The Last Member

Sasha Harris

Well-Known Member
Sasha and Shaylah were on their way down to the lake to meet everyone else again. They had had the same lessons all day so had been hanging out all day, Steophanie was with them but she had to do some research for her homework and said she'd meet them there.

On the way down to their little spot, Sasha noticed a familiar face down at a different part of the lake. She grabbed Shaylah's wrist and dragged her towards the boy instead of over to where they were heading. "Sam!" She yelled out to the blonde boy as she made her way down to him, dragging Shay behind her.
Shaylah was walking with Sasha down to the lake. Todays lessons had been so boring-shock horror. She saw Sydney and Stephanie down by the lake and sped up a bit but then Sasha dragged her off in the other direction.
"Sasha, where are we going?? They're over there." She heard Sasha shout someone's name but she wasn't paying attention so she didn't hear it. She carried on running as Sasha pulled her towards a different point by the lake.
Sam sketched the last few sparrows into his book with a smile. It was a pleasant day, and the sun had given him rosy cheeks. Frowning, he moved out of the rays and into the shade as he stared out across the lake, completely content. He was stirred by a shout to his left, and he looked up as the sparrows fluttered away.


It was Sasha. Sam rose to his feet smiling, but paused curiously as she dragged another behind her. He smiled at both of them, warmly at Sasha and politely at the other girl. "Sasha! Well hi, I haven't seen you for a week!" he exclaimed, stepping in to greet her. Turning back her smiled also at the other girl. "Pleased to meet you, ?" he waited for his friend to fill him in. This must be one of the other girls that she had spoken of before. Apparently there was two others; they must have been going to meet them.
Sasha let go of Shaylah and hugged Sam, it was an impluse thing. "I know, A week is too long." She grinned at him, something about him made her act nicer than she would've normally. "Oh, Shaylah, Sam. Sam, this is Shaylah, one of my best friends." She grinned, watching Shaylahs' face as she saw him. Sasha knew her friend had a weakness for cue boys and Sam definately fit into that catagory.
Shaylah stopped next to Sasha when she hugged the cuttest boy Shaylah had ever seen. Sasha introduced Shaylah to the boy, sam. Shaylah's jaw dropped. She was such a wealing with cute boys.
When Shaylah realised she hadn't said hi to this boy, she said "" You idiot, Shaylah. She carried on looking up Sam.
Luckily for them both, the awkwardness was abated when it was apparent that Sam was shy. He blushed, but still hugged Sasha back warmly. "It's good to see you again," he said in his usual soft voice with the hint of a smile in it. Turning to Shaylah, he held out his hand and grasped hers gently in a pleasant handshake.

"It is nice to meet you too, Shaylah." he repeated using her name this time.

"Now where have you been all this time?" asked Sam, eyes sparkling in amusement. "I barely see you around school! It's a shame that we're not in the same house." Little did he know that Sasha had kept this from the rest of the girls. She had said that he wasn't in Gryffindor, and now he had stated that he wasn't in Ravenclaw, either. He obviously wasn't the Slytherin type, so by default he was a Hufflepuff. Many people judged by first appearances, and with Sam you may as well. He was a sweet and good-natured as he looked. Still, if the other girls disapproved of his house it wouldn't matter half a jot to him.
When Sam shook Shaylah's hand she grinned eve more than she already was. Then, when he said her name, she giggled-she couldn't hold it in.
Shaylah heard Sam say he wished him and Sasha were in the same house. She remembered Sasha saying he wasn't a gyffindor and Shay hadn't seen him round the Slytherin common room at all. "Why hufflepuff??" Shaylah didn't realise she had said this out loud. She looked up at Sam and grinned again. "Hi." Then she looked at Sasha. "Shall we take him to meet Sydney and Steph??"
Sasha paused when he gave it away, hoping Shay wouldn't notice. No such luck. She sighed when Shaylah mentioned taking him to meet the other two, meaning she thought him being cute was more important then being a hufflepuff.
"Yeah, Come on Sam." She grabbed Sams' hand, like she had with Shaylah only momentc before. She turned to look at Shaylah and gave her a little grin and mouthed to her You see what I meant? They started walking towards the other girls, Sasha still holding his hand.
"Oh!" said Sam as she took his hand. He reached out and grabbed Shaylah's hand again before Sasha ran off to who-knows-where. She did say that they were going to meet Sydney and Stephanie- that's right, he remembered her saying that they all had names starting starting with S. Good karma! chuckled Sam to himself as they were towed along down the banks of the lake.

