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Hogwarts Monthly said:January 2027 Issue![]()
Yule Ball
The Yule Ball, which takes place in December of every year as a festive celebration, uniting all of Hogwarts in colour and light, music and dancing, friendship and laughter, is one of the biggest events in the Hogwarts calendar and, as a special treat for myself, I attended this year's Yule Ball.
This was the first time I had ever been to a ball of any description (excluding my disaterous fifth birthday, when someone summoned several white doves who proceeded to used my dress as a toilet) and I was certainly not disappointed. The Great Hall was decorated to perfection, the attendees were dressed smartly and beautifully, and the music swam through the air like it had nothing to lose. I was lucky enough to secure several interviews, one of which, was just before the Yule Ball, with Professor Riley Smith, Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher:
What have I learnt from this interview? Other than the fact that Professor Riley Smith is that much less frightening on a one-to-one scale, there may possibly be something brewing between two Professors- and I'm not talking about a potion!Interview said:Me: Are you attending the ball with anyone?
Professor: Of course I am. Never gone alone before. I will be gong with the one and only Professor Weasley. Who did I might add looks beautiful.
Me: Have you been to a ball before?
Professor: I have indeed. I used to attend every one when I was a student. I used to spend hours just getting ready for them. It was a bit embarrassing though when I took longer to get ready than my date did. But hey what can I say, can't rush perfection.
Me: Do you enjoy dancing?
Professor: Yes I absolutely love to dance. I do it when ever the opportunity arises. I don't really have a favourite style though. I like anything with a beat. As long as the person I am dancing with is fun then I find that the dance is fun.
Me: What are you wearing to the ball?
Professor: Well I had narrowed down my choices after hours of deciding. It was between a very formal tuxedo, and those who know me should know I hate being formal and avoid it at all costs, and a blazer with a white shirt with some dark jeans. So deciding that I had to look Professional and not to mention I had to look good for my date I decided to go with the tuxedo.
Me: If you were asked to get up on stage and sing, would you?
Professor: Now there is a question that requires no thought in the answer. I would definitely go up on stage. I never miss an opportunity to have fun and sing whilst also embarrassing myself to no end. It wouldn't be a ball with out at least one of your Professors making a fool of themselves.
I did manage to grab a few interviews with students who were present at the ball. Not many young wizards seemed keen to talk, but many young witches were ready, all of them looking wonderful. Here are some of those interviews:
</FONT>So there you have it- the 2026 Yule Ball. What a year it has been. But what does the future hold? Well, exams are certainly flying in this direction, and will be slapping us around the faces, any day now. But don't worry if you're not sure how to deal with the exams, for a handy list of tips are on their way!More Interviews said:I begin by interviewing the lovely Jennifer Wilkonson, who has chosen to wear a fitting, short, moss-green dress. A lovely choice, even if lacking in length.
Me: Have you been to any of the previous Yule Balls?
Jennifer: Yes, I have. But I didn't go to them, for the last two years.
Me: Are you here with anyone special?
Jennifer: I'm here with my best friend, Sam Prince. I think he's pretty special but just as friends.
Me: Do you prefer Quidditch or dancing?
Jennifer: Most definitely Quidditch. I'm not exactly the most graceful on the dance floor but on a broom, I guess I'm pretty good.
I feel that Jennifer is, perhaps, a little modest, as she plays the position of Chaser on the Hufflepuff team, and from what I've heard, she's not half bad.
I then move on to speak to Gabrielle Carmichael.
Me: Is this your first time attending the Yule Ball?
Gabrielle: Well yes actually, even though I am in third year, circumstances had forced me into not attending the Yule balls of my two previous years.
Me: Have you brought company?
Gabrielle: No I'm here alone unfortunately, unless you count my roommates of course.
Me: What do you think of the music?
Gabrielle: Well, its music, I don't really have an opinion on it, except maybe that its not really what I would call dancing music.
Me: Nice shoes.
Gabrielle: Thank you.
