The Covenant

Hades Styx

guardian ⸸ dark priest
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Cypress/Ebony 15 3/4" Core of Acromantula Web and Poisonwood 15 3/5" Essence of Vampire Blood
The moment that the Vow would be made has come, but in order to ensure that the wording is right, Hades needed his rather insane uncle, Draegan Lutrov, his mother's older brother whom he had gotten his name from. Hades waited for the man to drop by, which he would be flooing in through the fireplace, which Hades had temporarily lifted the charms from in his basement. Draegan had told him as well that he will be bringing his daughter Coventia which Hades was fine with, as she could watch Vritra while they do the deed. Hades would need absolutely no way for Etoile to wiggle her way out of it. The vow had to be solid as a rock. Hades waited in the study with a book in his hands, reading alone for the time being. The lights were dimmed by the floating candles. Then the room was illuminated with green light by the fireplace. His onyx eyes crossed over to the fireplace to see the emerald green flames before his uncle Draegan walked out followed by Coventia. Hades smirked lightly, when both people were dressed in strange, black outfits covered in black cloaks. It must be a gothic style of some sort that Hades rarely saw nowadays. Draegan pointed for Coventia to move from the room, before his strangely colored eyes moved and landed on his nephew. "Ah, the vow you wish to form, what is it you want bound to the woman?" his hand gestured lightly as he spoke, before he bowed his head in greeting. Hades watched as Coventia went out of the room, and and go to find Vritra obviously. Once she was gone, and Draegan and Hades were alone, Hades reached around with his hand and he shook his head. It was so hard to explain, he thought that he had done this already, but apparently, Draegan needed more information. Why that was, Hades did not know, nor did he inquire either. "Look, Etoile Lefevre," the mention of the last name made an eerie smile crossed the painted black lips of Draegan, "is a woman that apparently hates me for reasons I don't know exactly. I believe she fears that if she lets anyone close to her, they die. So, whereas I have been forcing myself in her life, she hates me so she won't get hurt in the end. I understand that, but the thing is, I don't know why it is, I just have to have her in my possession. So, we wagered on a sword fight last week, and she lost, and she is going to make this vow willingly. Draegan, I need a way so that she won't squirm out of it."

All this was spoken in Russian, which was easier for the both of them. Plus, if Etoile was eavesdropping, she would not be able to understand it. He did not want her to back out of it now, because that would mean that his plans were ruined. She had yet to really see that he was going to make her do this, in some art or form. Draegan turned from Hades for a moment, his eyes gazing over the fire, and he waved his hand, as the charms were placed back on the fireplace so that they would not be disturbed. The Dark Priest Draegan turned his eyes once more to stare at Hades and he smiled creepily, "Sounds like you love her, nephew. But when it comes down to the vow, everything is in the words. No loopholes. I can do everything in Russian, and only repeat a few things in English, so that she won't suddenly back down perhaps. What is it you want from her?" Hades had to tell everything, in which he did in full details, and Draegan seemed rather pleased with what he heard, which was not good normally for any sane person, to see two insane people smirking and agreeing, speaking in a language that only certain people in the house could not understand. "Ah," Draegan purred, as he placed a finger on the side of his white cheek, "You see, this reminds me so much of my first and only affair, Coventia's mother. We made the vow, to have children, and after Coventia, she could not bare any more, so needless to say what the vow did to her. Death is a consequence of the vow, and Etoile's will to live should surpass her hate for you so much, she would rather be dead anyhow. Regardless, let's bring her down." Hades thought over the vow, and hoped that it would not be the case where she wanted to break it, but on his end, he would help her gain power, but he would add in there as long as it does not affect the laws that he is already bound by in the Zhefarovich family. Draegan called out to Coventia to retrieve Etoile. Hades folded his arms across his chest, and he watched the stairs where the doorway was, and wondered if Etoile was going to hurry and get this over with, or take her time with this. This was it, Hades was finally getting what he truly wanted, which was Etoile. Eventually, she would be pregnant soon with his child, if she was not already. But he did not know how much of a challenge it would be. He figured that if Danielle could get pregnant, then Etoile should be no issue. Hades would only go through with this, if she were still willing, and there would be no loopholes out of the vow. It would be rock solid, and once that was done, perhaps she would meet the mighty family that made him. Letting her meet Draegan was basically the worst of his mother's side, but with his father's side, there were so many other factors to worry about.
Etoile Lefeve had really gotten herself into a fix this time. Of all the stupid and pathetic things for her to do in her lifetime she just had to choose to wager her life like she did. Her mind had been so desperate for freedom from Hades that she just didn't think about the consequences for her actions. Which she was suffering right now. A lifetime with Hades at this god forsaken house that drove her nuts the longer she remained inside of the walls of his home. How could he expect to force someone to live with someone they hated, in a house they hated, and to live a life they never wanted? How could he expect her to life a happy and healthy life if she was going to be cooped up and living with a man she couldn't stand even the slightest. What was worse was that he knew how to mess with her weaknesses so she divulged in him. They had slept together at least three times and she was ready to Axe him in the head for it. After the last time she swore to herself that she wasn't going to allow him to see her body any longer and he certainly wasn't going to touch her anymore. Etoile was going to personally make sure of that. Picking up a silver brush she had been brought from her home and brought it up to her long raven black hair and ran it straight through. Her silvery eyes were fixed upon her reflection in the mirror and she found herself hating the way she looked right now. Her skin was snow pale and it stood out completely against her thick girly eyelashes, her pink lips, and her every so pale silvery green eyes. Her hair was silky soft and straight as it flowed down to her mid-back. It was so long and she liked it that way. But as she continued to brush her hair and gaze upon herself in the mirror she considered breaking it. How and why had she become so ugly while her mother was so beautiful herself. Probably why Etoile was so undesirable as a person. Hades had called her beautiful once but she assumed it was because he wanted to get into her pants. He and Xelric were her most recent heart kickers. They only wanted her because she had a decent body. If it wasn't for the body her face would repel them and her personality certainly would too. Hades must have been really downset on having her as a sexual partner if he really intended to go through with this whole vow thing. But as it had been a week or so since she agreed to do it willingly and nothing had happened, she figured he had forgotten about it completely. After a moment more or so of brushing her hair Etoile set down the brush and ran her fingers through her hair. Then her finger went up to brush away a single tear that strolled down her cheek. Just one but it was enough to alarm her that she was crying. It was only a single tear, but it indicated so much. This was unfair to her. She lost everything she cared about in her life and now she was being forced to live a life she didn't want. A moment taken to compose herself, Etoile turned the mirror around and stepped away from it, the her short dress flowing around her legs with every step she took. When a girl she had never seen before arrived and told her that she needed to come downstairs Etoile gave her a hard look for a moment. Of course she didn't want to go downstairs because he was down here. But then again if she didn't she would probably be forced down by him. So she might as well make it so there would be less touching involved. Gracefully Etoile stood up and headed downstairs. This time she was met with the presence of Hades and a man she had never seen before.

