the hunt


Centaur, Groundskeeper, Intrigued, Lonely.
OOC First Name
a bow, arrows and a dagger
47 (08/2014)
It was there, in the shadows of a tree, Aspen could hear it, sense it, taste it. the animal was still hoping that that would keep it safe, but it wouldn't be able to stay there forever. silently she drew her bow, and crept closer, her four hooves hardly making a sound in the undergrowth. she was a trained hunter, it was the first thing that members of her heard had been taught (after gathering) she drew closer eyes set on where the creature was. however that meant that she didn't see where she was stepping. unfortunately just as she rounded the last tree to where it was she trod on a stick, the crack of it sounded like a whip in the quiet forest. she just had time to see the moonlight shining off its fur coat as vanished though another line of trees. kicking herself she started to run after it trying to anticipate its route, so that she could cut it off. that was the problem with being an outcast prey had a good chance of finding safety. that was why her diet had started to contain more and more plants since she had started her journey to new zealand. but she still tried to get at least some meat.
Aitan had his sword drawn as he watch a young deer graze in the forest, it must have lost its Mother and that left it very vunerable. He watched it and was trying to find a good spot to strike when he heard a Stick snap and the deer took off, he scowled but didn't bother to figure out where the sound came from, he bolted on another route after the Deer, his long strong legs powering him through the forest, it didn't take long for the powerful creature to catch up to the small scared one.
Aitan found the Prime location to attack and with one powerful Jump off a small ledge he swung his two handed Broad Sword down and sliced the Animals head off.
He Landed just over the young Deer and wiped his blodied sword on the Animals fur to clean it. Aitan was about to resheath the Sword when he heard something. He kept the Sword ready and put on leg over the Kill to defend it.
Aspen wasnt expecting to be able to hear two sets of hooves running through the forest other than her own. this was why she didn't pick up on it. she swung around to where she knew that it would be in a position she could use to corner it under a ledge. however she was surprised to see that it was already dead and next to it was another centaur who looked ready to defend his kill. she quickly lowered her weapon and put the arrow in the quiver and slung the bow across her back. "I didn't mean to intrude on the herds hunting ground" she said, lowering her head in a way that would be seen as submissive she had thought that she was far away from the herds land, but maybe she had followed the deer further than she had thought. the last thing she wanted was to fall out with the herd. she was thankful that they had let her stay in the forest. and she didn't want to give them a reason for her to be kicked out.
Aitan saw another Centaur appear and he resheathed his Sword, she mentioned Herd and he laughed taking his leg away from over the dead Dear 'Herd.. Ha, I am not apart of that Herd' he huffed as he kelt on his front legs, He saw the other Centaur put her bow and Arrows away and put his arm out to the Other Centaur gesturing to the Dead Animal before him'It seems i have Stolen your Kill' he guessed as he put the Deer head sitting up and moved the Body around so he could get to the better meat.

