The Hogwarts Letter

Katerina Montereal

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OOC First Name
Ash Wand 14 1/4 Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn
Katerina got a beautiful day after meeting her father. She was now carrying a French Doll that was kept inside a magnificent box. Her mother was happy to see her expression that day because she's no longer sad anymore.

Katerina maybe already a big girl for dolls because she's already 10 years old and was about to turn 11 in November. But it would be alright. She's not yet a teenager for now but pre-teen little lass. While walking inside the mall, she suddenly felt a rumbling noise in her stomach. She was starving.

"Mom, I'm hungry." she said to her mother, imitating the puppy's big soulful eyes.

Her mother suddenly chuckled and pinch Katerina's fair and soft cheek on the right and said, "Hungry again? All right let's go."

So they go to Katerina's favorite fast food corner and ordered two hamburgers, large fries, and a float. They sat on their chosen chair near the enormous window and they started to eat. Katerina took a very large bite.

"You're going to receive yor Hogwarts Letter this year. Maybe on the month of July or August I think..." her mother said. "Now make sure that you already fix your attitude Kate. I know you're a little bit childishm, that's why your previous classmates loves to bully you." Katerina was excited to hear that she's going to receive a Hogwarts Letter this year but she suddenly became speechless when she heard her mother's warning.

Little Katerina was quite childish. At the age of 10, she still not doing household chores and she used to act like a seven year old kid for sometimes. But luckily, she have managed to improve herself. Perhaps because she's growing older.

"I hope the Sorting Hat will put me in Ravenclaw." said Katerina hopefully.
"I think the Sorting Hat will. You have lots of traits of a Ravenclaw. Just do your best so it can put you to the you desired." her mother said.

But Katerina wasn't really sure.

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