Oh dear.
Poor Siobhan was a Gryffindor, straight and true. He couldn't let them know that his sweetheart was a Lion obviously. As Sydney said, don't tell them, but... if one of them liked him at any point (God willing that they didn't), he'd have to explain about Siobhan which would lead to questions and so on and so forth. What a mess. Sam, don't do anything stupid like ask them why they hate Gryffindor. I should say that's pretty fricken obvious, even for you. said his mind scathingly.
"Ah well. Best to learn now, eh?"
It made him cringe inside, but would probably appease them for now. Honestly, what was wrong with Gryffindors? They were stuck up and prideful sometimes, and they said stupid things in class and were cruel to Slyytherins though the Snake's were equally cruel, and... actually, there's a lot wrong with Gryffindors, mused Sam. But then, every house had its failings. I'm not one to judge.
"But still, there's a nice diversity here."
That was pushing the truth.