Proudly she held her head high and her posture strong as she gaze around the room. Who were these people and why the hell were they here in the first place. Wasn't it enough that she had to be here with Hades. "Who are you?" She extended a long finger and pointed at the man that looked frighteningly similar to Hades but maybe a but more on the creepy and frightening looking side to her. Her hand fell back to her side and she gave Hades a displeased look. Was he thinking about having her do that vow now? He had better not! Etoile promised that she was would do it but she didn't want to anymore. Bound to him for life sounded so miserable in her books. Having his children sounded even worse. Of course one of these days she wanted to have a baby of her own. But having one mixed of her blood and Hades was not what she wanted, ever. A moment passed by and she turned to roll her eyes. Not willing to let this get to her. "Forget it, I'm not doing the v-" As she turned to head back upstairs a bookcase blocked her path and she turned to let her silvery green eyes meet with Hades darker ones in a glare. So he wasn't going to let her have a choice over this. Her body finally turned before she growled under her breath and hit the bookcase out of anger. "God do I hate you." No longer did she care to tell him at any chance about her hate for him. Hate was nearly included in her vocabulary for him like once every day. She indeed hated him and she wanted him to suffer. He wanted her body and because of that she found him to be a disgusting pig that she could no longer stand. Waving a hand angrily she tried to signify that they had better get this thing going before she lost her temper and pulled her hidden weapon's out.
Hades could not help but wonder, was this the right choice? Was it truly worth it? Hades liked to think so, but then again, maybe it was madness that was controlling his better judgment. However, it was also madness that thought of this genius plan to have a woman be a vessel, and permanently be one so that he would not have to go out and find another. But there was another feeling in there, that made Hades wonder, if there was more under the surface than even he knew. Hades supposedly knew all he felt, but this came down from something he had never felt before. It was strong, it was powerful. Perhaps he was getting a taste of the future that he was going to have, a taste of the offspring that would soon be produced. Powerful beings that would do nothing more but wreak havoc across nations. He wanted his children like this. And he wanted them pure-blood as well. Hades turned his dark eyes to the stairs when the girl emerged, with Etoile soon behind her. Coventia also received Vritra before crossing over and sitting down with the young girl on her lap to watch in silence. Draegan's pale, pale blue eyes washed over the figure of Etoile, before an evil smirk crossed his lips, "She is a beauty, I see why you desire offspring with her. However, bound for life, I do not understand. But if that is what you wish..." Draegan continued to speak in soft, Russian language, yet there was a familiar coldness that hung in his voice. She asked Draegan who he was, and Hades was about to introduce him, before he managed to cut in himself. "Draegan Lutrov, a dark priest and will oversee this...peculiar event." Hades nodded once to ensure that he was telling the truth, but the last name alone was a signal that they were related or Hades really looked up to the man. However the white skin and dark hair symbolized that they were in fact relatives. The moment that Etoile wanted to change her mind about the vow, Hades waved his wand at the bookcase, and it sealed the entrance. One thing that got under his skin were people that failed to keep their promise. But this, would she fail to keep the vow, and end up dying in return? Hades just needed to be careful, and he needed to have it worded right. While Coventia was getting Etoile, he had told him the words, and Draegan was going to make sure that there were no holes that she could weasel out of. Hades was out of his mind, in a way, he was perfectly sane as well. He wanted this, and he knew that it would be better even for her. She would enjoy the time she had with him, whether or not she would admit it now. Hades would not think this otherwise if they had not been together three times in a sexual manner. Normally, he was done after the first time, but no, he was hooked.

Something about Etoile made Hades just crave more. Perhaps it was the taste of her blood, or maybe that she seemed to be similar to him. Perhaps not as insane as he was right now with actually going through with the vow. Hades wanted the vow to occur, and it would do so. Hades figured that eventually, this would happen anyway. Hades murmured, "Keep your promise, now, Etoile." Though she hated him, even though he hardly believed it, Hades just ignored those words and figured that they would nothing more than empty syllables. Hades just turned his eyes to Draegan, before he turned to face Etoile. If there was something that irritated the Death Eater, it was someone who could not keep their promise. Hades turned to Draegan before he said, "Let's get this done and over with." Draegan glanced over at Etoile, and with a wave of his hand, motioned for her to come over closer. Draegan would need them to grasp hands, so that he could bind them in the vow. Their were to be joined, and then his wand would touch their hands, and well, everyone knew what happened after that. It was the only way to get the vow administered. Draegan would be a witness, and he had also told Hades exactly what to say in order to have the vow administered. Draegan just hoped that Etoile would take advantage of this, so long as it would not go along with his own words. Such as, do not kill her and do not let her die. She wanted power, even Draegan could see that. Draegan flourished his wand and he announced, "So, I will need you to join hands, and Hades, you will incite the vow. You can do so in Russian if you feel more comfortable, and I'll translate. Etoile, dear Etoile, if you wish something from Hades, speak now - so long as it does not go against the vows he will ask of you, and that they will not conflict with the Zhefarovich's laws." Hades let out a soft sigh and he just wanted this to hurry up. Hades might not even ask for children to be specific in the vow. Because he was going to try for that regardless. But as long as she was there with him in his life, he would forever be in her life, and she would forever be in his. Hades felt rather content with just that part. Maybe he should add in the part where he would protect her from harm as well. Then again, not everything can be protected. Before the vow can even be started, they would need to grasp hands, and Hades figured that she would not want that anyhow. He held out his left hand for her to take, to hurry up with this. Draegan glanced over at the two other witnesses, watching the whole event. This was rare, and perhaps careless as well. It was definitely maddening.
The man other than Hades that was in the room started to speak in a language that Etoile didn't understand so she wasn't quote sure whether to worry about him or not. But then an evil smirk crossed his lips and her silvery green orbs narrowed. Her anger was making her temper rise to very high levels so they were going to see some aggression from her today. Then again, by this point in time Hades just might have seen it all from her. Her head cocked towards the stranger and she snorted before she brushed some of her long dark hair out of her face and let it fall past her shoulders and to her mid-back. "I suggest you wipe that damn smirk off your face." It didn't matter if he wad related to Hades, if he was a stranger, and he was capable of killing her or not because she wasn't going to let anyone treat her this way. Not even the almighty Danielle Lefevre. She was frustrated because she had let herself become stupid enough to make that wager and now that she has lost it she will have to give up her only future to a man she hated with a burning passion. Even when she tried to head upstairs and avoid it he prevented it by blocking it with something so now she had to stay down here and figure out some way to delay the vow, delay herself from being bound to Hades and being bound to being the mother of his children, every moment she held onto her freedom was every moment longer that she had to live her life as a free woman. Etoile didn't want to give up her life like this and she didn't think Hades would be cruel enough to destroy another's life for the hell of it like he was. She wasn't even that good in bed so if he was trying to keep her for sexual and children purposes than he had another thing coming to him. If she couldn't stop the vow then she would stop Hades from being too close to her. Treat him like a bug or something that needed to be taken care of. Returning her attention to the man when he introduced himself as Draegan Lutrov, a dark priest that would be overseeing this event she let her eyes fall over to Hades. So the two men were related to one another. Which must have meant that he knew a little bit of information on the whole thing about Hades and why he really wanted this vow done and what he expected from her. Etoile unfolded her arms and turned to the Russian speaking man. He was going to explain some things to her hopefully because she wasn't able to get much from Hades. "So you two are related then? Did Hades ask you to come here and do this? Am I really the only one that finds this to be completely pointless in the first place? He will obviously end up killing me with the vow anyways because he likes to sleep around. Why bother keeping my promise when this bastard is setting me up to die anyways?" Etoile exclaimed as she felt a cold chill within the room that made goosebumps run up her arms like little polka dots. She assumed that he would be the typical man she always thought he had been and would be around with other girls while she was trapped at home. Lonely and the chances of dying would be high. Even if Hades stated he wasn't like that any longer she didn't really believe him. All men lied about such things. It seemed that not even Hades really knew what he was feeling so how could anyone expect him to be completely honest about this when he didn't even know what was going on. He left Etoile in the dark with the things that went through his mind so she really had no idea to what his true objection was when it came to making the vow and setting it in stone. Hades reminded Etoile to keep her promise and she sighed under her breath before she wiped some of her hair away from her face. Damn that promise she had made him. At least he didn't try to fight with her, that would have ended badly.

