The happiest place on earth!

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Kiera Kaster

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12" Ash wand with tail of unicorn hair core
Hi everyone!!

I am leaving at five am tomorrow morning (tuesday) to go back to Orlando! Yes, I do realize I was only there two weeks ago but my family is going with me this time :D. Supposedly I will have Internet but I still won't have much time on the Internet. I will have my iPhone so I can post some while waiting in lines at disney world and universal. I get to go back to Harry potter land!!! It's very awesome. Anyways this effects all my characters meaning my exam grades won't be posted for transfiguration until the 21st! Sorry for the inconvienence!

:wub: you all!!!!
Pretty much all of HNZ is glaring at you with envy. :glare: TWO times? Can you feel the hatred?

But seriously, have fun. :p Drink some butterbeer for me.
:o Lucky!! :glare:

I hope you have a great time! ^_^
Hopefully, it won't be too crazy and the wait on the lines won't be too terrible.

Two times?!? Come on.. at least take me with you. xD

Have fun. Share pics if you take any when you come back. :D
Exciting! Have heaps of fun!
Hehe well I'm going again in November if anyone wants to join me! I gots me a season pass

But I'm back for the time being :D
Welcome back. :D

Ooo, I might talk to you about that offer. :p
No but I do get 15% off all tickets and 10% off everything inside the park as well as free parking ^_^
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