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Hogwarts Monthly said:June 2027 Issue![]()
Valentine's Day: A Thought
Ah, Valentine's day: The one day of the year on which witches, wizards and muggles alike are encouraged to send cards to those they are in a relationship with, or would like to be in a relationship with. A lovely, cheery day for young people to declare their love.. And it seems as though romance has been floating not just around Madam Puddifoot's, but also around Hogwarts. Yes, in the past few years, Hogwarts has seen more young witches and wizards announcing their engagements, prior leaving the school. Some believe all this 'young love' to be rushed and, as my grandfather once said, 'highly inappropriate'. Personally, I believe that young people should be left to make their own decisions, once they are seventeen. And, recently, I have witnessed many fantastic and creative ways of older students making their feelings clear for others; one such situation occurred in the fourth floor corridor when a seventh year transfigured two candles into a pair of white doves when the young man saw his girlfriend approaching. Another occasion was in the library: I was reading a book on Quidditch, hoping to pick up some tips for the next season (come on, Ravenclaw!), when I happened to peer over the top of my book, and catch sight of a boy in, perhaps, his third year, reaching up to take a book from a shelf, which he then handed to the girl beside him. Alright, this was a bit more of an act of friendship, but the smile he gave her said that there was obviously more going on.
Enough of lovey-dovey gossip- What can you do for that special person in your life on this wonderfully romantic day? Over the ages, many have handwritten valentines (cards that are used specifically for this occasion, often containing poorly rhyming poetry) that they sometimes enchant to whistle a tune or to spray confetti as they are opened.. Although, this magic may be a little advanced for some students, so perhaps just some creative poetry or a photograph of you and that special person. If you're extra creative, maybe consider writing a love song for this person, or buy them flowers or chocolate or a shining silver quill with blue feather and self-inking action.. Not that I'm hinting to any of my admirers. Most importantly; play nice and don't get hurt. If your heart gets broken then, well, perhaps it's time to have a little chat with our very own Aunt Meg.</FONT></COLOR>
Aunt Meg
Aunt Meg is here to resolve the problems of students. If you have something bothering you, and you want Aunt Meg's advice, please contact Beth Bastone of the Hogwarts Monthly staff.
Quidditch Woes said:Dear Aunt Meg,
I was really hoping to get on the house team, this year, but I had a broom accident during the tryouts and didn't make the team. Do you think my embarrassing failure this year will damage my chances of getting on the team next year?
- Falling HopesAunt Meg Says said:Dear Falling Hopes,
No, I don't think that it will hurt at all that you had a not so great tryout this year. Sometimes I think they only take into account the current tryout, so you should be fine!
- Aunt Meg.
Yule Romance said:Dear Aunt Meg,
I danced with a really nice boy at the Yule Ball and I've slowly got to know him, and we've both started hanging out together since then and we get on really well. I've never had a boyfriend before, so I don't know what to say, but I want to ask him out. How should I go about it?
- Puzzled DancerAunt Meg Says said:Dear Puzzled Dancer,
The best way to go about these kinds of things would be just to be basically direct about it, there is no sure fire way to get somebody to say yes so you should just throw it out there.
- Aunt Meg.
Living Howler said:Dear Aunt Meg,
My mother keeps sending me letters to remind me to wash behind my ears. I'm nearly fifteen years old and I know how to wash behind my ears, and I have been doing so for many years. How can I convince her to stop sending me the letters?
- Bothered SonAunt Meg Says said:Dear Bothered Son,
Be completely honest with her. Tell her how you feel about the matter, and make her understand that you don't need her to remind you anymore. But be nice to her about it.
- Aunt Meg.
The End Of An Era
For all of us students at Hogwarts, yet another year is nearing its end, making way for all those crisp new books we'll be buying next year.. At least, most of us will: It may be nice to have a break from school, but what about those who are now graduating? Where will they end up? It is not uncommon for students to go on to become valued members of the Ministry, Aurors, or even teachers at Hogwarts. Many past students have also become professional Quidditch players. It's this time of year when we should be wishing these students good luck with their lives, promising to write to them everyday, saying farewell to such a lovely bunch of coconuts. However, some students may be thoroughly upset by this change. Maybe they have an older sibling who is leaving, or just a very close friend, either way, life can be difficult for those left behind. This is why I now ask you to take a moment to consider these unhappy people, to give them a smile when you see them, maybe ask to play a game of chess. Who knows, you could have a new friend in no time!