With of his wave of his hand, Draegan motioned for her to come over closer and Etoile crossed her arms over her chest and quickly complied. Her silvery eyes watching him carefully. He brought his wand out and announced that they would need to join hands. Which was something Etoile didn't really want to do either. Touching Hades was not good for her because there was chemistry there enough as it was. She shook her head softly. She was asked if she desired anything from Hades. "Besides him to leave me the hell alone? Hades cannot give me what I desire though, no one can. I desire power, he rule over the Lefevre family and any other little family that gets in my way. I desire revenge on those who have wronged me in the past, and I also desire, to no longer be alone in this world. But like I said, no one can give me what I want." Etoile told Draegan, few words she spoke were lined with a hint of her French accent. Even if he was willing to help her it would not be up to him to help her and everything. He couldn't help her gain power, he couldn't help her get revenge, she didn't want him to give her an heir, and he couldn't take away that loneliness she had become accustomed to. She wouldn't make a vow of it for him to protect her either. If he wanted to it would be on his own hands because she didn't need protecting. Hades held out his left hand for her to take but Etoile just stared at and tried to push his hand away for a moment. "I can't believe your doing this to me." She bit out and stared down at her own hand. Before she knew it she reached across and grabbed a hold of his hand, her smoothly smaller one gripping on larger hands. Etoile swore she could feel that chill again. Then she had the sudden urge to pull her hand away and started to tug back and get her hand free from his. Etoile didn't want to do this anymore.
Draegan slowly bowed his head when Etoile spoke to him in such a manner that was nothing short of humorous to him. However, without that smirk, he looked even worse without it as he looked a lot more dangerous. Draegan snickered softly, but it was not like he was going to listen to a woman such as her. Draegan was not in any way sexist, but comparing size, one could tell that it may be a one sided fight unless she could pull something that Draegan would never be able to see in a lifetime. Hades knew more about Etoile than perhaps Etoile even knew. Hades moved slightly as he stood closer to Draegan as he pulled out his wand to do the spell that would bind them together in the vow. Draegan murmured, "No harm in a facial expression, my dear." Draegan and Hades both watched as Etoile approached them and began to speak of the vow. Hades though thought the vow would prove many things, seeing as it was in fact important, but Draegan was a different story. He found it all amusing that she hated the man and ended up falling victim to Hades' tricks and agreed to do the vow. Draegan glanced over at Hades and allowed him to answer her rather than he first. Draegan had a lot of respect obviously, but his patience was wearing thin. One could see it in those pale, blue eyes. And one could see that in those eyes if one paid close attention. Unlike Hades, Draegan would in fact harm another if he so saw that it was fit. He never thought about another's life, and he never had a regret when he would end one too. Hades let out a sigh and he spoke, "This is my dead mother's older brother. I asked him to come over here, but I will tell you one thing, if I wanted you dead, you would have been dead the moment I ripped off that blonde wig." Hades didn't really see the point in proving that he would not sleep around. Not by words at least. That would have to be proven with actions which will happen in the future. Draegan's eyes went to Hades and saw that he was finished talking for the time being. Draegan added coldly, "Every living thing, every decision is pointless because everyone will have the same, sticky end: Death." Not exactly the rainbows and unicorns type of man, but Draegan was pointing out that no matter what, vow or no vow, there were always ways to end up dead. Hades glanced over at Draegan and knew for a fact that he was not helping the situation. He did know that they had to do the vow and that she would have to be willing to do it. That was the key, that she had to be willing or else the vow would not work. She would have to say that she would vow to do what Hades says, and same would have to go for him. Hades and Draegan would have to get her to go through with it. Doubts were there, because he did not know if she would even live that long under the vow itself. What if she did not? Hades hoped that it would not be the case at all.

