The home visit

Damien Casey

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Damien took a deep breath as he stood outside the door of the adress he had been given by the social worker working with the girls' case. He had been invited to their current home to meet thm in a place they would feel safe. Of course she had checked with them first, making sure it wouldn't feel like an invasion, before sending him the address and a time to arrive.

Damien knocked on the door and held his breath as he waited for it to be opened. It had been a week since he met up with Angela and he couldn't stop thinking about it. She was so gaurded and untrusting that he knew something bad had happened, something worse than all of this. Things that weren't in her file. Damien was brought out of his thoughts by the door opening. "Hi, I'm Damien Casey."
Skyle had been reading when she heard the knock at the door. She looked at her hello kitty watch. 'Right on time.' She thought to herself. She opened the door and saw him. He said his name, he looked nice enough. "I'm Skyle." She opened the door wider and motioned for him to come in. She looked at her all black attire and wondered if she should have changed. But she figured if he didn't like it then she didn't care he didn't have to adopt them. She looked up at him, "I'm sorry that Angela and Kairi aren't here, they went for a walk." She smiled. "But I can talk to you until they get here." She turned of the T.V that was on and shut her laptop. She sat down on the couch, everyone had promised they wouldn't bother them while Damien was here.
Damien smiled and entered the house. Skyle was obviously more welcoming than Angela it seemed. "It's okay, I've already met Angela, I was going to focus mostly on getting to know you first." He looked at what she was wearing and grinned. She was obviously her own person, not a plastic of any sort, he had a feeling he could definitely get along with her. Damien say next to her on the sofa and put his rucksac on the floor. He always carried his rucksac with him. "So, tell me about yourself Skyle." Maybe he'd get more out of her than he did out of Angela.
Skyle was a little confused Anglea had not said she had met him before. Angela had been so distant lately. She knew that her and Adam had, had a lot to do with the way she was know. "Well, I'm thirteen. I recently dropped out of Hogwarts New Zealand, I was a Ravenclaw like Angela." She looked up at him, "I hate pink." she looked down at her clothes again. She wanted him to say something so she stopped. She knew that wasn't much but she didn't want to have a one sided conversation either.
Damien frowned. "How come you dropped out? Or is that too personal for now?" He had to laugh when she said she hated pink. "You hate pink? Thank Merlin, So do I." He smiled at her, she seemed to be a good kid so far. Not tht Angela wasn't but Angela had been more closed off with him than Skyle was so far. "So, anything you want to know about me? I gave Angela my version of the file I got of you if you want to know the facts and emotional damage and that sort of boring stuff." He didn't like talking about the stuff in his file, the reason he had given it to Angela.
Skyle shook her head and laughed. He was nice. "Well I might as well tell you, it's not in my file. They left a lot out of mine and Angela's files." She knew why, it really ticked her off, they thought they wouldn't get adopted if people knew what they'ed went through. "Well as you know I have no parents. But that's not true, they just say that. My dad's in a mental hospital. He blames me for my mom's death. I was there, and I coulddn't do anything about it." She looked at her feet. "So I moved to New zealand to live with my Aunt Sarah and Angela. Then She and my soon to be Uncle die on the same night Kairi's born."

