The Devout Wizard

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Freddie Raska

Well-Known Member
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11 1/4 Hazel Wand with Phoenix Wing Feather Core, Light

Hello all! I would like to have a few RPs with this guy. He's so cool he make the color pink look masculine.

This is Freddie Raska. He does not have a very good childhood before he started attending school. Until he was nine he lived with his real parents. They were very abusive and negligent towards him. He still has occasional memories of the abuse today. At the age of ten he was put into the foster care system and he was fostered and adopted by Dante and Cheyenne Raska. They were a magical couple, and they were religious. So, Freddie is religious as well. He prays, read the Bible, goes to church, and all that good stuff. He does not try to force his beliefs on others, and he expects others to do the same.

Freddie graduated from Durmstrang this year, and he is the former Head Boy of his class. His six feet tall and is well built. He looks tough on the outside, but that is just the outside of him. Freddie wants to be a St. Mungos Healer and a Seer. He is a very intuitive and compassionate person. He cares about people so much that he forgets to take care of himself. He is a very relaxed person. He is observant and quiet, but he is not shy. He just does not have much to say. He is like a mamma bear when it comes to his friends. He can get very vicious when he needs to, but it takes a lot for that side of his to come out. He is very imaginative and happy once a person gets close to him. He is someone that most people would love to be around. He is just so sweet and devout.

Freddie needs friends. People other than his roommate that will hang out with him and won't mind that he prays before he eats or does something that makes him nervous. He can be a really good outlet for people that have a ton of baggage or have a lot of problems. He does want to be a Healer, so he knows how to break down a problem and look for a good solution.

Love? This one may be a little harder because I don't know if Freddie is ready to be in a relationship. He is a person that is very focused on his goals, and he does not like things or people getting in the way of achieving them. Maybe some one could flirt with him and he can react accordingly. If you do have someone that can turn his life upside down I encourage you to post. :)

That's Freddie for you. If you have any other plot ideas that my boy can be apart of please post in this thread or PM me. :)
I can offer Sapphire as a friend. She's seventeen and in her last year of school but very determined with what she wants to do. She's a talented artist in every since of the word. She also wares her tragic history on her skin in the form of tattoos. I think they would get along fine because they are somewhat alike. She's got a shell like tefflon when it comes to people insulting her but watch your back if you insult someone she cares about. Other than that she's the most easy going girl one could ever meet.
Cool, a reply!

I think that Freddie and Sapphire could be friends as well. He also has tattoos on his hands and arms. He has scars on his back and stomach from his childhood and whenever he goes out he feels like those scars are out in the open. Who would you like to start?
Thanks for starting , Ana! :)
This kind of depends on what you want for Raska.

But anyway. So this girl here, her name is Nadia Kaster. She has been disowned from her father, her mother and siblings are dead and she is living with her friends family. She is a very stubborn girl when she wants to be and she is also very focused on becoming a Journalist. She is kind and she is very caring and understanding. She is also quite adept at Ancient Runes. She's seventeen and will be Graduating soon. I don't know, maybe she could work as a love interest? But if not friend is fine, but she has never had a steady boyfriend in her life and she does like a challenge xD

Let me know.
Nadia sounds interesting. I am seeing Freddie, maybe, putting Nadia in the friend zone. What could attract him would be her devotion and drive for what she wants. I don't know what category he'd put Nadia in. It'd be like a Heath and Ai thing, maybe. I can start a topic to see how they get along if you'd like?
No guy friends? Co-workers? Enemies?
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