The thought of joining hands to do this had Hades thinking that this was going to work. There was no excuse why it would not work in the end for the Death Eater. Perhaps the psychopath would end up calling off the vow, but as the seconds ticked by, the more Hades thought that it would settle and it would be a success. He would get what he finally desired, and that was what he wanted all along. Hades listened to what Etoile wanted, and Draegan smiled even more at what she said. This was something that he had heard from Hades' own lips. This man knew the woman more thoroughly than even Draegan expected. Draegan shrugged lightly, "You'll never know unless you give someone a chance to assist. At any rate, I would be more than obliged to have this going now." Hades turned his onyx eyes to look at Draegan and could see that he was getting more and more excited over the vow. He was almost wondering why he was getting so happy over something like this. Perhaps it was the ego of a maniac that loved doing things that most would not even consider. Hades was not expecting Etoile to grab onto his hand, because that was a voluntarily response. However, she did try to turn it away, but then she grabbed on. The moment her smaller hand grabbed onto his, white fingers hand it in place, as if she could not get away now. His grip was like iron, or diamond as well as it could not be scratched or crushed. Hades smirked and his tone changed to almost a darker voice than he normally carried, "Insanity chooses paths like these, so you might as well believe it." Hades could feel the chemistry running through and up his arm from her touch, and he did his best to ignore it. Draegan was acting like the Bonder, and he touched his wand to their joined hands, and he turned to Etoile, "All you have to say is 'I will' to each thing Hades says, and then if you like, you can place him under a vow so that you too may receive some profit." Hades felt the tip of the wand on his hand, and he was feeling how this was. Never had he done this before, and he would do anything to get this to be done and over with. But what would make her say those words after each part he said? Hades would have to think of a way and fast. No loopholes at all. Hades figured he would go on ahead and say his first bit of the vow, something that would be most important of it all, "Do you vow to stay by my side for all eternity, with no intentions of leaving with another person or solo, and lest these intentions of leaving with another or solo be sought out, death will take your life." It was full of words, but there was almost a matrimonial sense to them. He wanted her by his side from this point and forward. Hades would have it his way, because either way, she would not make it out of here. The promise was still legit in his eyes, and Etoile would just have to say the words. The two words.
Etoile wished that she understood better what they intended to do with her. All that she was able to pick up was that Hades wanted her for some reason and he really wanted her too. To the point where it pretty much looked like he was going to resort to force to get what he wanted from her. Fighting so far had been futile and Etoile began to wonder if there was perhaps a force out there stronger than all her hatred and all the disgust and anger she had been spitting out towards Hades. Was there a chance that even knew about there ever being a stronger force than hatred? Maybe he was acting upon that force but he just didn't realize that he was. As she didn't know what the force was herself she couldn't exactly pinpoint whether she was sure or not that was what's causing Hades to act the way he was with her. Draegan spoke to her again and she stared at him for a moment before she rolled her silvery green eyes. "When I cannot understand a word either of you are saying can you really blame me for being suspicious. I hardly trust my life with either of you." She told the man with a snap in her voice. It wasn't too rude like it was before but it held enough stern tone in it to hopefully get it across that them using a different language when they spoke to one another made her nervous. Etoile only understood French and English. Anything else she couldn't understand so she could make out what Hades and the man were saying to one another. What if they were plotting to kill her or something and it was all going right under her nose because she couldn't understand what they were saying to her. Hades also had to bring up the nerve that if he wanted her dead he would have done it the moment he ripped off her blonde wig. So he didn't want her dead apparently. Not that this bit of information made her feel better at all, her trust for him was still a little on the low side. It didn't help that Draegan made her nervous as well, he pretty much had the look of a serial killer or something and yet here he was with Hades. He was helping to bind her to a lifetime of misery so she felt she had the right to go on and hate him two. Damn them both to hell, because up here they were nothing but a menace to her and society. "If every decision is pointless then why make me even go through this entire scene? Even if you don't want me dead you two obviously wanna drive me to be the most miserable person in the world. Maybe we should bring Danielle here and see what she says about all of this!" Even though Etoile had never met the woman before there was a silver lining of hope that the current head of all Lefevre's would not stand for this. Danielle was supposedly a feminist anyways so Etoile remembered her always disliking a woman always needing to have a man around. But would she defend someone she didn't even know? Would Hades even feel like seeking her out for her opinion. Probably not knowing him and his attitude with her trying to escape from him. If she kept this up he'd probably chain her to the bed again or something.

Even though Etoile tried to pull her grip from Hades he held it in place so tightly she was sure that he could easily be crushing her hand. She pulled and struggled as much as she could manage but her arm grew sore still it was not budged even the slightest bit. Her silvery green orbs lifted themselves to stare straight into Hades eyes as she felt the wand that Draegan had touch their joined hands. Her eyes shifted over to the wand and she tried to struggle once more but it was to no avail. All she had to say was "I Will" at the end of each thing Hades said and the vow would be complete. Her eyes flashed violently and growled under her breath at Draegan. "I told you I don't want anything form him, I don't even want to do this damn thing." But her words didn't even matter by this point because she was being forced to do it anyways. No matter how much she struggled it wasn't doing her much good to do so. But unlike Hades she wasn't sure if she wanted to force him into anything. Even though she hated him and she wanted him to suffer for everything he was doing to her, did she really want him to lose his free will at the cost of death? The vow began and Etoile swallowed and looked away the entire time, unable to look at Hades or the golden thread intertwined between their hands that was bonding them together. His very words drove her blood cold and Etoile wanted nothing more than to cry or scream, throw up even. But she didn't want to say those two words. Every second that ticked by felt like an eternity to her and she knew that she was either going to say it or she would be kept here until she did. "I-um...I...I Will." Etoile stumbled on her words because she was trying so hard to believe the fact that she just willingly agreed to remain by his side for an eternity. No more chances to find her true love, to breath alone, and to feel the freedom she had while single. Well she was still single after this but Hades technically had her in a grip so night. Giving him a look she told him he might as well continue because he pretty much had her. Once the vow was over though she couldn't be sure about what would happen. Perhaps he could get smacked again or something.
Though what Etoile was saying was definitely true. With two psychopaths in the room, it was hardly common sense that one could not trust either man with one's life. Hades alone loved to kill for the sheer joy of spreading as much red liquid of life known as blood all over the place, but then he would clean it up afterwards. He knew how to make someone disappear, which was often the scariest thing about him. Draegan was a little different. Though he too loved to make a giant mess with someone, he never cleaned it up, but he always led the person that the victim most cherished to the spot of which held a piece of that person here and there. Watching the hurt emotions was something else too. Simply incredible. Hades would have to teach Etoile some Russian and Bulgarian it seemed like while she would be here with them. She knew French, and Hades did not know that language, but figured that he would never go to France anyway so he wouldn't bother with learning it. Draegan turned his eyes to Etoile for a moment before he shrugged, "I'm not the one making you, I am just the Bonder. His beliefs are not parallel to mine." Draegan's tone seemed almost bored actually. He turned his head back to Hades whom now fell into silence. He was getting a little agitated, one could really tell by the darkening look around his eyes. It was almost frightening. Hades would have said something by now, but his mind was solely focusing on the Vow and how to make sure that there was nothing more that he could really focus on. This was a big leap for him. It was similar to marriage actually. 'Til death do we part'. In an offhanded way, he was almost being married to someone though that was the entire reason why he did not want to be with the other woman he was with before. Getting married was something that had Hades running. Fear of commitment, and here he was, committing everything he was to a single woman. What made her so different? What made her want Hades to give up everything in his life, to make sure that he would remain committed to one. Something about her made him want to keep her around forever. Etoile Lefevre... A woman that managed to change Hades into something that no one had ever seen. The insanity pushed to another limit, as if it could have gotten no worse before. A man driven by a force that no one could really read other than himself. That force that drew him to Etoile. It was dark and it was powerful. Could this be the force that drove Arnost to Thorine? Hades could remember just how strong he seemed while she was alive, and now he seemed strong again. The connection that was there, it was not connecting in the Death Eater's mind.

