The Gods Must Be Crazy!

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Apollo Howell

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Okay, so this is my newest character, Apollo Nikolas Howell (call him Niko). And oh, what a character he is. ;)

About Him: Well, where do I begin? Basically, he's a bit of an enigma. He was born in Wales, to a predominantly Greek mother and predominantly German father. I say predominantly because they're both from all over the place. He's basically got blood in him from all over the place. Probably a bit of Veela and Goblin and who knows what else in there somewhere, too. Though they left him at a children's home (for children of magic) in Cardiff, with just a note with the names 'Apollo Nikolas' and vague information about his parents. The owner, Gwen Howell, felt sorry for the poor lad, so she gave him her own surname and took good care of him over the years.
"Who knows anything about the poor boy? His mum's from Greece, his dad's from Germany, but what else do we know? Nothing! He could be royalty for all we know! Decendant from a king and queen of some foreign country! Such a beautiful young boy, it's so sad he's got no past to go on..."
The thing Niko learnt quickly was how to act, something he was very good at. From his first day at Hogwarts, he would proclaim he was pureblood with a straight face, demand people call him Niko, not Apollo (for he found his name ridiculous), get his way with ease (after all, who could resist such a cute face?) It wasn't really that much of a surprise he was a Slytherin. It's not that he's 'evil', he's just sly and can be fairly manipulative. His philosophy is that you can invent your own destiny and your own future. It doesn't matter who you are or where you're from. If you can put on an act, you can be whoever the hell you want.

Now, Niko is 27 and makes his way around the world, doing whatever he wants to do. He'll tell you whatever lies he wants to impress you. He's hardly malicious, he just likes getting his way and getting on people's good sides. And he is a very, very good liar. His favourite lie to tell is that he's pureblood - which is hardly true (he doesn't know much about his family, but he knows that much at least). He's always looking for fun and adventure.

So, what do I need? Well, anyone. Friends, enemies, love interests (they'll only be temporary, though), and maybe people to straighten him out and tone him down a little. If you want to RP, just post here and I'll be more than happy to! :D

but please note I'm currently overseas so I'm not sure what my availability is like. I'll be able to get on most days, it seems, but just incase, please forgive me if I don't get back to you quickly. :p
Also related, I have Tyrone and Adrian Faraday. They grew up in the same place as Niko, but Tyrone had already started at Hogwarts when Niko was born. Tyrone looks out for Niko, and all the other kids from their home, but Adrian thinks more of himself. Tyrone is more charasmatic, albiet a little weird, whereas Adrian is a little more withdrawn and introspective. I don't know as much about them as I do about Niko, but I do know that Tyrone used to be married (for a couple of months...) and from that marriage he has one daughter (Emmanuelle, a fourth year at Beauxbatons). He's very protective and very much a leader - whereas Adrian is intelligent, but lacks the skills of persuasion his brother has.
This probably makes no sense, but yeah. Two more characters to add to this. xD
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