Aitan wondered where this Centaur had come from, she wasn't apart of the Herd he knew that, but she hadn't been here before either. Well that Aitan had run into it.
aspen was surprised when the centaur laughed at her when she mentioned herd. "you are another lone centaur, I thought i was the only one" she said, however only now did Aspen realise that the other centaur was alone, surly if he was part of a herd he wouldn't be on his own. she was then surprised when he knelt on the floor and offered the deer to her, she knelt down too, she didn't want to feel like she was in power when she was younger, and also the female, not that gender meant much to her, her heard had been pretty even, the best hunters had been female, but she knew some herds were male dominant. "no it was your kill fair and square. I scared it off, and you got it." she said, maybe a little annoyed that he had got it first, but he had so it was his. "I am aspen, I have only been around here for three seasons" she said introducing herself, if there were other lone centaurs she may as well at least meet them.
OOCOut of Character:
I am pretty sure he would be older as Aspen is only a teenager, but if he is younger i will edit
Aitan was Glad the young Centaur got to his Level, He wasn't one for Rules and stuff since he wasn't in a Herd but he would take it as an offence if she just stood above him. Aitan pulled out a smaller knife located in the small bag on the side of his swords sheath, Carving the Meat up like he had done it all his life, which he had he pulled a cloth out of the small bag and lay it in the ground to place the meat in. Aitan didn't know about This other Centaur but he liked to cook his meat his human half would often reject raw meat.
'My Name is Aitan, I've been here a while, i used to be apart of the herd but split of many years ago with my Sister Mist, but i fear she has rejoined the Herd and i havn't seen her since.' he introduced himself to the Centaur named Aspen.
'Would you like this cooked or raw, Its a small deer but it can be stretched between us both.' He added trying to be polite, the last thing he wanted was another lone Centaur trying to kill him while in the forest.
Aspen saw the other centaur get a knife and start butchering it. "do you want a hand?' she asked taking her own knife out of its sheath, around her waist. "Atian, it is nice to meet you" she said as he explained that he had been in the heard but left it. she had met the heard once, and a few members individually, "I met the heard once but cant remember a Mist, but i wasn't introduced to them all." she said. "Are you sure you want to split it? but if you are i would probably rather it cooked" she said she would be happy to let him have it and have another go, or eat plants again. she preferred meat cooked, she found raw meat chewy, plus she preferred meet warm. "do you want me to start a fire" she said making the offer to get a firewood and getting the cooking fire going.
Aitan shook his head when she asked if he wanted a Hand, it was such a small Animal it didn't have much meat on it anyway. Aitan nodded at the other Centaur when she said she had met the heard once 'She might not have been apart of the group then, You would have known if you have seen her, shes silvery white aswell' he said as he moved his clean hand and patted his horse end.
Aitan had almost finished butchering the small Animal when she asked if he wanted her to start a fire he nodded 'Sure, and Its fine to split it, I had some fish for Breakfast, Where i live is just over that range' he said as he pointed to a hill infront of him 'I have a small Hut by a creak it has tons of Fish in it and my Hut is well disguised that deer come to drink all the time and occasionally if im in the right spot i can catch me some, but shame there is no way of storing the meat' he added as he wiped his knife on the fur again before sheathing it. Aitan got up off his front legs and picked up the cloth and wraped the meat up, he stomped his front legs to shake the dead leaves off.
Aspen understood when he signalled that he didn't need help butchering it. it wasn't that big and too many people would just get in the way. whilst he did, she got up and wandered collecting wood, small dry twigs and leaves of kindling and large dry peaces to keep it going. when she returned he seemed to be almost done. he looked at his coat when he drew attention to it. it was pure white, bunch like one of the centaurs in her herd called hoarfrost. "you are right i would have remembered that. there was none that colour." she said. her own coat was a fairly boring colour, not one to stand out. "yeah, i tend to go for rabbits, there are a lot of them around, and just the right amount for me to last a day or so" she said she was surprised that he had built a hut to live in, she had always traveled, north in the summer after the food, and south in winter away from the harsher snow. the same patterns had lasted here, even though there was no where to go, she would only stay in one camp for a few days before finding somewhere else. "A hut is a great idea, I never thought about building one" she said, all of her fascination with humans and she hadn't thought of the simplest way to mimic their lifestyle.
'Different Colour make it easy to be noticed, i remember always being chased by some villagers back in the day who thought i was a perfect horse to mount, they never saw i was a Centaur though.' The Centaur said as he moved. 'Bloody Rabbit infestation if you ask me.' he added to her remark before he heard her mention His Hut 'Come for a walk, Humans are a dumb bunch but huts are a good Idea, Mines just off a Ledge, the front is made from logs of wood i strung together its Big enough for me to House a Bed to keep my Dry and a place to store my less Valuable things' He said as he made his way in the direction of the Hut 'If you don't plan on stealing it i'll show you where it is, we can have Lunch there after all there is nothing wrong with making one friend in this forest, Them bloody students are Always barging in here trying to make friends, No matter how many times i tell them to clear off they think i'll be their friend' He said his Voice a deep Husky rumble.
aspen nodded she guessed he was right. at least her brown tended to blend in most of the time, where as white would stand out almost everywhere except snow. "that would not have been a good plan for them, I guess if they had tried to mount you they would have been shocked then ended up on the floor" she said feeling no need to add what was in her head, in multiple pieces. she nodded in agreement when he said they it was a bit of an infestation, but didn't have change to say anything before the topic of conversation changed. she stood up and walked with in in the direction she guessed his hut was. deciding that it was probably not a good thing to say that she was fascinated by humans, even though she was. "that sounds good, i keep most of my things with me, but some things stay at my camp, but i don't stay ant any place long" she said instead. "I promise i wont steel the hut. but if i like it i may make my own. near where i tend to stay" she said continuing walking. "I actually like the students, one of them was my sister back home, its long story, but thats why i traveled all the way here. and if i didnt talk to them i would have had no one to talk to at all" she said knowing too late that she was inviting him to ask questions questions, and she wasn't sure how to answer them.
Aitan kept on walking towards the Hut keeping his eye out for wolves, he looked over his shoulder and walked to the other centaur 'I'm to fast to be mounted' he said with a small grin Aitanlead her down a hill and paused at a ledge pointing out a small hut which was nestleded under another ledge up ahead with a small river running past it, the Hut had a wood exterior and a door, he had a small hole for a window but that was it, Vines made their way down from the ledge and wove themselves between the wood as if it was holding the house together, Aitan looked at Aspen to see her reaction, he didn't show many people his hut but he was proud of it. 'The Vines grew after the hut, it hides it well' he said he jumped off the small ledge they were standing on and started their descent towards it. 'Your Sister was a Student?' he asked curiously as he followed a hidden path which lead down the hillside easily.
Aspen smiled wickedly. "Lets put that to the test some time" she said the challenge in her voice. as much as she was seen like an adult and she acted like one most of the time she was still a teenager and was always up for a challenge, and a little fun. a few minutes later they had reached a ledge. she looked to where he was pointing tryig to see the hut. it took a couple of moments but eventually she could see the outline obscured by the vines. "wow, thats really good. the vines really do hide it, i hardly saw it at first" she said making her way down the hill behind him. at the mention of Rowan Aspen nodded. "yeah i still do, like i said its a long story. she sort of got adopted by the chieftains mate and grew up with my herd" she said giving the basic outline. it had happened before she was born but she knew the story, all of her heard knew it and most of the neiboring herds did too as they always asked questions when they met, like why do you have a human with you? and the likes.

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