"Danielle has no part in this," Hades said, "and I don't know if she would want to meddle into business that would involve a Guardian of the family she is now married into. Besides, it is too late for you, Etoile Lefevre." That part was true. It was too late for her now. The vow was set. He was not really sure if Asparuh Zhefarovich III would side with Danielle and try to break something that could not be broken, or if he would side with Hades and think that it was for the best. Or perhaps he would just kill the two of them anyway and be done with it. There was no telling with the Patriarch anymore. Kalif on the other hand would not give a rat's arse about what Hades did, as long as it did not go against the family's rules, which it did not. Hades was unsure if he would add the part where he would help her gain power, but then again, he did not want to get too much out of this anyway, just her company from here on. The two words made Hades smirk even more, and once those words were spoken, a red snake of magic burst from Draegan's wand, and wrapped around the two's hands joined. He nodded for Hades to continue, and continue the Death Eater did. "Do you vow to be a mother for the young ones of this household, and tend to the caring of them and raising them from this point and forward in the life of darkness; to those that are currently living and the ones soon to come?" This was the last part of the vow. The first clause was the most important one, to Hades that is. The last part was to ensure that she would be a good mother to the children he already had, which were Vritra, Callista, Hades, Kaia and Titania. Though the ones he had with Anastasia may not live with him, so the oldest three were the only ones that truly mattered. Holden and Heather were no more now. Hades did not seem them as fit to survive. Now that she said the final too words, the second red line of magic wrapped around their hands, and the vow was complete. Draegan lifted his wand from the two hands, and he announced almost happily, "Vow is complete! Now," his tone darkening back to the original sound, "Hades, congratulations, this has been a great day. Coventia, go on home, I'll be there in a few minutes." Coventia waited for Draegan to lift the charms, and soon she vanished in a flash of green flames, just as Hades did something Etoile surely did not expect. Instead of just releasing her hand, Hades pulled the woman to him, and kissed her passionately on the lips. Forced or not, he did not care. It was symbolizing to him, the vow was done, and that was that. He pulled away, and with a wave of his hand, the bookshelf moved from the exit of the room. Hades watched Vritra move out of the study, before she hugged Draegan goodbye as he too left with a Russian salutation. Hades was unsure if he should lift the anti-apparation spell or not, because even though the vow was intact, he still did not trust Etoile. Hades sat back down in his chair where he was once before, and he smirked in his mind, though the expression was blank. Insanity was beautiful, and now, he had what he wanted. Hades Lutrov was satisfied.
It wasn't long before the idea of Danielle helping her was destroyed and thrown out the window as if it had never even existed in the first place. Then he added in how he wasn't sure if Miss Danielle would want to even meddle in with the affairs of a Guardian from the family that she was married into. For a moment she paused as she tried to think of what she had just thought about after she was told that her family Head wouldn't be able to help. "Wait, if Danielle is apart of your family doesn't that make this sort of like incest?" If it was then the fact that she had slept with Hades all together was a sin all in it's own. And if people found out there would be even harsher consequences then there possibly were before. It was forbidden for their to be incest in their family and the last thing Etoile wanted her leader to find out that she had been breaking laws and lose her very life that she had been working so hard to protect. Although now with the way she was going to be eternally bound to Hades she wasn't sure that her death with Danielle wasn't such a bad thing. It would be saving her from an eternal life of misery and hatred. Though she was probably going to live her entire life with a strong hatred for the world and everything. But she didn't want to live with hate for someone that she had to share a home and a life with. Or could she? When Etoile agreed tot he first part of his vow she could see the smirk form on Hades face. He looked so happy but in a creepy and insane sort of way. Was being stuck to her for all of her life really what he wanted for his future when it was probably going to involve a lot of fighting, a lot arguing, harm, and even a lot of suffering for one another. Once those words were spoken, a red snake of magic burst from Draegan's wand, and wrapped around the two's hands joined and Etoile's silvery green orbs widened in witness of it. Draegan nodded for Hades to continue and Etoile swallowed hard and tried to contain her breath. The vow was so far complete and that meant, from this moment on she was bound to him for life. There could never be another man in the picture and if there was, or she tried to run then she'd die for it. The next part of the vow was continued and this part made her feel a little bit more relaxed. Then he wanted her to be a mother to the children that he had living here. So he only expected her to watch over those ones and not to have ant of her own. She still needed to think if a way out of ever trying to have this children if that was the case. "I will." This time there was much less of a hesitation this time because she was already bound to him so there wasn't much worse that could happen between the two of them. Plus there was the small fact that it wasn't as bad of a request. Etoile could easily be a mother to anyone. She just didn't want to have children of her own with the wrong man. Now that she said the final too words, the second red line of magic wrapped around their hands, and the vow was complete. Draegan lifted his wands from their hands and told the girl to leave. Once she did Etoile didn't even have a moment to gather a thought or two before she was pulled to Hades and kissed passionately. What the hell was his problem. Etoile smacked her hand against his arm and tried to inform him that she didn't appreciate the affection.