After two in the crowded and noisy hall, I move to a side and observe many students dancing. One student catches my eye, and I speak to her. Her name is Tara Sitara. After an exchange of pleasantries, she agrees to an interview.
Me: Is this the first time you've been to the Yule Ball?
Tara: Yes it is, this my my first year here, and I never went to balls in India.
Me: Are you here alone?
Tara: I am here with some friends; Shiloh and Grace, as well as a huge group of other first years who I haven't spoken to much before.
Tara then points to a large group of students standing chatting and dancing.
I also take a moment to observe Tara's attire, which consists mainly of a pink and gold sari, that she proceeds to tell me is her favourite.
After another minute of watching the odd couple stumble by, we continue the interview.
Me: Do you enjoy dancing?
Tara: Well I haven't danced in ages, but I do enjoy dancing, though, the music here isn't what I'm used to.
Me: What's your favourite animal?
Tara: Odd question but my favourite animal is the butterfly, because it is so beautiful.
I finally say goodbye to Tara and find myself a nice quiet place to sit and write, although I doubt this will be the ending to my night. Quite naturally, I am right.
Alright, I know it will be months until the end of the year exams turn up (for which I am sure we are all most grateful) but there are some people who seem to forget to revise or even set an alarm. A shock, I know. So, I have decided to compile a list of what to do in the next few months:</COLOR>
Top Tips Of What To Do In Preparation For An Exam<i></i>[ul]
[li]Stay Calm - There's no point breathing fire over everyone before you have meltdown. Do what you can to relax and stay calm. I personally like to burn incense and stand on my head for twenty minutes everyday, but you may not enjoy that sort of thing. If you love Quidditch, or just flying in general, perhaps going for a quick lap around the pitch. Don't use your broom inside the school, even if it sounds like fun.</LI>
[li]Take Notes - Ah, notes.. The greatest invention known to student-kind. Don't make your notes too long or dry- you need to be able to look back on them and flick through to remind yourself of what you have learnt. Images (drawings, doodles, e.t.c) are perfect for notes as they stimulate the brain and help you to focus.
[li]Correct Balance - Work and fun need to be in equal balance and too much of either can cause the other to curl up in a ball and die. Make sure you enjoy yourself as you study- listen to a little music, maybe, or sit with a friend. There's no point starting the work and then sitting in boredom for the whole time. fifteen to thirty minutes every evening should be enough if you have good notes. Also, remember to get plenty of sleep, exercise and good food: At least eight hours sleep every night, a minimum of one walk between the library and the lake every day, and three meals a day. Breakfast is incredibly important (I've seen people fainting from lack of food, in the past).
<LI>[li]Pets - This may not seem like an obvious tip, but pets are very therapeutic. Admittedly, toads or spiders or snakes (although I love them all) may not work bets for this step. If you have a feathered or furry pet, then spending time just stroking them and talking to them, will help you to feel calm. Maybe a snake would be good to cuddle- as long as it has already eaten! So, you should just take time to talk to your pet (or a friend's if you haven't got one) and give it some attention. The pet will love it, it'll make you feel better, and you will gain a clear mind in preparation for some revision and exams.[/li][/ul]
I guess the only thing left to say is good luck and have fun!
Fact of The Month
Hogwarts school motto is 'Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus' which is Latin for 'Never Tickle a Sleeping Dragon'.</COLOR>
<FONT font="Germand">Aunt Meg
Aunt Meg is here to resolve the problems of students. If you have something bothering you, and you want Aunt Meg's advice, please contact Beth Bastone of the Hogwarts Monthly staff.
Teasing Sibling said:<COLOR color="#000">Dear Aunt Meg,
My brother wont stop teasing me for getting into Hufflepuff. He's a Slytherin and he's almost done with Hogwarts. My parents are still proud of me, but I want to teach my brother a lesson. How can I show him that there's nothing wrong with being a Hufflepuff? Are there any revenge spells (preferably not too messy) that you would suggest?
