The Half-Black Prince

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Daryl Black

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
The Half-Black Prince
"Many are called, but few are chosen."

Calling all students! The HBP is once again recruiting for new members for the group.

All we need are students who are not ashamed to reveal themselves.

Tell me how weird are you!

--Daryl Black
As you can see, this group's leader is Daryl Black, the most weirdo of all the weirdos here in HNZ. And of course you should have noticed the group name. So you'll expect some weird things happening in this group. Weird, and yet exciting. So for those who are interested to join, you can reply in this post. Or PM me. The members who joined last year and up to now can be seen in my Siggy.

Any year can join the group. Whether you're Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, I don't mind! Just make sure you're weird! So weird that you would contribute in the uniquely weird world of Daryl Black!
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