Skyle didn't break down at all she stayed calm. "Plus there was my boyfriend to. He cheated on me with Angela..." She paused she still loved Darian very much. Her mom or Sarah didn't bother her that much but Darian she had broken up with. "So school just seemed so unimportant, and it was so much stress and drama I don't need right now." She looked up at him her eyes pleading for him to understand.
Damien thought for a second. "Well, I'm pretty sure I can teach you all you need to know. I was home-schooled myself in a manner of speaking." It would be nice to have Skyle around the house while Angela was at school. He would need help with the baby. "So, if they left that out of your file, what did they leave out of Angela's?" He needed to know what was he real past. He needed to know these things so he could be a good gaurdian for them. If there were sensitive topics or anything un,etioned in that file that was relevant he wanted to be told about it.
Skyle looked at him, "Thanks." Her education did mean something to her but going to school was a different matter. She hesitated about telling him about Angela though. "Well, her parents are dead. But she had a brother and a sister too. And they abused her. If you look closely enough you can see the burn marks. They liked to smoke." She knew Angela was going to be made at her. "She never told her parents about it. They were nice people though." She took a breathe. It was harder to tell Andela's story than her own. "And then there was the accident." Skyle looked very serious as she spook. "Angela and Angelo her brother were fighting in the attic. It was starting to get rough. Then it just happened. She didn't mean it, but the window was open and he was tring to kill her." She shook her head and put her hands to her face. "I'm sure you can figure out the rest."
Damien nodded, he was shocked by her story but he had a feeling that wasn't all there was too it. "Wow, no wonder she doesn't trust easily." He could guess Angela would be annoyed if she found out Skyle had told him this. "Right, I thought, while I was here, we could discuss rules of you guys coming to live with me." He paused, realising how that sounded. "I'm not being bossy. What I want to do is come up with some rules you and Angela think are fair and you can stick too. Things like curfews and behaviours." He figured if they could all agree on a set of rules then life would go much smoother.
Skyle smiled, "Angela can be kind of an insomniac sometimes. Usually she just has a lights out if she's having a bad night. Nightmares ya know." She was happy. So he was going to adopt them. It was a real relief. "We aren't really picky about anything, but there is one thing. We've always went to music classes. Angela's a singer and I'm pretty good with turntables, for techno like stuff." She knew it was petty to ask for something when he was already giving them everything; a stable home, keeping them together. It was like there luck was actually changing for once.
Damien smiled at her small request. It showed she wasn't too scared to ask him for something. "Let me tell you a secret. I am pretty much filthy rich." He grinned. "If you want I can bring the lessons too you. Hire a tutor of some sort." He would definitely help with anything creative they wanted to do. "I'm happy to pay for things I think are beneficial to you."