- Troubled 'Puff
Aunt Meg Says said:<COLOR color="#000">Dear Troubled 'Puff,
I would probably suggest the use of the Tarantallegra Charm. It's not messy, and it is a funny way to get back at somebody. It isn't that far out of your reach, and hopefully you should be able to pull it off nicely.
- Aunt Meg
Nervous Romance said:Dear Aunt Meg,
I really like this girl in the year above me. We're in different houses, so it's awkward to meet up, but we've been friends for many years, now. My feelings have recently become more obvious and I really, really like her.. Please can you give me some advice on how to ask her out? She's brilliant.
- Love Delirious
Aunt Meg Says said:Dear Love Delirious,
I would say the best approach for asking somebody out would just to be straight out and honest with them. It's the best way to get what you want from a girl; or just basically take her out and show her a good time.
- Aunt Meg
Accidental Thief said:Dear Aunt Meg,
I was in Brightstone during the holidays, and I saw a really nice enchanted bauble. I did have every intention of paying but I forgot and walked out of the shop with the bauble still in my hand. It was only once I was back in my dorm room at Hogwarts, that I realised I still had the thing in my hand! It's been a few days since the incident, and I'm too scared and embarrassed to tell anyone or go back. I don't want to go to Azkaban! I didn't mean to steal that bauble!
- Afraid of Dementors
Aunt Meg Says said:Dear Scared of Dementors,
I think the best thing to do would to just be honest now. Maybe get a Professor who trusts that you wouldn't steal anything to come with you and vouch for you that you didn't mean to steal it.
- Aunt Meg
Capricorn - Your workload should begin to ease off for January, giving you time to engage in a much vaster social life. Troubles may arise if you choose to ignore someone who craves your attention, so be as friendly as possible to as many people as possible, and you'll soon be reaching the top of the social ladder.
Aquarius - The winds are changing direction and the river of life is washing something down stream just for you. Embrace new opportunities with open arms, as they may lead to wonderful outcomes, such as fame and fortune.
Pisces - Something big is about to happen, which could change your life forever. This could be a new romance blossoming, which should be good.. Unless you're already in a relationship. It's time to put things into perspective and make your move.
Aries - This month, you'll need to stay positive as some relationships may become a little shaken up. Try to locate the source of the problem and don't be afraid to face your fears.
Taurus - The exams and work seem to be piling up, but don't turn a blind eye to it or you will miss a great reward. Follow the trail, however sparse, and discover something wonderful.
Gemini - Should you or shouldn't you? A decision may be bugging you, and your time to decide is limited. Remember to go with you gut feeling. Just don't back out once you've made the decision, or things could get nasty.
Cancer - Somebody needs your support. Try not to feel intimidated by the sudden responsibility, because the reward for your efforts will be of immense personal value.
Leo - It's time to pounce upon that opportunity and let yourself be known. You're admired by many, though you may not realise it, and this will be the chance to prove it to yourself. The colour gold is of vast value to you, this month.
Virgo - Go for a swim in the lake to help you calm down. Summer is cooking tempers and a spark may set of the fuse to an explosive relationship. Avoid that one person you often seen, and either span out to new friendships, or spend the month in solitude.
Libra - Relax. Stop fretting and take seat in the arms of peace. Perhaps some meditation in the garden will help you balance out things out. Someone comes bearing good news and your life is about to improve. Go with your heart, for it knows what it's doing.
Scorpio - A letter brings grave news, though this may not be addressed to you directly, your involvement in comforting this person, is vital. Show you care but don't overdo it.
Sagittarius - A holiday is what you need and the nearest Brightstone weekend will bring just that. Spoil yourself as much as you like, or convince a friend to spoil you. A journey to a dark building may bring excitement, but don't let this fool you as trouble is only just around the corner.
Got story or know some gossip that you think needs publishing? Contact a member of Hogwarts Monthly staff, and your contribution could be featured in the next issue!