The ex and her sister

Riley was trying to calm Ana down but when he was worried aswell it was slightly hard. " Ana stop panicking the doctors no what they are doing, they wont let anything appen to her ok. Nothing is wrong with Natalie Kristen Smith." He smiled as he thought about it. " You will have to pick a primary school for her and you will be able to comfort her when her first ever boyfriend dumps her. You will be able to buy clothes for her that when she looks back at in 15 years time she will ask why you ever made her wear it." He laughed as tears were building up in his eyes. He couldnt wait to see her
Ana laughed as more tears fell down her cheeks. She remembered when she was shown pictured of her as a little girl and she couldn't believe the clothes that she had on. "I still want to see her. Even if I can't hold her. I'll just feel loads better if I can see that she's ok." Ana didn't know what it was but she felt like there was something wrong. She couldn't stand it.
Riley stood up and smiled. " I wil go and find the doctor and ask him if you can see her ok." He jogged out of the room and down the hall in the direction that the doctor went. He foolowed the corridor and was relieved when he saw him. Although he shocked by the news he had recieved. He couldnt move. He couldnt speak. He could arely think. Natalie had dissapearded. How could she do that she was hooked onto a machine she couldnt have just stood up and walked away, which only leaves on answer.

He slowy walked back to Anas room. Once he got to her bed he collapsed onto his knees and stuck his head in his hands. How on earth could he tell Ana after what she had just been through
Ana looked at Riley when he walked in. "Can I go and see her??" Riley didn't answer. Instead, he fell to his knees. Ana pushed the blanket off her and sat down next to him. "Riley, what is it??" She heart was pounding. He was worrying her. What had happened to cause him to fall on his knees like that??
Riley took his head from his hands. There was tears rolling non stop down his face. " She gone, they carnt find her. I think someone has taken her." He returned his head back into his hands. He couldnt do anything he felt useless. There was a lump in his throat that wouldnt dissapear and he could feel his heart beat in his mouth.
Ana's stomach clenched. Her hands went over her mouth. She had tears pouring down her face as she cried. She could feel someone hugging her and heard Sam's voice in her ear but she couldn't hear what she was saying or see her. It was like she was no longer in the room. She could feel the anger bubbling up inside her. She looked at Riley and cried "Who did it?! Who's taken her?!" She wanted to find whoever it was so she could get her baby back.
Riley remained on the floor. He had lost the use of his legs. " I dont no......I dont no." He couldnt breath properly it was like a vice had been tightend around his lungs and he had to gasp for air. He wasnt thinking strait, the world around his was spinning and he couldnt stop the flow of tears in his eyes. It felt like his heart had been ripped out of his chest and there was only an empty space. A void.
Ana could only think of two people who could have done such a thing. "It has to be either your dad or my uncle. I can't think of anyone else." Her voice was quiet. She couldn't find the breathe to speak any more. "Who else could it be??" Ana could feel her whole body trembling. She didn't fancy going up against either of them to get Natalie back.
Riley looked up at Ana. He knew that his dad diddnt like him being a dad but he knew he wouldnt take it this far. " Why would my dad do it. Nothing would have made him leave that house when there is still alcohol there. He wouldnt have wasted the energy onit."He frowned. " It could have been any random person here for all we no. Some one who wasnt happy with their baby." He held onto the end of the bed to help himself up and to keep himself stood up.
"I'm just thinking through the possibilities." Ana hugged her legs and put her head into her knees. "I just hope she's ok." She was trembling so much that her words sounded odd. She was terrified. She wanted to know where Natalie was and who had her. She wanted her to be safe.
Riley kneeled down next to Ana and put one are around her shoulder and leaned across so he could look in her eyes. " I will find out who took her......I promise you that Anamaria." Riley looked deep into hers, it was then that he realised that he still loved her. He would do anything for her. " I will do anything."
Ana wrapped her arms round his neck and rested his head on her shoulder. "I love you Riley." She didn't know what she was saying until it was out and then she realised it was the truth. He had hit her once when he was in a bad mood. As long as she mad sure he was in a good mood all the time, he wouldn't hit her again.
Ana stood up and walked towards the door. Before walking out, she looked over her shoulder. "I gotta go and get some fresh air. I'll be back in a minute."
Riley put his arms around her waist when she hugged him. He then promised himself that he would never hurt her again. He let go of her and watched her walk out of the room. Riley sat on the edge of the bed and stuck his head in his hands. he thought about anyone who had a grudge against him that knew about Ana. he thought and thought. He came up with nothing. He stood up and walked out the door. " Im gonna check the hospital just in case." He began his journey through the endless passages of hallways and rooms.
Ana walked outside the hospital and sat against the wall. Her arms were wrapped around her stomach and her head was bowed with her knees against her chest. She couldn't think of anyone who would do this except for Ash and Dervish. If Riley couldn't find her in the hospital then she was going to turn straight to them. She couldn't think of any explanation.
When Ana felt she had had enough fresh air, she walked back to her room and curled up under the bed sheet.
As Ashton walked around with this new born he thought about what to do with it. The thing haddent moved in a while and seemed to be a heavy sleeper. Ash walked along a cliff side so the sound of the crashing sea would calm him. There was no one else around so he diddnt worry about being seen.

