The last of a long line of siblings

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Elijah Drage

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Julie ^_^
Oak 14 3/4" Essence of Raven Feather

Elijah Nicolas Drage

Elijah, or Eli for short, is the youngest child of Tristan Drage, former Death Eater and one of the original HNZ bada$$es, and his wife Julie, a muggle from the midwest. They have multiple children (his, hers and theirs) with Elijah being the last of the gang. His brother, Erik, is a 6th year 'Puff and his other brother, Christian Dolohov-Drage, is working on transfering and will be a 4th or 5th year. The kids from Erik on down were all born 'on-site' so it makes me a bit teary to see them heading off to school. At some point Evan, the youngest of the girls, may transfer, but until that time, she is attending school closer to her parents (in Canada).

With that said, Eli needs some love other than from his brothers. His bio is not ready yet (its a slow process because of rl commitments) but here is some quick info on the boy.

He is rather easy-going. He loves Quidditch. (His Uncle Sumner plays for the Falcons and his Aunt Lily played for the Wollongong Warriors). He fights with his brothers all the time, but if anyone else were to pick on them, he would kick their bootay from New Zealand to the North Pole. He is tall for his age (family trait). He has a muggle half sister, Eliza, who he loves to tease. He loves joking around and loves to have fun.

What he needs is this......everything but especially friends. He really isn't looking for a girlfriend right now but he could have some girl friends.Flirtations are always welcome, but don't expect him to get serious right now. Preferably first or second year students, but if someone is a friend of Erik or Christian, that's cool as well.

Ok. I've said what I can. Now its your turn.....
Peter and Elijah
For starters, I have Peter here who is a 6th year Gryffindor and could be someone Elijah could look up too/just an older friend. He's on the Quidditch team (well tried out but was on it before), Co-President of The Brotherhood of MAGIC (if Elijah's going to join :r ) and is friends with Erik (or at least me and Manders had planned that lol).

Serenity and Elijah
Both of my first years boys would be too uptight for Elijah I think and Serenity needs more male friends. She's my Ravenclaw first year, very easy going, lovable and likes to be friends with anyone and everyone. We could see how they work out if you want.

Both of these guys have bios if you want a more in-depth look of them or let me know and I'll as best I can :)
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I owe you an rp and I think that Davina and Elijah could be interesting. Like you, I also don't have a bio for Davina, but I am in the process of making one, so it should be done soon. But what I can tell you about her is, that her brother-in-law plays for the Chudley Cannons and she has some interest in the game as a spectator, but she wouldn't have enough interest to actually play, though she could hold a conversation about it. She isn't too bright, but she makes up for it in enthusiasm and she is very deeply into fashion. She has a twin, as I have told you before and she wears glasses to make herself look smarter. She is embarrassed about being dumb, so she tries to hide it, she is smart enough to know she is dumb, so she takes steps to try to counteract it. She is lovable and easy to get along with, plus she's pretty, which is always fun :r
Let me know what you think.
Peter and Elijah

I think that could be a fun relationship. The annoying little brother of his friend that looks up to the older Gryff. And, yes, I believe he will join the Brotherhood, so that would be a reason to get them together.

Serenity and Elijah

That sounds like it could be trouble -- in a good way! I think they would be a fun pairing. One of those couples that flirt and goof around but yet have nothing but brother/sister feelings between the pair of them.

Elijah and Davina

I think that sounds like a great pairing as well. They could bond over a love of the game and become friends from there. As long as she is not totally dim-witted they would get along. And, since Eli is pretty smart himself, maybe he could tutor her in classes. And he would even put up with conversations over fashion since he would be used to that with Eliza and Evan. Oh, and she is pretty. Eli likes that already. :r

If either of you wishes to start up an rp, please go ahead and link it to me. Its book fair time at my daughter's school so my time online will be limited the next two weeks, but I will have some evening time to respond. I might be slow but I will be there! :D
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She's not a total dim-wit, that would be her sister, but she sometimes has trouble with concentrating, big words, some english, complicated sentences and sometimes with reading large books. She isn't really much of a reader so she reads rather slow. If she could tell he wasn't too interested in fashion she would not talk about it much, though if he was wearing something she either liked, or didn't like, she would tell him about it. Great, so I will get started on one soon and post it here or send it to Lily, haha. Maybe even both. I'm excited!

Here we go, sorry about the size, my muse escaped its cell.
Hiya Julie!

For Elijah I can offer two males:
Blaine Matthias, as we talked about in shouty. I think that they could get along and stir up some trouble, though Blaine loves to bully people. Would that stir a problem? Blaine is also a supremacist. So much for bromance huh? xD

Matt Greene is a Gryffindor, who needs some people to help him grow accustomed to Hogwarts and magic. He is worried sick over at his twin that was left behind, so they could form a friendship if you want.

Let me know ^_^
Lux really likes sports but was raised as a muggle so she knows nothing about Quidditch. Maybe Eli could explain some of it to her and they could have a competitive friendship when she finally gets the game? Also she isn't great with teasing people back but she can handle it like a champ and might have a few good ones coming back his way every once and a while.
Elijah and Blaine

I totally think they could be a fun pairing, as long as Blaine keeps the bullying on the light side. Eli wouldn't stand by if he was being too evil. Eli is a perfect half blood, so as long as Blaine doesn't have an issue with that, they should be cool. If you want to start something up, go for it and just link me. I will reply when I can. :D

Elijah and Matt

It would be cool to have a housemate friend. Lets have them room together and see how things go? Start something up? Pleases? :wub:

Elijah and Lux

Sounds like a good plan! Lets have them meet up and see how they mix. Start something up and we can see how it goes. My next two weeks are super busy, but I will reply when I can. :D
Elijah and Blaine: Blaine would mostly bully when he has Vladimir around, since he thinks that with Vlad, they would be unstoppable. Otherwise he is pretty entertaining. It would be fun to have Elijah thinking that Blaine is this good guy, but then sees him bullying with Vladimir... As long as Elijah doesn't say anything about his mom being a muggle, then I can see it working out! ^_^
I can start something while I am on Blaine. :p
Elijah and Matt: Sounds good to me! Making me do the work... xD But I will once I get back into a Matt mood. ^_^
Yeah, making you do the work cause I have a miserable head cold and will be heading to bed shortly. xD Oh yeah, I'm playing the sick mommy card. :p
Hey i think my gryffindor student would be perfect! Same house so friends, they could be. But my lovely girl Lauren Abbott is a flirt and loves boys. So there could be some charming thing too. Lauren has got two brothers, who are just like your brother in huffelpuf. So they could have some connection. Ethan is her twinbrother and is just like her and Nathan is at some ways different. They are both of the some age. Lauren is very sweet, but likes attention. She is not afraid of an challenge, and loves adventure. She wanted to try out for quidditch, but her parents say no. So Lauren wants to cheer the boys there! Hopefully you?
I'm working on catching up tonight, but if I don't get there, I promise to post something up tomorrow. :D

Lauren sounds like a fun match for Eli. Start something pretty pleases and I will respond soon as I can. One week left of the chaos that book fair brings to my life and then I can actually start things myself again. xD
Working on getting caught up now! Woots to lots of threads!!! :D
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