The Hogwarts Monthly - March 2029

Justin Cliffeton

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Curly 11 Inch Unyielding Dogwood Wand with Veela Hair Core
Hogwarts Monthly ~ March Y13/S2
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And So School Returns!

Alas! Second Semester is finally here; to begin with let us introduce the new professors here in Hogwarts. Charms Professor, Professor Elvira Cruz, and teaching year five to seven. Professor James Lock, the new potions professor. Professor Natalie Reyes, teaching seventh year for their Astronomy. Lastly, we have a professor that has come back to Hogwarts, joining us once more, Professor Daise A'Dare. Such intelligent and interesting new professors, Welcome aboard Dear Professors!

Having new Professors here in Hogwarts is such a blast, new teaching methods to be shared and new interesting lesson for us students. Professors play a special role in us students; they are our teachers and who knows, maybe our future colleagues. Without them we won't able to be successful in the future, like everybody says "Teaching creates all other professions." As a model we wish you Professors to have a positive attitude and try to inform us students of the information in the most interesting way. Learning can be fun; teachers have to make it a good atmosphere so the students can learn to their full potential.

Now let us not forget our new Herbology Professors this semester and hopefully up to the next years. Professor Takuya Blaze is spicing up his profession and left Potions to teach us some Herbology like I stated before. Will he match Professor Kalif Styx's strictness or will he make our lives easier this time? Let's just cross our fingers and hope for the best.

So again, Welcome Dear Professors to Hogwarts and we hope you'll like love your stay with us!

Top Ten: What To Wear In Autumn!

Fashion, Fashion and more Fashion! Autumn is near and we better prepare! Open your closets and see if you have one of these. Remember you don't need to buy new coats, shoes and accessories to be in style again, you could just simply recycle your clothes spunk it up with some new pieces to match your charm! So here are the top ten must haves during autumn. Here we go!

1) Color ordinate Coats - warm colors! When I think of autumn, I think of oranges, burnt and browns and earth tones, the fall fashion season is exactly on par with this color scheme, so it shouldn't be too hard to stock up on some Thanksgiving-like colors! So search for some clothes with shades of these colors and don't be shy to invent new trends!

2) Turtleneck Sweaters - if scarves aren't your thing then you better wear some turtleneck sweaters. It's long-sleeved so you don't have to weary to bring a large, heavy coat. Same goes with the colors, choose burnt colors for Autumn.

3) Boots! - Oh wear some cute boots! My personal favorite aspect of the autumn season is finally being able to wear cute boots! Whether they're thigh-highs with a skirt or just ankle-length with some great pants, boots were made for walking and showing off. Grab a great pair in tan or brown and it'll meet both your color and accessories (yes, I think of boots as accessories) criteria! How can you go wrong with that?

4) Scarves! - Long, thin or thick, Scarves gives comfort to your necks, and it gives a pop to your whole style. You could even tie it around your forehead and neck! Though colors like orange, mustard and turquoise are much better to use.

5) Hats! - I hear some people saying "I'm not a hat person." They why not try to wear a hat this fall. Scrumptious velveteen, tapestry, fleece, corduroy, and wool hats trimmed with lovely velveteen and taffeta bows, rose curls, and unusual buttons to create a look that weaves together some of the season's finest colors and sumptuous textures. Perfect for everything from your favorite sweater and jeans combo to that corduroy dress you practically live in.

6) Choker necklaces & cuff bracelets - If you're looking to make a statement with your accessories, one that you can carry over time to time, then be sure to turn to the accessory that has more than caught our eye. It's the solid jewelry trend and it includes everything everything from cuffs to collars. Follow the link to find out all the details, including how to wear it and who is designing it.

7) Fur Coats! - Fall then winter is here! So be ready to bring out your fur coat for the Fall, It's a fabric that divides people through its controversy, and one that has been a small part of autumn and winter collections in recent years.

8) Purses - Yes, it is part of the outfit! The Bohemian look is another one of my favorite parts of the fall fashion season: oversized, free-form bags are my purse of choice for any rendezvous in the autumn. It looks great and adds a little casual flair to your outfit, not to mention you could pretty much carry your entire house in it!

9) Belts - thick or thin, belts give this edgy looks at the same time emphasized your waist. It gives this illusion of a sexy hour glass. Though a simple black belt can do, don't overwhelm your accessories to much.