Damien sighed. "Right then, rules." He rolled his eyes, rules weren't really his thing. "We will be living in a flat for now so I'll say try not to annoy any of the other people in the building, especially my room mate. Uh, We'll say you have to be home by eleven unless something has been discussed before hand, that okay?" He knew it was a pretty nice neighbourhood he had chosen so they should be safe wondering around. "I think that's really it for now. Oh, do you guys have mobile phones?" He would definitely be taking them shopping at some point but he wanted to know what took priority first.
Skyle smiled, 'Wow rich.' Ever since she was little she had never really had that word in her vocabulary. She was just so happy to know there luck was changing for the good this time. "That would be awesome." Skyle listened to his rules. They were actually a little more lenient then Sarah's. She reminded herself to try not to compare them. "Those sound fair enough." She grinned. He asked if they had mobile phones. It was on of the few more expensive things they had besides her turntables and ipods. "Yeah we do and there charmed so they work close to the school." She smiled then she caught something she couldn't believe she had skipped over, "You have a roommate?" She asked surprised.
Damien smiled. "I'll leave my number with you so you can contact me if needs be." He needed to be a figure that they could trust, that meant letting them come to him if they need help without forcing them too. He nodded at the the question. "Well, I will when he shows up. He was meant to arrive a few weeks back and didn't. I was going to check in on him later today or tomorrow. You don't mind do you?" He planned on buying a proper house when he was settled into the country but for now the flat was pretty good, it had three relatively large bedrooms, A nice joint kitchen and living room as well as three bathrooms, one connected to each room, and a bathroom out of the kitchen for the guests.
"Yeah it's no problem. It just seems weird. I don't now your adopting all of as and you have a roommate. But I don't care it just surprised me a little." Skyle smiled at him. So he was going to adopt them after all. It was a good thing. And they would all be together. She wondered what would happen now. She had always thought that once they got adopted everything would be perfect and she wouldn't have to worry any more. But now she didn't now what was going to happen with there lives and it was enough to stress her out a little bit.
Damien smiled. "Well, the flat is only for now. Until I get comfortable in New Zealand, then I plan to buy a beautiful house. " He thought for a second, they had covered pasts, rules, requests. There wasn't much more to talk about. "Right, when all of the paperwork and everything is done and dusted I need to take you girls shopping. We'll be shopping for a bunk bed for you and Angela, we will also be buying secorations of your choice and anything that you think you want for your room." He then remembered the other thing they needed to discuss. "We also need to discuss an appropriate allowance."
Skyle smiled, she knew it was really werid, but Damien reminded her of her mom. She remembered the way her mom always wanted more kids, but only had her. Her mom had a good job and worked hard, they had nice things before mom died. Her mom had been a little more mom like though. BUt thats yo be expected. SHe just thought it was funny how much the two had in common. Then he said that they could decorate there room. She laughed imagining Angela's and Skyle's posters on the same wall. SHe laughed "That'll be interesting, but it's cool we get to share a room." Then he said it, a word tht had not came to her head for a long time. Allowance. She just couldn't believe that she hhad forgotten about those. He was rich, and he was going to give them an allowance. "I haven't had an allowance since my mom died. I don't know about Angela, but I'm sure she hasn't have one for a while either." Skyle knew Sarah couldn't afford to give us an allowance, but she didn't mind. They had gotten cell phones from her and she thought that was enough.
Damien smiled as she spoke about her mum. A lot of the boys back in the orphanage refused to talk about their parents and the reason they were there. "Well, I plan to make your lives as nice as possible from now on." He could probably figure out an allowance for them on his own. "Okay, I'm pretty sure that's everything. Is there anything you want to know about me?" He knew they didn't know much about him while he knew almost everything about them. It wasn't fair so h was going to tell them anything they wanted to know about him.
Skyle smiled, it was more than she had ever hoped for. She was so giddy, but she stayed calm and saved her excitement for later. "One thing, you said get comfortable in New Zealand. Did you like just move here?" She asked. It would be a bit weird to just come to a knew country and adopt a bunch of kids. She knew that it was a good thing he came and all but it was a little bit uncommon. "Not that I really care if you did, I'm just curious." She hoped that he wouldn't mind, but she figured that she was way more polite than Angela, and they had already met so...
Damien nodded and smiled. "I spent the last few years travelling. The social services already have a file on me so they didn't need much to check out my history an referances." He had called one of the old people from his orphanage to pull a few strings. He was glad she could make it happen, he quite liked these girls. "Is there anything else? I don't mind, you can ask anything." He wanted to beas open as possible with her. She was a good kid.
Skyle thought for one more minute, she wanted to make sure she knew all that she needed too. "That's cool. One more thing, are you seeing anyone?" It was one thing that she had to know. It was fine if he was, but odds are he didn't because he had just come here. "Oh and when are we moving in?" She laughed, "Sorry that's two things." She looked at him. She hoped he would say soon. In her mind the sooner the better.
Damien nodded. "Yeah, She's called Irene. It isn't exactly serious, you can meet her if you want to." He had a feeling Irene would get along with the children. She was a lovely person, he was sure she would be great with children. He wasn't sure they should meet yet though, that would make it seem like they were maybe more serious than they actually were. Maybe at some point they would meet but not this early.

Damien shrugged. "Well, the paperwork still needs to be completed and then people have to come and see my schedule and my flat to see that I'm fit to take care of you girls. I've been told it should be some time around New Years. Of course you will be allowed to the flat before that and we'll be doing the shopping trip before you move in so you wont end up sleeping on a matress on the floor." He smiled and started to make a mental list ofthings he would need to pick up before hand. He definitely needed to buy stuff for the baby. "Do you have things Kairi already? Like a buggy and a cot?" Of course he would be buying her toys and such but he would need to know if she already had stuff.
Skyle nodded. Irene, it was kinda ironic speaking that was her second middle name. She knew he was entitled to a social life too, but she didn't like the idea of a non-serious girlfriend. She figured she would live with it though. He talked about paper work and stuff and she halh listened till he said what she wanted to hear. New years, that wasn't horribly far away and she could wait that long. He asked if they had stuff for Kairi, "Well only the stuff she had to have like a playpin that doubles as a bed. It was a removable bed thing and bottles and stuff. Plus the stroller so I can take her out if I have to but thats about it." She wished she could do more toy wise for the baby but all she had been able to give her is one of her own worn out teddy bears.

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