"Auuugh, what th-did I say you could kiss me?!" Etoile wiped her lips and glared at Hades as she sat down in his chair. Even if he was a good kisser she didn't want his slobbery lips all over hers or anything like that. Once she was sure that Draegan and his daughter was gone she knew that now that her and Hades were bonded, she was going to have to talk to him about some things that neeeded. "I need to talk to you, no sitting!" She stepped forwards hurriedly and gabbed a hold of Hades arm and pulled him from the chair before she roughly, well as roughly as she could for him being far larger than her, upstairs. Once they were upstairs and back inside the room that she had been staying in the past week she closed the door behind Hades and moved as far away from him as she could possibly get. Her back rested against the wall and she ran a hand down her leg to try and wake herself up a little bit. "Listen, you hate me and I hate you, but either way you have totally screwed us both over with your dumb vow. So I suppose until I figure out a way to kill you or something, some things are going to have to change. For starters, can I have my own room? I'd rather not be all that close to you when I sleep. Second, don't you dare go around claiming me as your own. I'm stuck with you but that doesn't mean I'm yours. Third, I need a new wand. AND FINALLY, no more sex." Three small terms that she was going to have to get Hades to agree with before she ever tried to actually live with him or anything like that. If he expected her to stay here he was going to have to give her some of the basic needs. Oh and he was going to have to keep his grimy little hands to himself because she was not going to bond herself to him nor did she want to risk getting pregnant.
Still in his chair, Hades shook his head, "Incest by definition is sexual intercourse between two persons commonly regarded as too closely related to marry. Seeing as Danielle is not of my blood, and your relation to her is too distant to even count, so no." Revealing that little information meant that Hades had also done some checking up on her, which he had and in her relations to Danielle Zhefarovich. Hades had done this many months ago actually, from the second meeting he had done this. Hades' eyes glanced up and he smirked deviously when she reacted negatively about the kiss. He knew that he was a good kisser, and she could not deny it. The Death Eater heard that she needed to talk to him, and she attempted to pull him from his chair. Rolling his eyes, he would give her the pleasure of leading him though he was assisting as well in moving. Without his aid, Hades would still be in the chair, snickering about her feeble attempts to even move him. Once they were back inside of his bedroom, she seemed to get as far from him as humanly possible, but that would not last for too long however. Soon, she would adore being around him. They all did, whether it was his past lovers or his family, they loved being in Hades' company because of how strange he seemed. He watched as she ran her hand down her leg, and Hades wondered what she could be thinking, or doing for that matter. However, her words and requests were fairly simple. Some might not be done though, such as the no more intercourse. It was in the vow that she would have to have children of those 'soon to come' but he would not mention it now anyway. Plus, he knew just how to entice her enough to break that little drawback. Hades did wonder how she got the idea of him hating her, because it was anything but. What made her think that? Hades leaned against the door frame, and he removed his trench coat, and it hung itself back into the closet. Hades murmured, "What made you think I hated you? I don't know what it is, I cannot explain it, but this obsession is what is driving me. Not the obsession for sexual pleasure, not the obsession for blood, but for you as a person." Hades did not even look at her when he said it. His onyx eyes were on the ceiling, and he continued to think, think why this was. However, the other requests were still in his mind. A wand, a new bedroom, and no claiming her as his own. No, he would do that, but the wand and the bedroom, that was something that could easily be done. The wand would have to wait because he would need to find a weak one. Until she could be trusted.

With a motion of his hand for her to follow, he would show her to her new bedroom. This one he had but he never used. Hades walked down the long hall, before his onyx eyes came across a door. This one was unlocked but Hades next move was a little unnerving and loud. With a massive kick, and the door came off of its hinges and crashing down on the hardwood floor. Hades waved his wand real quick, and the door vanished. A beautiful bedroom rested there, and it was all for Etoile Lefevre. Hades entered it cautiously, before he glanced around to ensure that there was no weapons in here that could fatally injure someone. When he made sure that there was not, he opened the closet and inside were all of Etoile's clothing. The insane man had picked up most if not all of her belongings and placed them into his home. She may not appreciate everything he was doing, but time would come where he would receive praise. Perhaps not from her just yet but she would soon enough. Hades would be waiting for that day when it arrived. He said, "This would be your new bedroom. Not many come back this way in the hall, so you would have enough privacy. As far as the wand goes, I'll get you one when I feel you can be trusted fully. The rest, not entirely sure if I will be able to follow them, but I will try." Hades turned so that he could face her in her new bedroom. He wondered if she liked how he had decorated it, which he had done during the time that she was asleep. Hades made sure that the candles in the room smelt of vanilla, and there were red roses in a vase next to the bed. He knew far too much than he should. Hades figured that he would let her calm down and get settled. Hades folded his arms across his chest, only constricting the tee shirt even more than what it already was anyhow. He doubted that she had anything more to say to him, but perhaps later on once she got through her mind that she was stuck with him for all of eternity now, he would come around and break in the new bedroom with a small celebration. Why hurry in such an activity anyhow? He had from now until the day he died with her. He might as well enjoy every second, and make himself wait until he truly wanted something to receive it. Plus, he also wanted to wait and see if she was indeed pregnant now or not. She had not shown any signs, but he would find out eventually. And if she wasn't, Hades would just have to try harder, and make sure that it happened soon. Hades stepped out of the bedroom to give her some privacy, whether she wanted to kick, scream, yell or cry, at least she would do so in the privacy of her own bedroom. Hades went back into his own, his hand over a flame of a black candle, wondering if the Unbreakable Vow was truly worth possibly sacrificing everything he had tried for if she decided to run. Was it worth it? His expression never changed from that cold statue-like. No humor whatsoever.
Etoile had no change of emotion when Hades started to asked her what made her think that he hated her, did the idiot really not know what made her think that? It took not even a moment before her eyes narrowed at him and she wryly watched as he took off his trench coat and hung it back inside the closet within the room. He made her suffer and forced her into the most miserable acts, if he didn't hate her like she thought he did then why did he want to watch her suffer like he did? But asking him that question was not going to be asked by her because knowing Hades he would just answer her with something else she didn't want to hear or something. He was good at making everything seem far more complicated then she tried to make it in the beginning, like her following him around because he was the one who had to pull her away to that place he brought her to and get this entire thing they had between on a full downward spiral. Then he said something she didn't quite expect him to say and that was when he started to talk about it being an obsession that was driving him. Obsession with what? Her question that lingered inside didn't go unanswered either, as it was an obsession with her that he had. Not one for sexual pleasure with her, not the obsession for blood that dwelled within her. But for her as a person. And for once a look found it's way onto Etoile's face. Not a mean look, not a harsh look, and not a sly look so now all it appeared to be was a look of pure confusion and just unsure of what was really going on with the situation. He was obsessed with her? Why the hell would anyone be obsessed with her? There was nothing that interesting about her as most people found her to be a little creep for the most part. She didn't posses anything worth money or power-wise to give to Hades, nor did she even have the chance to offer him some great item or anything. Etoile also didn't find herself to be very beautiful or anything, and said he didn't desire her sexually or anything. "Your going to have to get over that stupid little obsession then. Because I've already told you more than a million times, I'm not interested in you." Etoile sneered calmly before her eyes drifted away. She didn't want him one bit and he could throw a fit and torture her all he wanted but that wasn't going to make he desire him any more than she already didn't. This probably worked on the previous females because he seemed awful comfortable with just admitting that he had an obsession with her. What exactly he meant by obsession she wasn't sure but she would be sure to question him later on what he meant by his terms exactly. Before she could think of anything else rude to say to make sure that he understood that she didn't him Hades gave a motion of his hand for her to follow him and she did so silently. They walked down a long hall before Hades stopped and kicked the door of one of them right off, it came of the hinges and everything to which Etoile glared at. But then she followed him inside the bedroom and without even meaning to her lips twitched into the smallest hint of a smile, this room was very nice indeed. Hades began to check for something before he opened the closet and inside were all of her clothes. There was also bags of her possessions on the floor too. So it looked like he really was planning to keep her here for awhile, and he was willing to let this be her room. He would also find her a wand. "Hades...thank you. Wait excuse me? You knocked down my door on purpose you stupid bas-how the hell am I supposed to keep you out now?" Etoile shouted out after him as she glared daggers at his back with her eyes. Great now she had no door to lock him out with or protect her privacy with. He was getting good at making sure there was no way she could close herself off from him. Glancing around the room with her silvery eyes she decided she might as well settle in and get things unpacked since whether she liked it or not she was staying here. At least this would bring her some form of separation from Hades.

