Open The Greatest of Ideas


Hogwarts New Zealand Poltergeist
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
A flower covered kettle.
He had the best idea ever! And nothing and no one was going to convince him otherwise. After all, no one could possibly know better than Vex. He chuckled triumphantly to himself as he floated invisibly along the hallways, veering between students and on occasion floating right through one. Yes, this is the most greatest idea of all ideas the non-being had ever had. He went between the three classrooms on this floor, though he had no idea what classes they were, since he didn't care about that, and made the handles disappear! Now, anyone stuck in or out, was just going to have to stay there. Such a shame.

He cackled excitedly at his cunning game.
Hazel was in a rush. She was late for History of Magic and she knew it. The school year had only just begun and she knew she wouldn't make a good impression if she were late. It was her fourth year with Professor Moncrieffe and if she was honest, the lady scared her. She wasn't running exactly, but close to it. She glanced at her watch and then hurried forward. She was almost at the classroom and she was just going to make it in time. Hazel reached for the handle of the door to push it open and fell forward against the door. The handle had disappeared as she reached for it. "Oof." She said, rubbing her forehead. Then she frowned. "What the-" She looked on the floor as if she expected the door handle to simpy have fallen off. It hadn't. Without anything better to do, she hesitantly knocked on the classroom door. "Hello?" She called, unsure if there was a different year having class right now. But if there was, they were stuck inside. That was worse than being stuck outside, surely.
“Oh, this is delightful!” Vex exclaimed gleefully, materializing midair above Hazel with a swirl of translucent, ghostly light. He leaned upside down, his mischievous grin impossibly wide as he gazed at her predicament. “You should see your face! The confusion! The indignation! Priceless!” He spun lazily in the air, clearly pleased with himself. “Knocking won't help you, my dear. Oh no, no, no. They're trapped in there, and you're trapped out here. A masterpiece, wouldn’t you agree? A stroke of genius, really. Who needs boring old classes anyway?” Vex floated closer, inspecting her with mock seriousness. “Though, I must admit, you have that look about you. One of those studious types, hmm? Always ‘mustn’t be late,’ always ‘got to learn my history.’ Dull, dull, dull! You could at least thank me for saving you from such monotony!”
Hazel jumped as she suddenly heard a voice above her, her hand flying to her chest in shock. She grimaced when she saw it was Vex. She should have known he was behind this. "Oh, come on!" She groaned. "Professor Moncrieffe is in there and she's strict." Hazel pleaded, though she knew it would fall on deaf ears. Perhaps a part of her was hoping even Vex was intimidated by the History teacher. She couldn't even say she disagreed with Vex, history was dull. Hazel gave the door a half-hearted shake. "Please, Vex? I don't even care about history but I can't fail it either." She tried, though she doubted it would work.
Vex, floating lazily above Hazel with an expression of pure mischief, let out a laugh that sounded like a rusty hinge. "Oh, please," he drawled, tipping an invisible hat in mock sympathy. "Professor Moncrieffe might be strict, but you? You're just... boring! I mean, look at you! Begging me like some helpless first-year." He cackled again, spinning in a slow circle as he surveyed the scene. "History is dull," Vex admitted again, though his tone dripped with mockery. "But you know what makes it less dull? A little chaos! A locked door here, a floating quill there..." He gestured vaguely as though imagining a masterpiece. He was having way too much fun at this poor Slytherin's expense.
Gabrielle's ears were burning. Or rather, her nose was itching, which was often a sign someone was talking about her. It was an odd sort of morning as it was, at least one student was running late and she'd left her coffee mug in another room. It wouldn't be the same to conjure one up and it wasn't exactly easy to summon it back through walls. She needed it on hand to bring about a sense of normality, so having set her fourth years a reading exercise she excused herself to go get the mug back. It would only take a couple of minutes and everything would be back on track.

She reached for the door without really looking - in fact she was looking back to check that the students were doing their work (likely Morrie would fall asleep within seconds of her leaving) - and her hand clutched nothing. She reached and reached and leaned forward too much that her head hit the door. "Oh, for fu-" she started, before remembering she was in fact in front of her class and had to curb her tongue. Gabrielle rubbed her forehead, turning around to glare at the classroom. None of the students had had their wands out, and she would've heard them say an incantation if it was them - they weren't old enough to know how to do non-verbal magic yet - so she couldn't rouse on any of them. Unfortunately for the door, Gabrielle was in a terrible mood. "Bloody magical...stand back." With a wave of her own wand, she blasted the door open, spotting Hazel engaged with the poltergeist. Of course. "You!" she exclaimed, glaring at the specter, her voice dripping with fury.
"ME!" Vex was used to people pointing and shouting at him, even more so when it was one of the professory's. They didn't seem to like him very much. "Professor History! Ooooh, scary, scary!" He yelled gleefully, doing rolls in the air. He's all but forgotten about the poor Slytherin he was just bullying.
Hazel wasn't sure why she had thought pleading with Vex was the right move, but it had felt safer than antagonizing him. Still, her cheeks burned with fury as he made fun of her for it. Someone really needed to humble his stupid poltergeist butt. Hazel yelped as the door suddenly blast open, eyes widening as she saw Professor Moncrieffe. "Professor, I wasn't late! Well- not really, it was Vex, he took away all the doorhandles." She said, eyes wide and pleading. She had vaguely hoped Vex would be intimidated by Professor Moncrieffe, but that didn't seem to be the case. Was he intimidated by anyone? Maybe Professor Alcott-Ward? But that felt unlikely to Hazel. She spotted her classmates in the classroom and winced. She had probably been later than she thought. "Can I still come in?" She asked in a small voice.
Gabrielle didn't appreciate lateness, and she knew Hazel's being late wasn't entirely on the poltergeist. The poltergeist's involvement, however, elicited a little bit of sympathy. Gabrielle wasn't about to punish Hazel further. "It's alright, Hazel, hurry in and take a seat. Reading's on the board." It was better the girl was out of the way before Gabrielle tried to deal with the spectre. "Now, as for you," she said, sternly, her eyes narrowing. She was tempted to start throwing books at it, or perhaps the door before she repaired it. That would be more for her own satisfaction than anything else - d*mn thing was incorporeal half the time. Instead, she pointed her wand towards it and started shooting jets of steam. "Go on, get!"

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