoon but it was Christian's little voice calling out to his father that tugged at Goia's heartstrings. For some reason he decided to reassure the man on one point because he knew that Thorine Dolohov-Carrow would never have said it in so many words.

"She will talk of you to him and it will all be good. It was how it was before and it will be so again. She will allow no bad thoughts to enter his head, not even of you" he hobbled forward wiping a wee tear that threatened, as his young charge wrapped his chubby little arms around his father. Christian would miss him terribly that much was certain.
"Give her time, she will allow contact at some point. She's just... not herself at the moment. She's expecting someone" Goia could have laughed at his own pun but thought the moment certainly did not call for it.
Tristan lessened his hold on his son just a bit. He didn't wish to crush him after all. His expression melted a bit as Christian brought a hand to his face. "Play tag?" the toddler intoned sweetly. Tristan shook his head and smiled weakly back at him. "No tag right now, Chris. Daddy has to go." These words tore his heart in two. He had come to love Christian very, very much over the past few months. He had been under a love potion, but it didn't matter. His fondness for the boy had surpassed trials and tribulations.

The large man looked down to Goia. The house elf was capable of some compassion after all. "I do not deserve it." Lowering his voice, he said, "Thank you for your help. She does not know. For Christian's sake- keep it that way. He is lucky to have someone so devoted to him." Nodding to Goia appreciatively, he turned back to Christian. He would miss the boy very much, that was certain. Tristan didn't want to make the pain of separation any more so.

Giving the cherub faced child a kiss on his forehead, he stepped forward and set him back down in his crib. Christian looked back up at him with wide blue eyes. He put a small hand in Tristan's large one. "Love 'ou, Dahdee."

"I love you too, Chris." Tristan's chest swelled with pride. Christian would grow up to be a great wizard someday. He just knew it. And if he were lucky, he would get to see him again. He stepped back, glancing to Goia as he heard footsteps. His ten minutes were probably up. Where had the time gone?

His eyes welling up with sorrow, he waved at his son. The last thing he saw before leaving Carrow Hall for good was the chubby little toddler waving back at him.

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