The long walk back

Robert Kain

father 🎉 live for the experiences
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
It's Complicated (Heterosexual)
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 Inch Sturdy Cedar Wand with Mermaid Scale Core
9/2009 (54)
Robert caught up with Taylor. "You don't mind if i join you back do you?" he asked her politly.
"No not at all." She smiled at him. She took in a deep breath of air. She was glad to be in the sunshine and out of the gloomy forest. It really was a nice day, not one to be spending in the darkness. "Its such a nice day today." She said absently, glancing up at the sky.
"It is" he agreed with her. He couldn't think of much to say. "Ever been in there on your own? Or at night?" he aske, indicating the forest behind them.
Taylor threw her head back and laughed. "I would never even think of venturing into that thing alone." Nodding back at it. Would you, or have you?" She discovered he was as cute as she thought he had been in the forest, now that she could see him in the sunlight. She stopped the blush the threatened to rise in her cheeks.
Robert smiled at her. "No, but i know someone who went in there on her own, climbed a tree, and fell out of it again." He laughed for a moment. "But no, i haven't. I want to though" he said, raising his eyebrows and grinning.
Taylor raised one eyebrow, something she always did. "Well they are rather brave. Would i know this person?" None of the people she had met had told her of this story, but she probably knew them. "Why would you want to, there are all kinds of creepy things in there." She said and mock shuddered. "There is a part of me that is curious, but i dont think i would ever do it. Plus we arent actually aloud in there, she laughed." Her walking had slowed from her usual fast pace. She was enjoying the conversation with Jake, so she didnt want to rush.
"Do you know Liberty Barnett. Her" he said. "Well, i'm from a muggle background, i have 5 siblings, and come from an ordinary boring town in Italy. So, here, knowing that im apparently magical, wouldn't that excite you? Wandering around the forest is the weirdest thing ive done." He started to think he sounded corny. "I don't know anything about the wizarding world." he said truthfully, shrugging.
Taylor dug through her brain to see if she knew the person. "Oh yeah. I haveet her briefly." She admitted, she didnt know her very well, but she had met her.

Taylor listened to Roberts speech. "Im the opposite, ive grown up with magic, both my parents being magical." She gave him a smile. "This must be so great for you. If its good for me, you must be amazed." She smiled.
He nodded. "Very. Although it can also be very difficult, if you know what i mean." He sighed and ran his hands through is hair. "How long have you known your a witch then?" he asked curious.
"Yeah i can understand where your coming from." She could always understand where people came from. It was what she did. She always made sure she knew both sides of an argument or situation. It made her a very fair person. She watched as he ran his hands through his hair and sharply looked away. Scorpius did the same thing and she had fallen flat on her face for him after only one meeting and he liked someone else. She did not want to start liking this guy, only to find out he was with someone else or something.

"Ive always known i was a witch, did you find out when you got your letter?" Thinking that only made sense.
"Ye. I found out a week ago. Harsh and quick notice i know." he said. He was proud and slightly selfish about the fact he was the unique member of his family.

"Wow, so you were thrown into this world. Do you think its a good or a bad thing?" She was curious as to know what it was like for him. She had always known, she couldnt imagine what it would be like if she hadnt of known.
(posting for robert)

Robert shrugged again. "No idea, but i hated my muggle school." He winced as he remembered it. "So i guess it's a good thing for that, a new school." he said. "And, yes, at least i now have some recognision from the rest of my family. Everything has somthing about them, and, i used to think i was the odd one out, turns out i really am" he said, staring into the distance as if to be talking to himself. He looked back at Taylor and smiled. "When did you find out?" he asked , turning to attention to her.
Taylor nodded absently listening to Robert. "Yeah i guess, i dont know when i was actually told. Its just something i always knew." She too staring ahead and into the distance.
Robert muttered "Lucky" under his breath before grinning at her. They had almost reached the main pathway.
Taylor grinned back, glancing up to see the main pathway. She would have liked to chat more, but she couldnt complain, she would most likely catch up with Robert again soon. Being in the same house and all. She pressed on and dug around for more conversation, but she didnt find anything.

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