Open The Lonely Stag

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Leonardo Orr

lonely; serious
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
too young to care
Curly 11" Flexible Cypress Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
06/2043 (18)
Leonardo Orr was feeling pretty good. His suit fit perfect, he had actually managed to tame his hair just a little and style it, and arrived at the Valentine's day dance feeling good about himself. Leo wasn't sure there had ever been a day before this where he felt good about himself. He did realise though as he walked into the great hall, spotting the way people were dancing with others, spotting the way he knew some of the couples from his year, that he didn't have that. He could've asked a friend, but he didn't particularly have many and he was sure they all had better things to do. Leo had had dates before, but none of them had been date. He tried to not be jealous, just going to the snacks and grabbing a few things before sitting down.
Felix knew today would be rough but as he walked into the great hall to a swirl of pink and roses it felt like a punch in the gut. Even though he had broken up with Molly last semester he still wasn't totally over it. He had liked her so much and he found it hard to believe he'd feel that way again. But he only had one more year of tip toeing around her so he knew this feeling couldn't possibly last forever. At least their weren't any rose deliveries this year. Felix had kept his outfit causal and hoped he'd blend in. He could have avoided the dance all together but that somehow seemed worse. He grabbed a drink and spotted Leo sitting by himself. "Hey man, nice suit." he said with a nod before sitting down heavily. He had somehow missed seeing his roommate getting ready. "Valentine's is weird." he muttered under his breath before taking a sip of his drink.
Leonardo had sat down, watching the people around him, trying to push away the quiet jealousy he felt. Leo gave a tight almost smile at the compliment. It did make him feel good, but he was also still struggling to really smile. Especially when he had such mixed emotions about the event itself. Instead he just nodded in agreement. "Yeah," he said. "I feel like I should've asked someone," he added with a shrug, just scratching the surface of how he was feeling about this event.
Felix shot Leo a sad grin. Glad to be in like minded company even if their circumstances were a little different. He perked up a bit when his roommate said he should have asked someone. "Oh, yeah? Anyone you had your eye on?" he asked genuinely. He was curious to see if Leo maybe had a crush on someone. They other boy always seemed to keep things locked up in his head and Felix had yet to find the key, but he had been trying to pick the lock for years. He knew Sky and him had gone to dances before, and Leo wasn't a stranger to well, asking strangers. Felix's prospects were pretty dry, but it wasn't like he was looking.
Leonardo gave a half shrug at the question. He glanced around, not spotting Harmony, though he knew that she now had a girlfriend, and that he didn't like her like that. "Not really," he said. "I've never really..liked anyone like that," Leo spoke with a serious tone as he always tended to. He was sure that dating him would be a chore, so even if he liked someone there was no way they would like him back. "I thought you and Molly..were together?" he asked his friend, but if Felix was here with him perhaps not.
Felix nodded as Leo answered his question. "Well that's alright." he said encouragingly. "There are only so many people at school. I'm sure there's someone out there for you." Similar words had been used to sooth him when he vented to his family. But that was after a health bit of teasing first. He figured he could spare Leo that part. Felix sank lower in his chair when asked about Molly. It had started as a 'break' but as more time went on he was pretty sure it was for good. "Yeah, well we were. Just...not anymore." he answered clumsily.
Leonardo wasn't sure if it was going to be someone for him, someone not in the school, and mostly he wasn't sure if he knew how he'd even know if he liked someone. He shrugged in response, unsure how else to reply, he didn't really want to bring the mood down saying that he believed he would never get anything because he didn't think he deserved it. "Oh," Leo felt his cheeks flush, aware now that perhaps he shouldn't have mentioned it. "Sorry.." he felt bad for bringing it up. "Do you want to talk about it?" he asked, his leg bouncing under him, seemingly nervous about talking about this, not wanting to upset Felix, but wanting to be a good friend.
Felix could tell Leo regretted mentioning Molly but it wasn't like he could blame him. It was a pretty natural thing to bring up since they had been together for over a year. Which felt like forever in school time. He waved off Leo's apology. There wasn't anything to be sorry for. He was about to answer a quick no when asked if he wanted to talk about it but there was a part of him that did. "I guess..." he said slowly. "I was just so busy with homework and everything else going on. I felt like I never had time to spend with her anymore. It didn't seem fair to her."
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