Closed The Face in the Mirror Looking Back at You

Anisha Khatri

Competitive | Snarky | Bookworm | 6th year
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 11 Inch Unyielding Reed Wand with Veela Hair Core
4/2046 (15)
Hi Indi,

How are you? How is healer training? You must be nearly done, right? Top of the class?

I'm doing good.

I'm fine, just busy, you know how it is. I'm still trying hard to make you proud do well, though. Unfortunately I got some bad news, I wasn't made SDA club leader. I knew it would go to someone else after I lost last year but I really hate the person it went to, she's the one I lost to (though she didn't even win for our year after that!) and she was making fun of me and it pissed me off. I know you wanted me to do that, I'm sorry, Indi.

Everything is so hard. I think Raafe is mad at me.
Sorry, I don't know why I'm writing you with all this. It's not like you can do anything about it.

I just miss you.


Ok first of all, I don't think I ever said anything about you taking over as leader of the SDA. Yeah it would have been cool to have a legacy or whatever, but at the end of the day it's not that important. You know who cares about legacies? Pureblood supremacists. Besides, now you have more time to study. Not that you even have exams this year. What are you even freaking out about???

I am sorry you're disappointed. That sucks and it sounds like that girl sucks too. But I bet it's probably the highlight of that girl's life. Especially if she wasn't even the champion. You're trying hard at that's all that matters.

As for're not going to want to hear this but it might be a good thing for you two to spend some time apart. Do you really think you'd be attached at the hip forever? Sometimes growing up sometimes means growing apart. Did you do something to make him mad? Just apologize! I'm sure he'll get over it eventually.

And healer training is fine. There isn't really a formal class like that but if there was I'd be that the top for sure. I feel like I'm smarter than some of the people training me sometimes, I swear. But I'll be a full fledged healer soon enough.

You know you can write me anytime.


Okay maybe you don’t care if I got club leader but maybe I just wanted it. I’m not being a weird pureblood supremacist about it though! And I do have exams even if they’re not the big ones, obviously!

Sorry, I know it doesn’t matter but it sucks.

I don’t want us to spend time apart with Raafe, we have been spending time apart and I’m sick of it. And I don’t know why he’s mad, so how can I apologise?

I’m glad you’re doing well, good to know you can patch me up next time I do something stupid.

Thanks and sorry for being grumpy.


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Merlin's beard! You know that's not what I meant! I'm just telling you that wanting things for the sake of legacies can be a little misguided. That's all I was trying to say. I wish you had gotten it too, because you deserved it.

And listen, I know it can sting when you get passed up for getting the acknowledgement you think you deserve. I got the shiny badge in the end but I was over looked a lot too. You just have to focus on your own goals and stay true to that.

I have no clue what's going on in Raafe's head on a good day. You may just need to wait for him to come to you. Which, I also know is something that will be exceptionally difficult for you to do. You could always send him a howler if he's ignoring you that much.

I have no problem with you being grumpy but I'm always going to be honest with you.

Love you, good luck on exams.


Okay okay it sounded a bit like you were saying I was like that. I do deserve it, and I wanted it because of that too, not just because you had it.

I'm trying to follow your advice and staying focused on my goals. But I don't know what my goals are after graduation. How did you know you wanted to be a healer? I just don't know what I want to do after Hogwarts, you know?

I'm trying to give Raafe space, but it sucks. I've always known what he's thinking and I miss him. He's busy doing stuff for Accio whenever I try to hang out with him, not sure if that's just an excuse.

Thanks for being honest with me. I'll see you soon, right? You're not too busy to come home for Christmas?


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