10) Bell Bottoms - With skinny pants and jeans now so common that they no longer make a statement it was inevitable that a different style would emerge as a trend. It didn't necessarily have to be this one, but with the come back of all things it is a must. Let's bring back the 70's and 80's sister!

End of an Era:

Summer is over! And don't we know it! People are going crazy, all over the place!

With School fast approaching, people are dreading it, wishing they'd done their homework earlier, bought their books earlier, but just try to take a deep breath and chill. The Summer may be over, but the good times have only just begun! We are getting back together with our friends, and getting ready to start afresh. So, roll on autumn, warm jumpers, leaves falling from the trees, golden and beautiful. Autumn is one of the most beautiful times of the year. The school will be vibrant with colour and life, and we all have to embrace it and be part of it, because Autumn is the beginning of the end, and that's not a bad thing, it's not something to be sad about-the fact that Summer is ending. It's something to be happy about, because we always know it'll be back again next year!


Capricorn - At the moment, you are worried about where you're going. Love hasn't been kind to you in the past, but don't worry. Your heart won't lead you astray this time. Trust your instincts. Where school is concerned-you're going to have to work a little harder, because your head won't exactly be on your books at the moment.

Aquarius - You have been facing problems at the moment, nothing is going right, and it's not going to ease up for quite a while, so just keep your head up, keep on smiling and eventually the sun will shine again. Try not to use too much magic at the moment, try seeing it from the other side of the pond. Try seeing life like a muggle for a while.

Pisces - That special someone is thinking about you, so make your feelings known. They will feel the same way, and they have for a while, now is the time to reveal it. Your balance will be off for a while, so expect accidents, scrapes on the knee and hands that are blistered, but don't let this be a reason to stay inside-make a joke of it and people will laugh with you, not at you.

Aries - The sky is the limit for you at the moment. Your schoolwork will go well, teachers will praise you nd everything will go easily, but things won't be going so well in affairs of the heart. You're in for some heartache and no mistake. Someone is going to hurt you, but don't let it scar you-things will get better.

Taurus - You're in for a good time of it, someone will tell you that they like you. You won't expect it, but it will make life so much easier, because you've been confused lately. Your life will get back on track soon. Keep your friends close, they will help you and let all your doubts go. Schoolwork will be light, but you'll need to study for a big test that will be coming up.

Gemini - Keep your family close. Family ties should be strong at the moment. They are your blood and you need to close old gaps and try to make things easier for everyone. You will have to do all the work, because you've been slacking off lately. Life isn't always easy and this i your time to try and help someone else.

Cancer - Are you striving for what you actually want or has being stuck in a rut stopped you noticing opportunities around you? Are you doing something because it is what you desire out of yourself or was it intended to be a temporary step until a better suited position becomes available? What was once the best option in the circumstances may have become a way of life you now accept but don't necessarily enjoy. Start looking around for something different.

Leo - You can't imagine a harder choice than the one you have to make today. What you decide on could mean big changes in the future. If you're struggling financially, the question you must ask yourself is: do you and your family move to a less expensive home? Will selling your possessions be the answer or might this is only a temporary solution to your difficulties? If you're going through problems in a relationship you and a partner will be weighing up the benefits of staying together with the advantages of being apart.

Virgo - Be creative, use your imagination and don't hamper your ideas even if they aren't logical or practical. Not everything you do will call for rational thought. Put new ideas into your work and accept a creative challenge. Allow your thoughts to wander and no matter how silly an inspiration might seem don't dismiss it. You can always come back later to revise it. Give ideas a chance to ripen until you are able to put them to practical use.

Libra - You're so nervous about boring people or irritating someone that you're trying too hard to please them. Are their opinions more important than being true to yourself? Admit it if you have special interests which mean a lot to you that others don't understand. Give an honest opinion rather than telling friends what you think they want to hear. To love and respect yourself you must be honest with others and claim back your individuality.

Scorpio - Magic has become so big a part of your life that it is practically undividable from your ordinary existence. Living a whole day without having to rely on some form of magic sounds like an almost impossible challenge. From charms to jinx's you're becoming increasingly aware of spells you probably couldn't live without. All of a sudden reading a book from cover to cover or the idea of camping under the stars appeals to your desire to get back to the basics.

Sagittarius - What's the point in having a good imagination if you don't put it to good use? You prefer to see the best in others which is why you don't want to acknowledge someone is trying to hold you back. The only reason a friend reacts negatively to your ideas is because they can't come up with anything as good themselves. Follow your passions and your creative endeavours could lead to good things.

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