Ash looked down at it. " Time to wake up now." He gave it a tiny shake. Nothing. " WAKE UP NOW!" Nothing. Ash looked shocked. He checked her breathing and pulse. Nothing. He smiled. That takes care of that problem. He attatched a few rocks to her and and took out his wand. Without using word he floated the baby over the cliff. He smiled as he released his magic and put his wand back. Now that was done he could go back home and have a drink. He apperated back to his house.
Riley was out of breath by the time he got back to Anas room. He looked at ana then shook his head. " Nothing." He slid down the wall and stuck his onto his knees. He stood up quickly and punched the wall. " Dam this is my fault i should have gone with the doctor. If i had done that then she would still acctually be in here. " DAM IT!" He took his hands through his hair and turned to Ana. " We will do it your way. Lets go and see your uncle and my father."
Ana stood up and put her arms round Riley. "It's not your fault." Ana was still shaking but it wasn't as much as she had been before. "I'll get Sam and Odie to go to Dervish. We can go to Ash." Ana didn't want to face Dervish. He terrified her at the moment. Ana walked out of the room to where Sam and Odie had been sat talking. She asked them to go to Dervish then walked back to Riley. "I don't think I can apparate at the moment." She shook her head. "My minds a jumbling of Merlin only knows what."
Riley nodded. " Right well its about a 20 minute walk from here so i hope you can walk." He took hold of her hand and winced, both of his hands were painfull and one may have been broke. " Ana could you do me a favor and get my wand out my pockets and do the Episky spell on my hand please?" He smiled. If he was going to face Ash then he might just need his hands
Ana looked at Riley's hands and had to bite her lip to stop her gasping in shock. "That looks horrible." She took his wand out of his pocket and flicked it at his hand saying "Episky." Then she placed the wand back in his pocket and kissed his hands. "You'll have to get that checked out." Ana walked out the room and in the direction of Riley's house. When they got there, she paused at the door and looked at Riley. "Are you sure you want to do this??" She wasn't sure herself. All she knew was that she wanted to face Ash more than Dervish and she had to pick one.
Riley looked up at his fathers house and nodded. "Im sure, you can wait outside if you want." He walked slowly to the door and opened it placed one foot inside. " Father its me, can i talk with you for a moment?" He looked back to Ana and smiled reasuringly.
Ash was about to get in the shower when his door opened and Riley came in. As Ash was in a good mood he was going to be nice to him and his girl outside the door. " Yes sure you can son come in." He looked at his ex. " Why isnt she at the hospital if she has just had a baby. Or have the days gone past that fast i just havent noticed." He half heartedlt smiled at his son
Ana walked in after Riley and held his arm. She didn't trust Ash and didn't know whether she ever would. She looked at Ash and could feel his eyes pushing her down, like he was better than her. It scared her.
Riley stood at his full height and and put an arm around Ana to protect her. Why was he being this nice, it was odd. Although Riley knew not to cross him so he played along. " I was just going to ask you what you have been doing for the last hour?" He diddnt move, he felt Ana clinging to his arm and wouldnt leave her.
Ash shrugged. He wasnt going to tell Riley what he had done, he knew that he wouldnt see it the way that he did. " Iv been doing what im doing now. Watching tv, drinking and eating. Although i am meeting a rarther pretty girl later on. Your welcome to come although i think she is abit old for you son." He smiled crookedly and looked at Ana. " I thought you left my son, why are you clinging to him like a dam animal?"
Ana looked up at Ash. "I am not an animal. I have just given birth, I am stressed and my hormones have gone crazy." Whilst talking, Ana had stepped in front of Riley so she was that bit closer to Ash. "Don't try and be a smart arse. Did you or did you not take Natalie??" She looked into his eyes, trying to work out whether he was going to tell the truth or lie.

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