They soon reached the spot where two other girls were sitting, and Sam smiled to himself. It was strange how whenever you made a new friend, many new friends came after that. It almost felt like he wasn't so shy anymore. Of course, Sam still was, but people like him didn't make many friends if they were so timid. Hogwarts had opened so many doors for him. Strange... he mused again. I wonder why they always turn out to be girls...
Shaylah followed behind them when Sam grabbed her hand. She didn't know ho Sydney and Stephanie would react to Sam. She also didn't know how she was allowing herself to be controlled by one cute boy-one very cute boy.
Shaylah noticed how Sam's name also started with 's'. That is just such good luck. Five people and all of them with nmes that begin with 's'. There's something that doesn't happen everyday.
They reached the spot next to the lak where Sydney and Stephanie were sat. "Hey girls!" Now was when Shaylah saw there reactions to Sam.
Stephanie had been sat with Sydney looking over the lake. She was wondering where Shaylah and Sasha had got to because they were taking their time.
Steph then heard Shaylah's voice behind them. She turned around to see the two girls with another boy. "Oh, sugar honey ice tea." Steph got up and walked over to them. "Is this Sam, then??" Steph wasn't usually interested in boys but Sam was gorgeous. She held out her hand to him. "I'm Steph."
Sydney looked up forom her sunbathing when her best friend finally arrived with the other girl. She opened her eyes and saw a quite cute, but obviously younger than her, boy. She closed ehr eyes until Staph mentioned it was Sam, her eyes flew open. Then she noticed the three of them were all holding hands and Shaylah seemed to be under some sort of spell. She laughed at her best friends face. "Fallen a little have we Shay?" Sydney laughed.
Sam only went pinker, but he took each of their hands in turn, including Sydney's, with his gentle handshake.
"You're Steph, yes? And you're Sydney. I'm pleased to meet both of you as well."

Gosh, how would he be able to stand hanging around them so much if he couldn't stop blushing? Girls thought it was cute, which made him more embarrassed so that he blushed all the more. It was a never-ending cycle. He felt quite lucky that he had the potions skills to invent that little anti-blush serum. There was a little pink vial of it hidden away in his pocket that glowed slightly from within the material. It was only to be used on a persistent blush, but this seemed to be the right situation. Either way, he ignored the urge and made his greetings with an infectious smile.

"Gosh, Sasha ought to have told me more about you all!" said Sam.
Sasha laughed as Staphanie was suddenly interested in him andat Sydneys' comment towards Shay. "Well, I would've but my daddy picked me up. I'll let them tell you about themselves for now." She grinned cheekily at the thought of what Shay and Staph might say seeing as how they seemed to be attracted to him.
Shaylah pulled her eyes away from Sam when she heard Sydney say her name. "" She wan't payin attention to what anyone was saying. Then she saw Sydney. "Merlin's beard, Syd. You're blonde." Talk about pointing out the obvious. Shaylah didn't know how she had missed it when she saw them sitting there before.
Stephanie laughed at her friends weakness for cute boys. "Really, Shay. Get a hold of yourself. You've lost it." She laughed more when she pointed out that Sydney had blonde hair. "How did you not notice that before, I mean, Come on Shay." She always found it fun to take the mik out of her friend.
Sydney laughed when Shay noticed her new hair. "Really (!) When did that happen (?)" She laughed at Stephanie taking the mick out of her too. Maybe she would get along with the Ravenclaws after all, it was even a possibility she could like this Sam boy too. She shook his hand. "It's lovely to meet you to, Sam, is it?" A thought accured to her. "Sam, how many male friends do you have?"
Naive Sam thought it was a strange question, but complied willingly. "I haven't made many male friends at Hogwarts I'm afraid," he said sheepishly. "Only one or two. Most of my other friends don't go here, anyway." He should probably make more of an effort than he was, but girls just seemed to like him better. Boys thought he was just too shy and weak, but girls didn't have a problem with this. Sam knew he wasn't weak in the slightest, especially for the fact that he was much taller than the rest of the boys (at least for his age).

He couldn't question Sydney as to why she was asking. Maybe she was scoping him out as a new friend. He didn't want to offend anyone this early. Even so, he offered smiles all around and chatted willingly with the girls as he got to know them.
Sasha grinned as they all began to talk, happy that no-one was blanking him for being a hufflepuff, she assumed they had all guessed by her exit the last time they had spoken. Sasha went to sit down when she noticed she was still holding his hand, they one he hadn't used to shake the other girls hands. She promptly let go and took a step away, laughing with the other girls about Shaylah's slowness.

Sasha smoothed down her skirt and sat down on the grass, taking off her sandals when she was sat.
Shaylah sat on the floor with Sasha. Her friends all laughedat her. "It's not funny." She started laughing. It really was funny. She couldn't believe how stupid she could be just because of one person. She didn't even want a boyfriend after what happened last time.
Shaylah took off her jacket and chucked it on the ground next to her.
Stephanie carried on laughing at Shaylah. "We can't help but laugh at the truth. I mean, come on Shay. It's you. You're all hardcore and then you go all wierd because of a boy." Steph knew Shaylah would be embarrassed by this comment.
Sydney smiled at the younger girls teasing of each other. "So only girl friends then. I thought as much." She smiled knowingly to herself. Sydney grinned at the last comment, knowing that it wouls embaress Sam as much as it would Shaylah. "You do know why girls like you don't you?"
Yep. He definitely needed that anti-blush serum. Of course, what could he say? She was probably only saying it to make him blush. It was working.

"Probably because I let them do what they want to me if they give me cake," he answered with a sudden burst of mischievousness. Surprisingly, he didn't find that he regretted saying it. He was getting used to the girls teasing of himself and of each other. They seemed to be pleasant company.

"So tell me, what houses do you all belong to, then? Sasha's a Ravenclaw, and the rest of you?" he asked as he smoothed down his shirt.
Shaylah gasped. "I have cake!" She grinned knowing atleast one of her friends would laugh at her.
When Sam asked what houses they were in, Shaylah happily replied "I'm in Sytherin. "
Stephanie laughed again. "Shay, seriously??"
Then she answered Sam's question. "I go stuck with ravenclaw. Talk about a boring house."

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