A few hours later everything was unpacked in various places around the room to attempt and make herself feel more at home in this bedroom. It didn't feel quite like it but it was better than nothing. Hanging a sheet in front of the door Etoile knew it wasn't exactly able to replace the door but it was a black sheet and it was enough to offer her some form of privacy. Then once that was done Etoile waved her hand over the Vanilla scented candles and sat herself on the bed that was in the room. It was the first time she tried it and she had to admit, it was very comfortable. By this point Etoile had also put on some Clothing comfortable for her to sleep in. The scent of vanilla had by then taken strong to spreading across the room and she breathed it in heavily. Etoile was in love with the mixture of rose metals and vanilla scent within her room right now. The petals she made sure were spread across her bed, that way she could smell them as she fell asleep. About to pull the covers back she noticed an old photo album of her and her friends and such which was opened. Just look all the fake smiles within was enough to make her pick the book up and hurl it across the room with a heave. Then her hand actually pulled the covers back and she started to dim the lights. Etoile was about to bring her body under the covers when she heard footsteps coming in this direction that made her pause for a moment before she crawled under the thick blankets regardless. Hopefully whoever it was would leave her alone. She was in a foul mood and she didn't want to face anyone right now.
--Hades surely meant nothing when he was leaving her alone for a few hours. The man had made sure that Vritra was well taken care of before moving onto other things in his home. Hades was always on the move with something, but this time, he had descended into a room that no one was permitted to enter, scattered with white, clean bones of rats and other little critters that could never find themselves something to eat before passing on to the world of the dead. Hades had yet to really put down actual flooring in this room, but the candles that were hovering in midair lit and gave the the deepest dungeon an eerie glow. His boots were clicking softly on the concreted ground, and darkness spread as far as the human eye could see. He was going to make this dungeon into a room where he could train those that needed to be trained, and not have to travel to the Zhefarovich Manor to do so. The man saw that it would be dark for some time, but he figured this out by the time that he had in the dungeon. He continued to work, making everything clean and not so dark - though it itself was darker than many things in the house. Chains lined the walls, used for things that no one could really think of or should even. Hades continued to work, using his wand at times, but the heaviness of the trench coat lacked now. He could move about quicker and smoother. Torture devices from the ancient times and also modern were soon nailed to the wall, and then Hades got to work with several bookcases that would list off various ways to kill humans that would inevitably be read by his children, and those in the future. Hades kept this place a secret while he worked, because one finding it, they would surely be freaked out by the insanity. He also had many various versions of iron maidens as well. Just for collection really.

--The moment that he was hanging a sword that he was going to pin the wall, over a Bulgarian banner that read off 'Slaughter the Weak', when the sword came down and sliced into Hades' arm. He winced slightly, to see that the blood was not pulsing out which was if he had cut an artery. Nah, it was just a small slash, nothing real strong about but, so Hades would allow it to heal naturally. He glanced down as he picked up his copy of the family tree, and he saw some new names, seeing that some of the family members were pregnant, and others were engaged or divorced. However, he did not see Etoile's picture, nor her name. She was not pregnant. Hades glanced down at his arm, and a wicked thought came to mind. He really needed her to be pregnant, because she was the perfect vessel. Hades ascended the stairs, climbing out of the hidden room, and then into the halls and the floor that was above the ground for the most part. He then realized that many hours had passed since he had left Etoile alone. He noticed that there was a black sheet up in the doorway, but he did not bother taking it down. He just moved it aside, and he glanced down at his left forearm where the wound was. Hades was going to have what he wanted tonight, and though Etoile was laying down now, the scent of vanilla and roses, and now blood, it must be so tempting, and it would be extremely hard to resist. And now, he just had to play the cards right. His face did not show what his true intentions were, as he crossed the room, and he did not take a seat on the bed. "Etoile," Hades purred, his lips resisting from curling into a smirk. "I need you to take a look at this for just a moment, and I'll leave you alone." Though the lies were hidden very well, Hades wondered if she would take the bait. Perhaps if she recalled him being left-handed, and having the wound on his left arm, would make her think that he would have trouble tending to the wound but it was not the case at all. Hades knew for a fact, he could have healed himself easily.
Etoile was beginning to drift off to sleep when she heard someone come into her bedroom. Her eyes slowly drifted open just in time to see Hades by her bedside. He purred her name and that pretty much signaled her to wake herself up before he decided to become a pain in the ass like he always seemed to be around her. Etoile pulled her body up and rubbed her eyes tiredly before the silvery green orbs drifted over to what he wanted her to take a look at. He had cut his hand somehow and it was bleeding profusely. Did he want her to heal it or was he just up here to tempt her into drinking the blood from his hand? The dark haired beauty couldn't be sure of what his intentions were when it came down to her. Especially when it hadn't exactly told her what he wanted from here except that he wanted her to take a look at it for a moment. 'I think I should just heal it before this gets to my head and I end up letting him get into my pants again.' Etoile told herself and pushed the covers from her body so she could let her feet hang over the side. She stood her body up from the bed and placed her hands on Hades' shoulders so she could forcefully push him to sit down on the bed where she had been resting previously. Then Etoile turned and reached into her bag for something, a piece of cloth and something that she used to clean wounds with. Then she carefully approached Hades and picked up his hand. She raised it to her mouth and brought it to her lips so she could suck away the blood slowly and carefully. Making sure to get the excess blood as well so she could have an easier time wrapping it up. Etoile pulled the hand away from her mouth and grinned before using her finger to wipe off the blood that had fallen from her lips. With the ruby red liquid on her finger tip she also stuck it into her mouth and sucked it clean. Once that was all done she wrapped some white bandages around his hand and gently set it back onto his lap. Unfortunately now she wanted to ravish him like crazy. But she knew better. But who said she couldn't well, play around a little. Etoile was trapped here with no other adult companion but him. He was increasingly attractive, and he had tortured her enough to make her go nuts. Why not play around with him a little and see how crazy she could drive him? Over time she now had a vague idea on what he did and what he didn't like. This would work to her advantage and because she didn't want to sleep with him again, she would pull herself away before things got serious. A smirk grew on Etoile's lips and she approached Hades slowly. When she was close enough to him where he could possibly smell her perfume and she could feel the body heat from his body, Etoile let her hands trace up so they rested on his shoulders again. "So..." Etoile started off, slowly. It almost would sound seductive if someone didn't know better.

