Closed The Importance of Maintaining Control

Aine Thompson

Most Interesting (Head) Girl In The World
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Curly 13" Rigid Pine Wand, Meteorite Dust Core
18 (21/9/2043)
With a tennis racquet in hand, Aine had found a quiet spot of the courtyard to occupy herself. Swimming seemed like it was ill advised, and she wasn't exactly the sportiest person out there. But, she needed to exercise to let off some steam. And to look better. Now she was about to turn fifteen it felt like every part of her body was unsightly. Like each slight deviation from the normal standard of beauty was proof of her own failings. She was already the weirdo who had looked like a fool where she should've looked intelligent in her amassing of points. She didn't need to be ugly on top of it. Really, it was a stupid thing to worry about. Logically, she looked perfectly fine. But having been alone with her thoughts for so long she couldn't help but start to agonize. And if she agonized, she'd slip and reveal more of the ugliness underneath her skin. The appearance outside was bad enough. So she started to serve against the wall, trying to keep the tennis ball in the exact same area every single time. Perhaps it was a dull and inane task. It was just the thing she needed, the rhythmic bounces of the ball almost giving her a form of meditation. Almost. Her attention was far too easily diverted to actually meditate.
Monday Weeks had some free time, somehow, between some of his other activities. He was starting to join others and actually get out there to make friends and such. Monday was still a little unsure with others. The teenager made his way over to the courtyard where he saw Aine playing tennis. That was such a muggle sport that he wondered if she missed the muggle world as much as he did. The sports were a lot less dangerous. He noticed her hitting the ball back against the wall, and decided to make his presence known though didn't shout. Shouting was not his thing at all. "Hey, having fun hitting a wall? Suppose it is better than actually punching it." Monday smirked since he wondered if she had as much anger as he did. He held grudges that were pretty high. Though he felt it was not always his fault at all. It was those that made fun of his name, and then his father leaving the family behind. "Unless you want me to leave you alone and I'll make a quiet exit."
Aine paused her rally at the sound of a familiar voice, turning around to give Monday a sheepish smile. She'd deliberately picked somewhere she wouldn't be bothering too many people, at least she hoped she wasn't. And if anyone had been staring at her for playing a muggle sport, at least she wouldn't notice. "I think if I tried to punch the wall, the wall would win," she admitted. Breaking her hand did not seem like a particularly smart idea. Not when she had so many lessons to do and they didn't have computers or speech to text programs. Apparently there were quills that did it, but they didn't work too well. "I liked swimming, but there's a giant eel in the lake that may or may not eat people. This is...probably safer. I've got a second racquet if you wanted to play?" She had a set of two, but didn't really expect anyone to actually want to play with her. Most people who were sporty probably preferred the thrills of Quidditch, and the last thing Aine wanted to do was get on a broom ever again.
Monday chuckled at her response, which was fair. The wall would win if he tried to punch it. Though, it seemed like there was something wrong with her. Girls were not something that he knew a lot about. At least, teenage girls. All of his sisters were younger than he was. Maybe if Tuesday was alive. Monday raised an eyebrow at the thought of a giant eel in the lake that might or might not eat people. "Never read anything on a man-eating eel, but having something like that in the lake seems to be a little irresponsible. They could section a bit off to let us swim and keep the dangerous creatures at bay." Monday threw out some logic which was pretty much the only thing he is good for. He picked up the second racquet and spun it in his hand, looking as though he were showing off when he was just getting a feeling of it. "I'd like it. But I might hit too hard. I'm Ravenclaw's new beater. Guess it is doing something other than having my nose in textbooks."
Aine didn't actually want to punch a wall, it seemed like it would be a waste of time and she'd probably just make herself look silly and hurt herself more than actually getting any frustration out. Plus, it was bound to just look much worse than doing something like sport. "I mean, they do that with sharks, I'm sure they can do that with eels and mermaids and whatever else is down there." She wasn't even sure if there were mermaids, she hadn't actually seen them though she'd certainly seen the eel. "I don't think the Ministry has a proper operational health and safety department, to be honest with you." Or education, she thought to herself, just quietly. Aine was a little stunned at the Quidditch comment, but gave a smile in response. "Wow. Hey, congratulations!" she said, genuinely. Quidditch wasn't something she'd ever play, but she knew making the teams was a big deal especially with so few spots, and she was glad for her friend. "I'll be sure to support Ravenclaw, provided, y'know, they aren't playing Hufflepuff, because obligation."
Monday was glad that at least she knew what he meant. Perhaps they need to go to the headmaster and suggest it so that they could have a guaranteed safe area to swim without having to worry about eels. Mermaids, he was not sure. He was not sure they existed until he started to take Care of Magical Creatures and read ahead a little bit. "We can visit the Headmaster and see if we can get that done. It could benefit the entire school,"Monday suggested, though not sure if they would even follow up on it. He did agree with her about the Ministry, but then again, he didn’t think they had a proper operational anything. They failed with the Death Eaters a long time ago, so he doubted that they would be successful for anything nowadays. Monday grinned as she congratulated him which made him look down at slight embarrassment. "You don’t have to support Ravenclaw just because of me. But thanks. I didn’t even think I’d join it, let alone actually make the team. Honestly glad you aren’t on the team. I don’t know if I could hit a bludger at you."

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