To end this on a high note, all of those whom leave us at the end of this year, whatever you do and wherever you end up, stay safe, keep in contact with friends, and most of all, have fun.
Fact Of The Month
The command that makes the Dark Mark (the mark of the Dark Lord) appear is 'Morsmorde' which appropriately means 'take a bite out of death' in French.
Capricorn - Continue climbing up that mountain of opportunities, grabbing at every one you can. A missed opportunity could be something small, but may mean something very big in the future. However, you need to be careful where you throw your money.
Aquarius - With winter fast approaching, you should stock up on everything- especially friendships. You may need to fall back on these when life throws another obstacle at you. Don't allow your heart to grow cold.
Pisces - With age comes knowledge, with knowledge comes wisdom. You may not have noticed it, but you have grown up a lot in the last few months, and others will have seen this. Use your knowledge to avoid trouble and help another person.
Aries - Reconsider your current relationships. For one reason or another, someone you care about may be taking you for a bit of a ride. Perhaps this is the right time for a heart-to-heart conversation.
Taurus - Take a deep breath and find your breathing space. A flood of troubles are heading your way, and if you don't remain calm, then you may begin to sprout problems of your own. Avoid dark and stressful places. Solitary rivers are ideal for time alone.
Gemini - If there is something you have always wanted to do, but have been afraid to do it, now is the time to go forth and face that fear. A Quidditch match looks to hold great hope for you, and will bring you closer to someone you love.
Cancer - Somebody is desperately trying to get noticed by you. Ignoring them will only cause more problems, so it is a good idea to set aside some time in which to lend them an ear for their woes. Try not to be too harsh, as this will only come back to bite you in the posterior, later.
Leo - Don't be too loud! Whatever you have planned, try to respect other people and their feelings. Rather than staying in to party, you should go out to a wild party or even a concert. This is your time to get out there and go wild, so don't remain at home where people may soon tire of the noise. Loud colours are highly suited to you, at this time.
Virgo - You've behaved considerably well, so far, but now it is time to let your rebellious side out. At the end of the school year, you should travel to another country. You can go alone (if you are old enough) or with someone close to you. A good friend is best suggested, but don't wreak too much havoc, or you could end up in big trouble.
Libra - Music is your friend. Take up playing a new instrument and show off your skills to your friends. It's time to be creative and let that dazzling spark out. Don't be afraid to do something public, or speak to people who are interested in what you are doing - the new friends that you make at this time, could lead to great opportunities further down the line.
Scorpio - If there is a muggle hobby that you particularly enjoy, now is the time to go and work with that. After the exams, you need plenty of time to chill out and enjoy yourself. Perhaps a boat trip is in order, as the seas are your friends, this winter.
Sagittarius - Sit outside and watch the moon. This is the perfect time to just sit and think, a chance to summarize the year and all that has happened. Take a chance to admire every colour you can see and allow yourself to smile at nothing. Just relax and sit back while someone else takes the driving seat.
Got story or know some gossip that you think needs publishing? Contact a member of Hogwarts Monthly staff, and your contribution could be featured in the next issue!
<FONT font="Germand">Winter Style
<COLOR color="#000">My little scouts have been out taking notes and reporting rumors of what is going to be fashionable to wear this winter. For those belonging to muggle families (or those who generally dwell in the muggle world), pale blues and light greys are tipped to be the fashionable colours of this season. Avoid large hats and green socks. If in doubt, wear blue jeans and a hooded jumper. Dresses aren't amazingly 'in' unless seen at a formal dinner party, or something of that nature. Play it safe with a light skirt and tights.
For those coming from wizarding families, browns and reds are supposedly going to be quite hot this year. Any warm colours should complement dark or red hair, those with light hair should, perhaps, stick to greys or even blacks. Black, though highly fashionable year-in, year-out, can become very depressing unless complemented by a brightly coloured shirt, scarf or belt. Try to remember to tone it down a bit if you live in a muggle neighbourhood, or you may attract more attention than is wise.
Got a story or know some gossip that you think needs publishing? Contact a member of the Hogwarts Monthly staff, and your contribution could be featured in the next issue!