The French family need friends

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Ok. The Bresilleys used to live in Paris but they bought a holiday home in New Zealand and after staying there for a few weeks, decided they liked it better than their home in Paris. I need friends, enemies, acquaintances etc.

Pascal Bresilley
Pascal is head of the family and when they lived in Paris he worked for the government. He's not a very cheerful person but he knows how to get his point across so it's very difficult for him to make proper friends that aren't scared of him. (Muggle)

Jeanne-Claire Bresilley
Jeanne-Claire is a model and gets a lot of money out of what she does. Because of this, she doesn't know whether people like her for her or her money. She doesn't care though. All she cares about is looking good in public. As long as she has that and a decent family, she's happy. (Muggle)

Sophia Bresilley
Sophia is a get around but doesn't tell her parents what she gets up to after dark. She went to a primary school in France but once she got to secondary school she decided it wasn't the thing for her so she made her parents get her a tutor and she has been home tutored ever since. She hates her step sister, Zascha, and gets joy out of being 'daddy's little angel'. Sophia wants to be a model so she makes sure all her clothes and her hair look perfect before walking out the door. She knows her mum doesn't want her to do the same as her but Soph just wants to follow her dream, no matter what her parents think. She looks down on anyone who disagrees with her taste in fashion and believes anyone with no fashion is scum. (Muggle)

Zascha Bresilley
Zascha was adopted by the Bresilleys when she was three. She had no identity because nobody knew who she was when she was taken to social services. Jeanne-Claire saw her when they were on holiday in England and decided she wanted to adopt her. Jeanne-Claire regrets the decision she made but finds Zascha is useful as a household maid. Zascha finds that she hardly ever has free time as she is always at school or working round the Bresilley's house so the few times when she does have free time she doesn't know what to do and has to sit around getting bored. Unlike the rest of the people in the house, Zascha is very kind and caring but she has been taught to speak her mind so she accidentally offends people sometimes by saying what she really thinks. (Durmstrang)
I could offer Alex to any of the girls ;)

Friend, enemy, whatever. Could even be a mentor if ya want since he has graduated an all.

Inside info though: Alex is a reckless prankster, somehow always manages to offend people in some way when he speaks his mind, a born player and charmer and mostly just a jerk. So..
He sounds like he'd get on with Sophia. At the moment she's only up for flings as she's just had her heart broken but over time it could develop.
I suppose that would be good. Alex has had enough with relationships himself as well so it would be ideal.

Yay. Excited :D So umm, you wanna start an rp then?
Obsidian cafe then? Or outside the shops or we could do the Nightclub...
Hihi (Guess who :p )

Keigla-Maria here could always be a friend of Pascals from school? They are about the same age, one year older, and both muggles. Or whatever you can think of Tintin :D

I think it would be interesting for him to meet someone who doesn't care what he says, isn't scared of him and isn't afraid to do some hard work :p
What you think?
Alex: I don't mind. The nightclub would be fine. :D

Summer: Yeah, we could do that. It sounds fun. Do you wanna start??
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