The magic pumpkin

Tamalia Kaster

Trying to Change
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
(Lol yeah i dont know what i was thinking either)

Tamalia was walking around the lake as bored as ever, it was hard to make friends with Gryffindors, the common room was full of them, talking, asking questions she couldn’t stand it in there for too long, so she left for fresh air, and went to the lake
Tamalia looked at the lake, it was beautiful, it was slightly tainted with orange and pink as the sun was just starting to set, the water was glistening as winds blow little bits of the water into the air, and leaves from nearby trees landed lightly onto the water and floated away like a little boat just leaving the shore, never to return.
Tamalia sat down on near the banks so her clothes were on dry land, when she looked up she saw a pumpkin
“Why is there a pumpkin near a lake?” she asked herself walking to it and picking it up, it was slightly heavy but not too much, it looked like a normal pumpkin but Tamalia felt comforted by the pumpkin.
((I do, your weird Hikaru))

Nadia sighed as she walked down to the Lake front. She was bored in the common room, it wasn't normal for her to be so bored but today she was. But as she was walking towards the lake she noticed something that made her not only smile but laugh out in absolute histerics. She ran over and pointed at the object of her laughter.

"Tim Tam.....why....are you....holding....a.....pumpkin?" She asked through peels of laughter. Her Ravenclaw robes glistening in the receeding sun.
Tamalia was looking at the pumpikn it made her think of life, love, school, money, family all that stuff and it was nice in a weird way but her piece and quiet was soon over as a fimilar and annoying voice came that sounded like it was nearly choking from laughter
"Tim Tam.....why....are you....holding....a.....pumpkin?"
Tamalia growled ever so slightly, she was just having a nice afternoon and then Nadia has to come and screw it all up, so Tamalia threw the pumpkin at her hard, hopefully it will shatter into a million pieces all over her and knock her out
"Stop laughing you annoying pumpkin!" Tamalia yelled as she threw it
Nadia ducked quickly as the pumpkin came her way. It hit a tree and shattered. She smiled. "Haha you missed me, and I'm not a pumpkin, if anything you are, you were holding one" She remarked laughing.
"I am not a pumpkin!" Tamalia said growing red with rage, but settled down as she saw the shattered pumpkin unshatterise itself"Look at that" Tamalia said pointing with shock as she stared at the newly reformed pumpkin
Tamalia walked passed Nadia and picked up the pumpkin and examined it throughly

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