Etoile used the moment of possible shock and quiet to push Hades back so that he was actually laying down instead of sitting, then crawled onto him. Normally Etoile was never this forward with him but she had played around with men like this before. Never had she given herself to them though. "Do you think I'm really that naive? That I don't know why you came in here to see me?" Etoile smirked slyly as she hovered over Hades, her long dark hair draping around her like a curtain. She pulled up a pale hand and brushed the silky hair away from her face so it rested on her back and out of her face. Etoile's face leaned down so that it was inches away from Hades before she took a hold of his chin, forcefully made him look her in the eye, then she ever so gently kissed his jaw all the way down to his neck. "Now who's to say that I shouldn't just use a dagger on your neck right now and have my way with you? Or tie you up. Both sound awful fun. Your blood tasted awful enticing so I just don't know." Kissing his neck softly Etoile traced her nail across the major vein on his neck, imagining how much he would probably enjoy being threatened, and teased. Letting her lips leave his neck, Etoile smirked and she traced the edges of her shirt, pretending she wanted to take it off. A brief flash of her tattoo and piercing could be seen but she wasn't going to let him see too much to set him off. But after leaning down to give him one quick fiery kiss of the lips and letting her fingers run down his chest. Etoile stopped straddling Hades and smirked ever so slyly. "Then again, I still kind of hate your guts. I guess playtime will have to wait a little while." Etoile winked a silvery green eye at him and turned and booked it out of the room. enjoying that she had just teased him for more than she had any other man ever. A part of her really wished she could have tied him up though.​
--Needless to say, Hades was quite honestly surprised when she placed her hands on his shoulders and forced him to sit down on the bed. He raised an eyebrow, and he shook his head lightly. Hades would always have his guard up when he was around her, that was for certain. He would not trust her with a wand right now as she seemed deadly with just her hands alone. Or with anything sharp actually. She was showing much of her body, and Hades thought that this would be an easy task, impregnating her though he did not know just how infertile she was. That Lefevre gene was hard to track down and he needed some time to really thoroughly look at her genes to see exactly the type of person she was. Hades just did not have the technology to do such things. However, he did know how to read people, and she was getting harder and harder to truly read. Even now, as she ended up drinking the blood that he had spilled. Having no idea what she would do next, she just wrapped his wound with white bandages. He chuckled softly and he thought, This is going to be a little harder. It was as if she anticipated a move like this. Hades was growing more and more attracted to her because of her unpredictability. He liked that in a woman because if he knew what they were going to do before they did, it would just be no fun to him. Etoile was incredibly fun, and even Draegan had said that he enjoyed her. She was just too much fun to just throw away like all the other women that had come and went into Hades life. Hades had never gone far enough to even consider the Unbreakable vow but here he was, he was bound to this woman, no matter what. He would remain loyal to her, though there was nothing in the vow that said that he had to. It was just a bonus, and he wanted to prove to her that he would be able to do such an easy task now that he had her with him. And he was just relieved that he finally had what he wanted. He could have Etoile no matter how he wanted, which he just wanted her as a person but she would have to learn to trust him actually. He had no idea when that would be though. Etoile would have to get over that little fear of hers, and learn to trust that Hades was not like Xelric and just wanted her for her body. Hades would not have gone through what he had to if he did not want more from her than just that.

--However, what really had Hades thinking was the fact that she smirked and approached him. She was so close, he could smell her, and it just made him crave more of her. He had to keep the game going up since the first attempted seemed to have failed. Hades wondered if the blood that she tasted had a delayed effect. Either way, it seemed like there was something up. Hades narrowed his onyx eyes at the woman for a moment as she sounded even seductive. Her hands perched on his shoulders, and was not even trying to stop her when she pushed him onto the bed, and she was on top of him. That was different, but it seemed like the blood had a delayed effect. Well, either way, this might be the chance to make her pregnant. Hades would have to grasp it. Then she said that she was not so naive, and a cruel smirk curled along his pale lips. So she did suspect that the reason why he came in here was for personal pleasure, but there was oh so much more to that than just pleasure. She would not know the deeper reason unless she was a legilimens. "Clever girl," Hades purred. She was just inches away from his face, and he wanted so much just to have his lips claim hers before she could utter another word, but he remained still. Etoile kissed his jaw and onto his neck, but yet, there was something in the back of his mind telling him to hold off. It seemed like instead of Hades having control of the game, it was handed over to Etoile, and it could go either way. The thought of being tied up did not really affect Hades because the last time he was bound by a woman, he was forced into marriage. He hated the thought of being physically tied down and useless. Hades did not know why he was like that, but he made him rather anxious, if not fearful. Right now, it seemed as though Etoile was being teased, and she was appearing as though she was about to take off her shirt, and he could see her piercing. However, she stopped and kissed him once on the lips, before crawling off of him, and saying that she still 'kind of' hated his guts. Hades chuckled for a moment, before rolling his eyes and sitting up. She had booked it out of the room, and he thought, with a smirk, Cannot believe she did that. Guess two can play at that since I had done that to her once before. Hades got off the bed and he exited her bedroom. He would have to find her, and now that the mood was rather ruined, perhaps he could at least convince her to see what he had been working on. Chains were down there, so he could get her with that, but turn the tables on her when he would end up using them on her. Hades smirked and he murmured, "Let the games begin, darling."

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